Mega Poster
Aside from kiddie creds which I tend to shove at the bottom:
5.Sequoia Adventure - I'm surprised this is so low, just shows I've been lucky with the parks I've been to. Still it's a completely uninteresting ride. All controlled, and pretty uncomfortable to be upside down for so long.
4. Infusion - The worst of the SLCs I've been on. Just horrible.
3. G-Force (Drayton Manor) - Completely dull. No force whatsoever aside from the drop out of the station. Such a disappointment as it's very well presented. It's like sitting on a chair.
2. Corkscrew (Alton) - I did it last in 2005, and I imagine I wouldn't mind it too much now, but I just have horrible memories of being smashed around. It still brings back the nostalgia though.
1. Gwazi - It made both my sisters cry, and although they cry at a lot of stuff, this was legitimate. Blurgh.
5.Sequoia Adventure - I'm surprised this is so low, just shows I've been lucky with the parks I've been to. Still it's a completely uninteresting ride. All controlled, and pretty uncomfortable to be upside down for so long.
4. Infusion - The worst of the SLCs I've been on. Just horrible.
3. G-Force (Drayton Manor) - Completely dull. No force whatsoever aside from the drop out of the station. Such a disappointment as it's very well presented. It's like sitting on a chair.
2. Corkscrew (Alton) - I did it last in 2005, and I imagine I wouldn't mind it too much now, but I just have horrible memories of being smashed around. It still brings back the nostalgia though.
1. Gwazi - It made both my sisters cry, and although they cry at a lot of stuff, this was legitimate. Blurgh.