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What is the best Restraint?

What is the best Restraint?

  • AIR Restraints

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Basic OHR

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Clam Shell

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lap Bar

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Double Lap Bar

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I called them AIR restraints cause that was the name this site gave to them in its old restraint section at one time.

Just to shed some light, I haven't ridden a coaster with clam shell yet. From what I'm hearing, if i had, i would probably vote for them instead.
Voted for other since Arrow's Butterfly restraints weren't listed. Most confortable open innovative restraints I've ever experienced on a steel inverting coaster, other than just lapbars. Seat are completely adjustable for any height so you're never too tall or too short. And the butterfly shoulder harness never come anywhere near your head, so no headbanging and completely unobstructed views. Absolutely brilliant!:

I'm going for B&M's OTSR's, specifically their Invert's restraints. Simple, comfortable, and secure, these are one of the best restraints IMO.
OTSR's, simple, comfortable and enjoyable. And they feel safe
I havent seen These new x restraints. But the air ones are the comfiest. But I think the normal B&M OTSR's are the best. Theyre comfy and effective.
I prefer OHR, to me they are the comfiest and never bother me too much compared to the stupid AIR restraints with their over body restaint type thing, and I hate their leg things they are quite uncomfortable to me, but thats probably just my own problem.:p
The original Schwarzkopf lap restraint is by far the best....ofcourse,we're talking steel coasters here for a change.

Any restaint that affects the upper portion of the body is dire.
But the fact is Mooncat that OTSR's etc are there for a reasone, if they didn't have to be they wouldn't be. Imagine Air with just a lap bar- ouch. Also isn't the Shwarzkopf lap restraint on steel coasters?

I still hate Air's restraints and love Rita's.
My favorite is the Intamin T-Bar/Lockbar. They're tight and secure, while still being small enough for you not to feel too constricted, and they allow a lot of airtime.

My second favorite is the B&M OTSR. They're light and comfortable, while still giving you room to put your hands up and not feel too overwhelmed.

As for the B&M clamshell, I don't like them much at all. They're very comfortable, but theyre way to big to allow any more than a bit of floater airtime. Also, they're A LOT bigger than they look in pictures. Put a dinner plate on your lap. That's about the size of a B&M Clamshell restraint.
Air has great restraints, really comfy and secure yet you have so much freedom to look around you and wave your arms about.
I've got a feeling that Intamin changed the restraint system. TTD has the same restraints as most of Intamin mega/giga coasters. Rita restraints are uncomfortable. The bottom lap bar is fine but the OTS part (or whatever it's called) is too hard. Kingda Ka uses the same restraints, even the same seats.
I have to say the Intamin lapbar. But only on TTD. For the simple fact that the train is so open, and all you have is that little thin piece of metal and foam holding you in.
I don't know what stuff is used to make this brand new Intamin restraints but I still think this system is not a good idea. Probably many of those who have ridden Rita find it uncomfortable. It's a bit sharp on the edges and rather hard. You can easily notice it on the top of the last hill when Rita slows down.
^^Why did you say only on TTD? All the Intamin Megcoasters and Rocket Coasters built before 2004 have the lapbars, too.
Gimmi your standard lapbar. Bigthunder Mountain uses them and it doesnt feel restritive. It also alows for them floaty moments more than any other restraint because they do give ever-so-slightly.
Air restraints are the best IMO and should be used for inverted and flying coasters.

As for airtime makers such as Intamin mega/giga/tera coasters some slight improvements to the over-the-shoulder restraints system should fix the problem. Maybe use more foam or different type of foam.
the intamin lap bars are awesum such as the ones on SROS and TTD
Screw the rest of them

Clamshells are the most comfrotable resraints ever, they're un obtrusive, they have a very comfortable holding position, and they're jsut big enough to make you feel safe :)
I think that air resraints are the best, because it feel's so diffrent a weired but so cool. I have alway's loved being in a resraints but on a plane because it feel's like a inverted coaster only alot better.
I like all of the 'special' restraints (clamshell, flying) but i like the solid, traditional feel of the OTSR on B&M rides