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Worst Down Time


Hyper Poster
What ride has the worst downtime?
From my experience Id say

Currently Operating: Kingda Ka and Flashback (SFNE) Ive never been able to ride Flashback because its always broken down

Former: The Chiller
For me it's probably Air, I don't think I've ever been in the queue without hearing "Sorry, Air is currently undergoing technical problems, it will be running shortly."
Used to be TTD. But the past few years I haven't had many issues while waiting. Maybe that's just good luck.

Are the Intamin Accelerators still experiencing those problems, or have they got those under control?
^Well, accelerators seem to be the worst culprits for opening late in the day rather than first thing, at least I always find that with Stealth. The first post suggests Kingda Ka is down quite often, so I would say they do still experience problems.
All time: TTD the first few years. I can hardly remember a time in line where it didn't breakdown at least once.

Recently: Skyhawk at CP.. always seem to find this either one arm broken or all the way down the last few times I've been.
TTD Had the best uptime ive seen yet. Spent a week at CP, spent most of my time riding TTD and it did not breakdown once to my knowledge, all day i was hearing whooshes and something that sounded like Obi Wan Kenobi disengaging the main deflector of the deathstar (Has anybody else noticed that sound when you arent on the ride?)
X easily. Before the transformation to X2, they only had one train working, barely, and had torn the other 2 apart to keep that one running. It never opened before 11-11:30, then it broke down at least once an hour.

Now it is better, at least to my knowledge, but they never did get the track error that let them run 3 trains sorted, and when each train has an average dispatch to dispatch time of 6.5 minutes, it is a problem. (The number of times I have ridden it I have been able to time it pretty accurately over time.)
Snoo said:
^What are you smoking?

3 of the 4 times I went to Cedar Point for early entry at 9:00, Maverick was broken down. Twice it lasted for over a half hour so I left. I therefore only got to ride it twice. Only 1 of the 4 times I when I got there it was running.
I'm nominating Saw.

I can't think of a single occasion,when I've been queueing for it,whether it's been once or multiple times in one day,that it hasn't broken down.On every visit,on every occasion,it's broken down.It's downtime is appalling.

I could almost say the same for Stealth,but I'll say it seems to be getting better.
30 minute downtime for an intamin is nothing. Ive only had occasional downtime on maverick, though it did breakdown for 20 minutes once, however, it gave me time to weave my way up the single rider line, strike up a convo with one of the redtags, and got me the next front seat :D
bizarrofan10 said:
Snoo said:
^What are you smoking?

3 of the 4 times I went to Cedar Point for early entry at 9:00, Maverick was broken down. Twice it lasted for over a half hour so I left. I therefore only got to ride it twice. Only 1 of the 4 times I when I got there it was running.

That's not that big a deal.. I mean being late is a thing that happens with coasters. ERT isn't mandatory riding time so they can choose to wait until park opening or later to open her up. Of the many many times I've ridden it, I've only ever left the line a few times and no break down has ever lasted longer then 30 minutes.. which on a ride which I praise quite a bit, is worth it tbh. You shouldn't generalize a few bad days experience as overall well being. ;)
Maverick's opening day was pretty fun for downtime, considering between Marcus and I we both experienced the first rollback on the lift launch (me) and the 70 mph tunnel launch (Marcus). :p

Anyways, TTD's first 3 years of operation were awful. Presently? I'd say one of the Superman: Ultimate Flight coasters. While visiting SFoG, I was one of only 15 rides on the flying coaster in one day.
dropthefloor93 said:
Former: The Chiller

If you want to stick with SFGAdv, Viper had it way worse than Chiller ever did. Ive been able to ride both Chillers, Robin probably 10 times. I only ever managed to get on Viper twice, and those rides were spread out by about 3 years.

Not all Premier launches had Chiller's problems, and not all TOGOs had Viper's problems, that park just didnt get very lucky.