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Whats the best coaster for 'airtime' in the UK?

I guess for abrupt airtime it could be Wild Mouse, Grand National and Ultimate, and in terms of floater airtime, Rita and Stealth (cresting the top hat and entering the second hill in front row).
Haha what a depressing topic when you think about it.

I think the best single bit of airtime is Speed, the most airtime is probably Rita/Grand National.
There does seem to be a lack of "airtime" on UK's coasters but Megafobia does have some esp in the afternoon runs once the coaster has warmed up. None offers floating "airtime" like Shambhala does which is a great shame as we seem to be missing out again.
From my knowledge, the best single moment of airtime, that I have experienced is Speed, its very aggressive ejector (well for the UK anyway) but it sometimes is a little uncomfortable with the poo gerst restraints on there. Megafobia has some good airtime, but oakwood have let it go to **** and is in desperate need of love and TLC. But I agree with most, with Rita having most airtime, but then I don't mind Rita as its not offensive to me so I can dig that for now.
The only airtime I've ever experienced on Rita is being slammed into the the restraints on the brake run. No idea where you lot are getting the rest.
Unfortunately the Gerstlauers are the kings in the UK, shame that apart from the 1 really good hill on both Saw and Speed, that the rest of the rides are so bad.

This country's so **** **** for airtime, it's so depressing.
on a good day, if you're not in the very back seat- Grand national, othewrwise there are nice little pops on rita, saw and speed.

This thread just makes me feel depressed though...
rich210uk said:
I've always enjoyed the little airtime you get after the first loop on Colossus. Although when we rode last season it didn't feel as good.

YES! I agree, last season it felt really flat?!
I think Saw. It has 4 decent pops of airtime: the indoor drop, the beyond vertical, the airtime hill and the bit after the brake run (which is personally my fave bit <3)

Wild Mouse has a fair bit too. There's literally no lovely floater in the UK at all though :(
Ben said:
Jordan's just reminded me of what the actual answer to this question is and no-one has mentioned it!

Ultimate, obviously. The first few hills and the fab like, weird twisty one in the second half are so good <3
Yeah... This. Ultimate has pretty powerful airtime. It's the kind of ride that throws and pulls you in all directions with violence, and that to me is true airtime. It doesn't linger. It doesn't float. Even the well established kings of ejector air float a bit, but Ultimate's is over before the feeling lingers into floatyness... Front row is best for the airtime. And this is true of all REALLY good airtime machines, imo. Front row you get PUSHED up violently, back row you get pulled, giving a lingering float. It'sa preference thing, but yeah.

Other contenders... Christ. *shrug* Nothing remarkable.
Ultimate should be number one for airtime, but it just isn't. The restraints only allow your thighs to experience the bruisingly awesome negative-g. Whilst the rest of you sits there simultaneously jealous of your thighs and looking forward to the amazing purple bruises you'll discover when you get back to the station.

Sadly for the UK, the most airtime can be found on the bunny hops on Cobra at Paultons.
^The Big One 'should' be number one but nobody has even mentioned it, that's how far off it was from what it could have been.

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nealbie said:
Ultimate should be number one for airtime, but it just isn't. The restraints only allow your thighs to experience the bruisingly awesome negative-g. Whilst the rest of you sits there simultaneously jealous of your thighs and looking forward to the amazing purple bruises you'll discover when you get back to the station.

Sadly for the UK, the most airtime can be found on the bunny hops on Cobra at Paultons.

Imagine if RMC had The Ultimate, what twisted ride would come out of it?!
Dave said:
nealbie said:
Ultimate should be number one for airtime, but it just isn't. The restraints only allow your thighs to experience the bruisingly awesome negative-g. Whilst the rest of you sits there simultaneously jealous of your thighs and looking forward to the amazing purple bruises you'll discover when you get back to the station.

Sadly for the UK, the most airtime can be found on the bunny hops on Cobra at Paultons.

Imagine if RMC had The Ultimate, what twisted ride would come out of it?!

My thighs quiver at the thought! :p
Sorry for being a bit off topic but is there a reason why the Big One's hills are so shallow? The other Arrow hypers seem to have much steeper hills.