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What do you do to get away?

Do you need to get away sometimes?

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The Legend
Where are some places you go, mentally or physically, to get away from your problems? I've sometimes wondered where others go.

I run. Whenever I run, no matter WHAT is going on in my life, it's put aside. All I think about is the road ahead of me or the workout I need to be doing. It really is kinda soothing to just be running, with no thoughts on the mind, with nothing but the sound of your shoes hitting the ground and the wind of your body moving through the air. I just had one of those actually.. which brings on this topic.

So, lets hear em.
I play video games. Some thing easy and doesn't require me to use alot of effort or something with a engaging story. I Recently got Shin Megami Tensei: Lucifer's Call/Nocturne... It'll probably make me stab people.
I just shut myself in my room and play guitar. It doesn't matter what I play, I just do it. Sometimes I don't have a clue what I'm playing, and it probably sounds awful. It's quite good for writing music too, you can be in full creative flow and come up with loads. It takes my mind of stuff if I need to for a while. Most people would write lyrics, but that isn't my thing. I prefer to keep my feelings in.

So yep.... I play guitar :)
I end up bottling all the many problems up in my head untill I get frustrated and beat the crap out of things or come on here and post crap everywhere to release. Take anything I say with a pinch of salt really on here. I normaly don't mean anything I say, but it always feels good at the time.

Other than that, I go into my bedroom Amity Cove theme park, put all the lights on and play music really loud. I may even test my knex coasters. Weather it be ride music/announcements or normal stuff it will be loud. I can mix sounds together on my DJ decks so its fun. Its like another world when its all going.

Also I may go on a fast bike ride as I have the warren out back. Its got a 108ft drop (yes I worked it out) which is quite fast to go down when its dry.

Thats it.
Crying is my only resort to dealing with anything that makes me mad. I can't concentrate enough to like, read, write, draw, or whatever.. I just have to lay in my bed or sit soewhere quiet and let it out.
Need I say more?
Just hop on & get away!
With this baby I can go where ever I want - on-road or off. Nothing beats it!
^Sexy :lol:

I just either shut myself in my room and read or listen to music. Or I just take a run or a walk, which usually makes me think of other things, and listening to music or reading gets my mind off of it. I do it a lot.
Without a doubt. I don't think I could keep going without getting away from it all every now and again.

I don't know if there is one specific "get-away" for me, however I find that biking helps me a lot. If I'm just riding around, the feeling of the bike, the air rushing past and the exhaustion is very therapeutic. I much prefer harder riding though. Actually having to get the balance between fighting the bike and going with it, sometimes for hours, clears me right up. That's without even getting onto the Freeride courses... but now isn't the time for that.

I haven't yet had a too catastrophic crash though, a couple of close shaves, but nothing horrific.

So yeah, that's my get away. Worked so far!
^Same here, I find getting out on my bike helps calm me down and the exercise cheers me up.

I would either go for a long cycle along the seafront or head into my local park which has some trails and large hills where I can mess around for a bit.

Sometimes even a walk can help.
Walking, if it's something really bothering me.
If it's just something minor, I'll go hammer a song out of the piano. It needs tuning anyway, so if I break something, just another excuse to get it done soon.
Ermm if I'm stressed, angry or upset I listen to angry music (usually Gojira) then pull my hair out over a few hours....
Playing music always helps me. Lock myself in my room with my guitar, bash something out on the piano, or something soothing with my clarinet. Or put on some really loud music and sing. It really helps me.
Music and walking, but not combined.

I just shut myself away with the music when I'm alone, and when I really need to get away, I go for a walk.

I've walked in the middle of the night for the past 3 New Years now...hmmm...
I go for walks!

The last time I did it though, someone threatened to punch me for looking at 'em "funny". So, that was a bit of a downer.
Like many people who've posted, playing music generally helps all kinds of moods, in my case, the piano. The wonderful about it is that if I'm angry I'll play a really aggressive tune, (something like Pirates of the Caribbean) if I'm sad or worried about anything, I usually play a slower calmer tune. (i.e Edward Scissorhands. <3)

I love my piano. <3
I like to go out for a very fast, dangerous drive, I'll really push the car to its limits sometimes, always makes me feel better.

Failing that, drugs normally help lol.
Driving for me too. Occasionally in the middle of the night i'll go out and race around the country lanes by my house, exploring every little path that you can physically get a car down or burning some rubber in empty car parks. I love driving and it really relaxes me if I get stressed or angry.

It always used to be gaming, but I find I can't concentrate on a game for more than 20 mins before getting bored or frustrated anymore. The only exception is Track Mania Nations which I often go on if there is no one interesting to talk to on MSN. :p
I used to go for bike rides or hard walk, or for a fast drive once I had a car.

When I was a (younger) teen, I'd play some kind of hard shoot 'em up on the computer.

I find now that I rarely get really worked up to be honest, not enough to "escape" it. If I do get irritated, then I find that washing up and cleaning the kitchen or bathroom vents what little anger I have off. In the grand scheme of things, my problems are pretty tiny I realised. So I give them a tiny amount of space in my life.