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You countries without coasters count


Donkey in a hat
Split this thread off from the other one, as I think it's now wandered further off topic. I do like the idea though. Hixee.

Potential for a new anti-bragging topic here: How many cred-less countries have you visited? Should weed out the more 'cultured' among us.
I've got 4 - Antigua, Dominican Republic, Vatican City and Iceland. :p
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Potential for a new anti-bragging topic here: How many cred-less countries have you visited? Should weed out the more 'cultured' among us.
I've got 4 - Antigua, Dominican Republic, Vatican City and Iceland. :p

Oh, oh, I'll play. Uh.... Iceland, Belize, Bahamas, Jamaica*, Haiti**
Vatican City
Antigua and Barbuda
St Kitts
St Vincent and the Grenadines
Trinidad and Tobago (has a cred under construction tho)
Countries I've been to with no creds

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Vatican City
San Marino

Countries I've been to but didn't ride anything - mostly because nothing was listed at the time

Ha - I didn't actually think this would take off, but ok! You guys really like listing things don'tcha? :D
Seeing as we now seem to have added a sub-category of "countries-I've-visited-that-have-creds-but-I-didn't-ride-anything", you can add Egypt, Greece and Italy to my list. In fact, I've been to Italy twice and still not picked up a cred, which is pretty disgraceful really.
Bad goon.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
You count alpine coasters, you whore (though I guess the Bosnian one didn't exist yet when you visited). ;)

As for me...
Countries with no rcdb listed rides:
San Marino
Vatican City

Countries that only have Alpine coasters (that I don't count):
Bosnia (didn't exist yet in 2006)
Slovenia (woop woop)

Countries where that have coasters but I didn't ride any:

I think that's it?
Ooh, ooooh, we've now added visited counties with coasters but not ridden?

Been, no coasters
Iceland, Belize, Bahamas

Alpine only (don't count, didn't ride)

Alpine only (don't count, did ride)

Didn't have coasters, does now
Switzerland, Ireland

Has coasters, didn't ride any
Czech Republic, Japan, Cuba (but I saw one!), Mexcio (saw one here too)
For countries without coasters at all, does the Isle of Man count?

Otherwise, it's just France and Belgium for me as travelled before becoming a full enthusiast. Have also flown via Dublin airport if that counts as visiting Ireland.
I've actually been quite bad...

Been, no coasters at all;
Bosnia and Herzegovina (an Alpine has since been built)
Vatican City

Been, but didn't bother;
Republic of Turkey (I've been 4 times! I hate myself)
Republic of Estonia
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Kingdom of Cambodia
Kingdom of Thailand
Republic of Serbia
Republic of Croatia
Republic of Indonesia (I didn't want to pay £40 for a Golden Horse Spinner, I hate myself)
Republic of Austria (tbf all I did in Austria was have a poo and leave)
Sri Lanka

That leaves 22 countries I've actually got creds in.

Countries I've visited with no creds:
  • Vatican City

Countries I've visited with creds but didn't ride any:
  • Germany - Visited on a school trip where we were in Munich for about three days. Back in '06, I really only knew about Holiday Park as far as German parks go, so there was no way a visit was going to happen.
  • Switzerland - I probably shouldn't even count it because I was asleep on an overnight train for the duration of my time in the country.
  • Italy - I've been three times now and I could have managed a few parks (Etnaland, Cinecitta World, Rainbow Magicland...and I think one more), but after researching what was at each park, Shock, Altair, and Storm were not, in my mind, worth the effort in figuring out how to get to and from each park by myself and then rendezvous with my group afterward.
  • Netherlands - I also probably shouldn't even count this country as I don't even count it in my visited countries. I basically ran through Schipol Intl for a connecting flight.
Countries with No Creds:


Countries I've visited but with creds but I didn't ride any:

dozens of trips to Canada
and I'm sure i'm forgetting many places visited on cruises or other family vacations over the years
Credless Countries

Countries with Creds that I didn't ride

**** me I gotta get traveling
Two! Monaco and Vatican, those good old city states strike again. :)

My visited-but-no-creds list is considerably longer:
Greece, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Norway, Sweden (whyyy spite me, Liseberg?), Czechia, Netherlands and tragically the USA. What can I say? I love ruins, museums and cathedrals.
Just Switzerland. Took a couple of days to travel from Garda to Europa Park, but didn't bother with anything on the way. Tragically, there was a travelling kiddie cred packing up when I arrived in Zug.

I almost got San Marino, but ended up too tired and tight for time to bother.