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I had oddly high expectations for it since I do love that Dive Coaster genre....but I ended up hating it.
So a few years later I went to Yukon Striker with low expectations .. and ended up loving it
It's a really fun ride, but still a mid-tier dive machine. I generally find the smaller dive machines to be much better as they are more dynamic and tend to lack the mid-course brake that murders pacing.
It's perfectly what it is; a big-ticket piece of B&M eye candy.

Set perfectly ok standards personally when it opened, which were met perfectly ok.
It’s the 6th best B&M in Ohio, but as @Hyde says, great eye candy.


I mean, look at it.

It’s worth riding, and decently fun, the ride experience is just unremarkable in a park full of remarkable coasters.

It doesn’t deserve any of the hate. Except for the queue. The queue is terrible.
Upon riding it, I was surprised at how much better Sheikra is, and I don't think Sheikra is that great. It feels a little redundant at Cedar Point, with Gatekeeper already there to fill the giant, graceful and fluffy steel coaster role. The fourth best B&M at the park. It draws the crowds, though, and will sadly outlive Raptor (unless they Hulk/Nemesis it), and Rougerou. It sure is pretty, though.
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I love it because it's the tallest (yes, I know not the biggest drop), but still basically a filler attraction at Cedar Point. Perhaps it's more that I love Cedar Point, and Valravn happens to be there... :p

As a standalone ride it's not amazing, but it's perfectly serviceable. The view from the top is probably the best of the Dive Machines, I find the layout quite fun, and it's aesthetically quite nice, it's just not hugely inspiring.
The fourth best B&M at the park.
Noooo, I thought Rougarou was far too rough to be enjoyable, whereas at least Valravn is properly smooth.

Agree with most of the comments - by most metrics it’s a very good coaster but at CP doesn’t stand out at all, and slows down far too much on the MCBR. It’s definitely enjoyable though and hard not to be impressed by the sheer scale.

One of my main thoughts when seeing it is that the smaller European dive coasters work so well with theming & narrative or to be honest even just a bit of terrain work. I know that CP is obviously built just above the water level of the lake but Liseberg showed you can get a tunnel for a B&M dive dug out below a water table and it adds so much. Valravn looks kind of plonked on the surface and the fact you can see the entire pull-outs of both drops really removes a lot of their impact.
Honestly it's the best B&M in the park and it's not all that close. The views are wonderful, the drop is fantastic, the later inversion are wonderful, and looking down the massive drop is unreal. Overall I quite enjoy Valravn and dive coasters as a whole. Easily B&M's most underrated model.
I'm pretty disappointed by all of the CP B&Ms. For dives, I've only ridden Valravn, Griffon, and Yukon. Valravn is easily my least fav of the 3. I found the 2nd half a little rattly and not very enjoyable. The first drop and views and incredible, though. It's ranked as my 8th fav coaster in CP including TTD. I have it ranked above Raptor because I consistently get headbanging on Raptor, but it could easily overtake Valravn if I ever get a smoother ride.