12. Silver Bullet - Forceless and boring. With a perfectly 45 degree first drop, this ride just didn't do anything for me.
11. Batman (x4) - I've always found the Batman clones to be a bit meh, and I've never really found myself coming off smiling or with anything to talk about after riding.
10. Nemesis Inferno - Fairly unimaginative and could have interacted with the volcano theming so much better.
9. Dragon Challenge (x2) - I only rode these for my first time last year, so never got to duel, but they didn't seem to be anything special to me. You can tell the bits where they slow up and are meant to interact, but with no actually duelling, it's just bland.
8. Patriot - I remember the first drop being quite fun but otherwise I don't remember a lot about this ride.
7. Flight Deck - Definitely the most forceful B&M I've been on, and one of the few coasters that has made me grey out.
6. Great Bear - I loved the concept of the helix after the first drop but the second half of the ride is a major let down, and it's ORP position is almost as stupid as Paris' Space Mountain.
5. Montu - Fast, forceful and fairly fun.
4. Nemesis - I find that all of the effects on Nemesis are lost if you don't sit in the front seats, but otherwise this is a very good ride.
3. Talon - I only remember having fun on this coaster. Fast but not too forceful, a great all-round ride.
2. Black Mamba - Possibly the only B&M Invert that gives airtime! I love the interaction with the theming and the ground no matter where you sit. Great ride.
1. Alpengeist - A vastly underrated ride in my opinion. Definitely on the of the best themed, an awesome first drop and fantastic close-to-the-ground action as you go through the ski sloped. A must ride!