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Is this not the track underneath heading off the frame?
This would seem like the Occam's Razor answer to me. It's hard to tell from the picture, but I wonder if it was just a bench seat so you could sit with your legs either way (or seats running parallel to the track and you straddle them).
What I find interesting is that, given they also have a 'reverse spike' lift hill, it seems surprising to me that they'd bother inclining the station rather than just having the station level and low to the ground (like the modern Boomerangs). Elevating the station makes sense when you're not adding a spike, but it seems unnecessarily extra effort when you are. Commendable though, those sloping v-shaped roofs are pretty great.
You are correct. Somehow i missed that last night. I did notice it when i re looked this morning but kind of hoped no one else would

Another bizare thing about the ride is i guess because it has stations at either end all the hills are exactly the same height. which just looks a bit weird.