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What is the best coaster for wimps?



I am a bit of a wimp and I would like to get out of that habit by going on something good but not very scary. I enjoy wooden rollercoasters and Air at Alton Towers, what should I go on. Preferably in the UK
Brad said:
Thorpe - X No Way out
Alton - Runaway Mine Train
Chessington - Most rides there except maybe Dragons Fury
LegoLand - Everything there
Drayton Manor - Most rides except Apocalypse, G-Force and shockwave
Blackpool - Most rides except Pepsi Max
I laughed on runaway mine train but apart from that thanks for the suggestions!
Well, if you really just wanna get over your fear, go on the biggest coaster you can find. After that you'll really be able to do anything.

It's pretty obvious which coasters are aimed away from thrill seekers and more toward families just by looking at them, so it's dumb to ask us which ones are for whimps and which ones are. It all comes down to you looking at it, and deciding if you think you can handle it or not.
Most of the rides at Blackpool?
I'd be a bit wary of going on the Grand National or Wild Mouse until you're a bit braver. Best to start with the Rollercoaster at Blackpool or Zipper Dipper if that's shut, then work your way up to the others as your confidence grows.

Then again another theory is to go atraight for the biggest ride first, if you love it you know you can face almost anything - worked for me, I was a wimp before I got dragged onto a big ride by mates and have never been scared of any ride after that.
Just jump on Oblivion. You won't be scared of another ride after that. Only thing is while you are in the queue for it you will be scared ****less. Just remember the ride is designed to scare you and is not really going to kill you.
Part of being a coaster enthusiast is chasing the biggest and best coasters you can find. The fear element is included in that package as well as the whole credit thing. I'd say just jump in at the deep end and go on the coaster that intimidates you the most as was the case with me and Griffon (and before that Oblivion) I can almost certainly assure you that once you get over the resounding fear you will become hooked for life

As for the whole Pleasure Beach thing, I'd advise anyone to leave the Nash and the Mouse til last as they are probably the most intense coasters in the park. Most people think PMBO is the most intense but it is actually one of the tamer rides in the park. The ranking would go something like this...

Wild Mouse
Grand National
Big Dipper
Pepsi Max Big One
I was a coaster wimp for a long time. Here's roughly how I got out of it...

1 The Dragon, Legoland
2 Jungle Coaster, Legoland
3 The Vampire, Chessie
4 Dragon's Fury, Chessie
5 The Ultimate, Lightwater Valley
6 Nemesis Inferno, Thorpe
7 Colossus, Thorpe
8 Stealth, Thorpe.

I also rode the other coasters at the parks I visited, but I don't think they counted in improving my bravery.

After that I was up for riding anything. Oblivion caused me some nerves but I got on it knowing I had done Stealth.
its got to be the buffalo coaster at drayton manor, i thought for what it is its a pretty damn good coaster and lets face it anyone can ride it! right?
^I wouldn't say it's amazing but quite definately ridable for the calmer riders; it's not a coaster but Storm Force 10 may give you more of a determination without scaring the crap out of you :p
^ surely the water is enough to put off most riders, but your right its a good build up. my gf wouldnt go on any of the white knuckle rides at drayton manor but when we got to thorpe park i dragged her on stealth and now shel go on anything.
Quickest way to get over your fear of riding coasters is, simply put, to ride them, front row. This way, you can see it comming, so nothing is unexpected.

I was a wimp for a while, up untill i started riding "the big guns". Mainly, i got hooked on coasters after a 5th grade graduation trip to Knotts Berry Farm (5th grade was the highest class at my school). I firstly rode Montezoomas Revenge, because I hadn't ever ridden a coaster with a loop before. I have to say, that after 4 rides on that simple shuttle coaster, I was nearly over my fears of rides, which were forceful launches and inversions.

Throughout the day, I was riding GhostRider, Boomerang, Perilous Plunge, and almost stepped onto Xcelerator. I felt at the lastt second as the gates opened that I shouldn't ride, so I left out.

After that day, rides didn't scare me as much. I rode Xcelerator for the first time about 5 years ago, and absolutely LOVED it :D

Once you start to ride the bigger rides, and get used to the forces, high drops, and such, then stuff begins to not frighten you, but make you crave it even more.

Baby steps ;)
I am sortof in the same position all I can say is go to alton towers and ride air and spinball I would say skip the runaway minetrain unless you are desperate for the credit! But seriously just look away from the track and just pull the restraints down air and spinball are aweosme!
HarryBoyy said:
I know this sounds weird but go on Nemesis Inferno at Thorpe Park because it is very fun.

Exactly what I did
Im still quite new to the coasters with inversions
I just went to Thorpe with some of my mates and I said to them - If Im scared of it force me on it.
Heres how I started

1 - Dragon - Legoland
2 - Jungle Coaster - Legoland
3 - Rattlesnake - Chessie
4 - Dragons Fury - Chessie
5 - X: No Way Out - Thorpe
6 - Nemesis Inferno - Thorpe
7 - Collossus - Thorpe