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Would you travel for Brittish coasters...?

Would you be interested in coming to the UK to visit our parks and ride our coasters?

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    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • No

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^ Yes or Spain- some good parks/coasters there.

I can't see why people don't like Mean Streak its an absolutely amazing ride- I loved it.
Nemesis looked amazing, then they plonked airs chainlift over it and it made it look crap, really it did.
Nemesis looked amazing, then they plonked airs chainlift over it and it made it look crap,
LMFAO... indeed. But Air's glarish-ness is enough to make anything look like turd.

I was American I too would only travel for Nemesis. Despite the fact I really don't like it that much
Smart comment.

Dispite whether or not you actually like Nemesis, the millions of positive comments and it being the UK's most famous coaster makes it what people would come to ride.
From reading CF-INFO, if I was American I would probably be itching to get to England and ride Nemesis. However I would be utterly ashamed that I spent so much money just to ride something that is average. The only rides I think are worth it in the UK are Hydro and Slammer really... those are the only two that strike me as very different and unique experiences.
Ross hit it on the head when he said you can't just say "The UK". We're about the size of a middling to large state in the US.

This is like saying, "Would you travel to Maine to go on its coasters?" I've no idea what there is in Maine, but if all it could boast was 1 or 2 coasters, the better versions of which were in Florida, or Ohio, or California, then I'd say no...

I'd travel to Europe just to go on coasters... Or I'd base the holiday AROUND theme parks.

I would 100% go to just Florida, Ohio or California to ride coasters.

I'd only come here to ride on coasters if I was coming anyway... Like Maine, there's more to the offering than coasters though :D
Actually although this is somewhat off-topic Maine doesn't have anything to offer at all. It is miles and miles of trees and log cabins with the occasional fisherman. It is completely worthless and if anyone ever took a trip to the US to just visit Maine you should probably shoot yourself. I lived there for two years, and those are two years of my life I wish I could have back. I'm done ranting Maine continue on with the debate. Oh yeah and to throw in something in this post on-topic there is no way I would travel to the UK just for coasters, but it's possible that if I was already there that I may visit AT, that probably being the only park that would interest me however.
I would say yes. While most UK coasters don't look like they'd rival major US coasters, some of them are pretty unique and worth going for. For example, a lot of the classic rides found in BPB are hard to find all in one place in the US...as most classic rides here are scattered around the country. Also, being a pretty big B&M Inverted Coaster fan, I'd like to try Nemesis and Nemesis: Inferno. And, to people's surprise, I'd also like to ride Colossus at Thorpe Park, since Intamin loopers look pretty fun...even though most people will tell you it's rough. I can hardly expect it to be rougher than an old Arrow looper, though.

As for the UK wooden coasters, I'd really love to ride Grand National and Megafobia, by seeing opinions posted on the boards about them. Grand National is usually hailed as the UK's best classic woodie with great airtime, and Megafobia is a top ten wooden coaster worldwide.

However, I don't agree with this:

lets face it... if you put nemisi in america it would not even get 10th best ride.. because what makes it great is its setting, the middle of a god damn forest in the middle of seemingly nowhere sund into the bedrock with actual unsculpted rock waterfalls of purple liquid in a place that frequently rains... its such a forboding enviroment and the winds there can send a chill up your spine! can anyone think of a better place to put nemisis?

So basically you're saying that American parks don't theme coasters. Well...UK parks other than Thorpe, Alton, and Chessington don't theme coasters, even...it just depends on the park. Have you ever seen our well-themed parks? IOA's theming blows any UK park's theming right out of the water. Some members here seem to think every park in the US builds their coasters in the middle of a field with an RCT-esque station...which is not the case. A lot of American coasters are actually very-well themed. Non-US people got the idea that all US parks didn't theme their coasters, just because stupid Six Flags Magic Mountain built Scream! on a parking lot and didn't theme it...but that's like if I were to base all UK parks theming on Pleasureland Southport. Not even all Six Flags parks are poorly themed. I know Six Flags New England is quite well-themed, as is Six Flags Over Georgia, Six Flags Over Texas, and Six Flags Great America...just to name a few. So please, don't bash American parks' theming if you don't know what you're talking about.
IOA's theming blows any UK park's theming right out of the water.
Well, yeah good point...

But surley in comparason of size, the UK makes a bigger effot? (i don't actually know, just suggesting.)

I think what Jackal ment is that Nemesis would be overlooked in a thrill park. If Nemesis had no themeing, it wouldn't be important. It needs it's theming to survive as a fantastic coaster on a world wide scale.

Also, as i said before, i don't think a lot of Americans care about theming, or thats how it comes accross. To me it's nearly or as important as the ride itself, but you don't tend to here many Americans going on about how IOA is themed - do you? It's the Brits than come back and talk abot it.

..Nemesis would get overlooked anywhere else, it just would. Alton Towers just make everything look special... Except Spinball Whizzer, that is. But even RITA seems to fit in Ugg Land and remember how everyone went on and on how it was gunan suck so much ass theming wise...? Alton made it work. But it wouldn't have worked anywhere else.
^I suppose you could say that. I think the reason why UK parks seem to have quite a bit of theming for a small area is because of Tussaud's. They remind me of like a combination of Cedar Fair/nicer Six Flags parks, along with a slight Universal theming touch. I'd be really happy to see Tussaud's invest in theme parks in the United States.

I'd say that for theming, it depends where you go to see people care a lot about theming. I'd say mainly the enthusiasts that have been exposed to extensive theming tend to care about theming for parks, such as enthusiasts that live in Florida as opposed to enthusiasts that live in Ohio. Myself, I like to see some theming in a ride, too...and if a ride doesn't have theming, it should at least have some midway/queue interaction. I wouldn't say that rides cannot be good without theming, though. I think that if I were to ride Nemesis, it would be almost just as good without theming as it would with, mainly because it looks to be a pretty forceful coaster that could still entertain riders without having to jazz up the surroundings. Nitro is an example of this. After the turn into the lift, all the track is just out in the woods, with no theming (other than the trees), and no park interaction. However, it is a somewhat forceful ride with some decent airtime and a nice bit of speed, so it still does well regardless and is my #3 coaster. However, my #2 coaster; Revenge of the Mummy at USF, could not survive without it's theming, which just happens to be a dark ride. The coaster part has 2 good pops of airtime and a decent launch and some nice laterals, but if you put that ride in a field somewhere, it just wouldn't be the same.
I would just to say i have in fact while im there id stay there.
Nitro is an example of this. After the turn into the lift, all the track is just out in the woods, with no theming (other than the trees)
...Which is nice, don't you think?

Trees are part of what makes Alton so special. They frame Nemesis' pit and just about every other ride in the park.

Another reason why i wanted the woodie through the vally so bad. :(

I'd be really happy to see Tussaud's invest in theme parks in the United States.
I don't think they'd survive, do you?

I would just to say i have in fact while im there id stay there.
...ok, three words... what-the-f*ck?
^Yeah, I'd say it is nice how Nitro is hidden in the woods, but it would be nicer if it had a part where it interacted with another ride or the midway.

As far as Tussaud's surviving in the US, I think they could, with some good effort, especially seeing as they'd already have money to use to invest, from their earnings in Europe. If they created a park similar to Thorpe, with a few good coasters, and some good flat rides; then I think they could easily survive, even if there were competitors in the area.
Ohh you cant forget the lovely park office buildings and stuff next to nitro's lift hill. Log flume boats, dumpsters, old ride signs, ect just make the ride. And the lovely final break run going over the storage pool for the congo river boats!

I think tussauds could survive in the US sure. But what would trick me is, is that since there are really no height building limits here, they probobly wouldnt make some of those incredible compact coasters. Theyd most likely be trying to go big, and I think that might cause them to fall depending on how they do it. Itd be different for tussauds to do that, so thats why Im dodgey about the idea.
I would love to go to a place like Alton Towers. I really want to go on AIR, Nemesis, Oblivion, Rita: Queen of Speed, and their other rides.