Hyper Poster
Ive done Fright Nights yearly for a very long time, this year was the worst I have ever seen the park. From the entrance procedures which are taken directly from Heathrows security set up including sniffer dogs to as mentioned, the park being very over capacity. I went on Friday the 22nd it was always going to be busy but I did not expect fastpass queues to be pushing 30/45 minuites, prebook/timed tickets (Which arent checked at all and you can easily visit outside of your time and re-run through mazes) to be seeing extreme queues and the general park being crowded. I did manage to get most major rides done but my issue more is to do with general operations. Ride dispatches were super slow, the entrance as mentioned took an extrememely long time and well, for a 20 years of Fright Nights it was missing that really special factor. Compared it to Alton you can't even tell its the same company which owns both.Ohh forgot to mention, whilst we're talking about capacity, the park is not operating at capacity, it's operating over capacity!!!
They have openly announced that they're fully sold out, max capacity, paid tickets, pass pre books, everything...
And yet you're able to enter with a pass and no pre book, as nobody was on the gate checking them![]()
This is not even the biggest issue with Thorpe though, the park is an absolute dive. SBNO rides just left there, every area/every ride needs cleaning, areas painting and its been said time and time again on here, every ride is 'themed' to abandoned/end of the world so it just feels like a dump. I get it from Merlins point of view. Why spend money when there is no competition locally, the park must be making an absolute killing and they have a load of other parks to play with and invest in.