I certainly recommend searching the internet and posting on random forums that have nothing to do with structural engineering, it's a sure-fire winning starting point. It's definitely a unique approach that very few will have ever tried before, so you're standing out from the crowd.
Are you moving into structural engineering because civil engineering caused unconsciousness? Is it a health move? It's probably a pretty decent idea to be honest if you kept on passing out. Also, the closest we have to a civil engineer on here is UC... Well, he's an engineer but rarely described as civil, maybe not an uncivil engineer, but "vaguely pent up aggressive attitude towards stupidity" engineer? SoI can see why, if civil engineers are like that, why you'd be spending most of your time in a faint.
This may not be quite as useful as you first hoped, and I'm sorry that a rollercoaster enthusiast forum can't quite achieve structural enlightenment, in fact, structured sarcasm may be about as far as you get... Unless you pretend to be female, in which case you'll have a good dozen PMs from people all wanted to add you to Facebook and help you out as much as they can. It's always worth considering you know, along with the posting on a complete irrelevant website, a sex change may well be the kind of dramatic and out of the box thinking you need to land your dream job?
Good luck, and please, come back and let us know how you get on?