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World's Fastest For Wanda Wuxi?

It's definitely not going to be the floorless coaster that's pictured.:p
I put this down to overzealous marketing. We are pretty sure we know the lineup for Wanda City in Wuxi.

We know for sure they are getting both a B&M Wing Coaster

And we confirmed yesterday they are getting an Intamin Impulse with twin twisted towers like wicked twister
We also know they are due to get a Blue Fire clone from Mack.
While its true the wing coaster will be the tallest and fastest of it's kind it wont be 200km/h as stated on the Wanda page.
In fact none of the coasters can match that stat not to mention 200km/h wouldnt even be close to the worlds fastest it would be 3rd.
It is China so its always possible that another large coaster will pop up I can't really see it happening

This is from a little while ago but not much progress on the park (to the left of this pic)
That WT clone is a bit weird - underwater stuff going on. Must board underground too. I like that.

The page Ben linked to has a "concept art" of the dual-tilt coasters at Hefei (that Gavin ride earlier today), but cunningly the concept-art is missing the key TILT aspect of the ride. So I don't think that its the most accurate source! :)
Beating the speed record wouldn't be unfeasible for such a massive company, but it requires a lot of space. Formula Rossa's footprint is roughly teardrop-shaped, 500 metres long and 150-200 metres wide. Kingda Ka's more conventional layout takes up considerably less space (thanks to the lack of post-launch brakes, and the fact that it turns up rather than sideways after the launch), but still covers an area roughly 300 metres long (and 30 metres wide, or so).

No matter which layout type Wanda Wuxi would wanna wish... uh, go for, they'd be needing a plot of flat land several hundred metres long. Do they have that much idle room anywhere near the park?
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Beating the speed record wouldn't be unfeasible for such a massive company, but it requires a lot of space. Formula Rossa's footprint is roughly teardrop-shaped, 500 metres long and 150-200 metres wide. Kingda Ka's more conventional layout takes up considerably less space (thanks to the lack of post-launch brakes, and the fact that it turns up rather than sideways after the launch), but still covers an area roughly 300 metres long (and 30 metres wide, or so).

No matter which layout type Wanda Wuxi would wanna wish... uh, go for, they'd be needing a plot of flat land several hundred metres long. Do they have that much idle room anywhere near the park?
It's a totally new park, being built from nothing, so they have the space to throw in whatever they want.

I'm sure I made a topic about this a couple of years ago, so I'll just repeat what I said before.

Until now, Wanda have made good on their claims and haven't gone for exaggerated marketing (ie. lies). The Intamin hyper in Nanchang is/was sold as China's tallest, which it is, when they could have gone down the Happy Valley route and claimed it as Asia's tallest, knowing that the vast majority of their customers would never know. They didn't.

Their concept art has also been accurate. The tilt coasters, for example, were deemed by many to be ridiculous, yet here we are.

I'm not saying this is happening - I don't think it is at this point - only that up until now they've been fairly consistent. Maybe they intended to do it - they announced this around 3 years ago - but went back on the idea.
It's a totally new park, being built from nothing, so they have the space to throw in whatever they want.

I'm sure I made a topic about this a couple of years ago, so I'll just repeat what I said before.

Until now, Wanda have made good on their claims and haven't gone for exaggerated marketing (ie. lies). The Intamin hyper in Nanchang is/was sold as China's tallest, which it is, when they could have gone down the Happy Valley route and claimed it as Asia's tallest, knowing that the vast majority of their customers would never know. They didn't.

Their concept art has also been accurate. The tilt coasters, for example, were deemed by many to be ridiculous, yet here we are.

I'm not saying this is happening - I don't think it is at this point - only that up until now they've been fairly consistent. Maybe they intended to do it - they announced this around 3 years ago - but went back on the idea.

I agree they have been pretty spot on for the most part. But then so has their later round of concept art for each park and there's no sign of something that could take the record.
Wanda do 2 rounds of concept art. An early rough idea of the park then a later more accurate one when they've nailed down the ride line up
Heres an interesting comparison
Early art

Later art

Something funny did happen between the early announcement and the later art though. First announcement an inverted coaster where as Wanda Harbin had a Blue Fire. the later art showed them the other way around and now the inverted seems to have been built at Harbin and the Blue Fire is planned for Wuxi. perhaps something to do with the extreme temps in Harbin and launch systems not getting along.

Blue Fire ride from the later round of Concept Art
but that early art does have a Kingda Ka-esque thing in it ; so that could just be what the marketing blurb Ben spotted was referring to?
I seem to remember that the tallest, fastest, Kinda Ka ish thing was also announced as having a loop. Or have I pulled that out of my arse?
I guess the other possibility is they're intending to build it, but so it doesn't open with the park, but they chuck it in a few years later?

Who knows.
I seem to remember that the tallest, fastest, Kinda Ka ish thing was also announced as having a loop. Or have I pulled that out of my arse?

Nope not quite. Not sure it was announced as such but the model of the park had one.
Is this Coaster changed to Wanda Themepark Chengdu?
I don't believe so. We already have a layout for the Intamin ride at Wanda Chengdu and it doesn't appear that big.

Wanda Chengdu Launch.jpg
However It's entirely possible it will pop up at another Wanda park such and Guangzhou wouldn't be a bad shout for that. Like Wuxi the model has a large intamin style coaster on the model.
Wanda Guangzhouzoom.jpg
My one caveat here is the park is confirmed to be getting a premier coaster and that's expected to be launched too. Can't see a park getting 2 major launched coasters. But then it is China so who knows :p