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You know you're CF-ing it too much when...

When instead of writing "CF" on cold fish bags at work, you find yourself writing CF-Info or CF-Live - 2 at ?5.95...
Mildly worrying :)
When the forum goes down, and you panic because you fear there is nothing else to do.
When you get banned and you tell your friends that your bored, and they have the automatic response of "Oh why is the forum down/have you been blocked"
When you're trying to figure when/if you're ever going to do this piece of German coursework, having ended up on CF every single time you've sat down to do it...
When you spend ages and ages and ages on CF and end up writing an essay on coasters for Geography, instead of the essay your ment to write, which is about Environmental Disasters...
When you are actually worried about going on a family holiday for a week meaning you won't be online for a WHOLE WEEK.
Mark said:
When you are actually worried about going on a family holiday for a week meaning you won't be online for a WHOLE WEEK.

When you know we've had that one before :p
When you now have the Lovely Rita group photo framed on your bedroom wall! (There's sad - and then there's me...)
...When spring skiing starts to behave like roller coasters.

Chair lift -> Lift Hill
Getting off the chair -> Pre drop
Top Part of the mountain, diamond/double diamon trails -> Main drop
Blue/green trails -> the coaster itself
Wet spots -> Trim brakes and MCBRs
Icy Spots -> launches
Big arsed puddle at the bottom of the hill -> final brake run
When you start associating things in real life with people you know on CF. *yeah, I'm not wierd and disturbed, I swear!* also when more than 60% of your contacts list is CF.
when you wake up you reach over to turn on your computer to check CF and spend majority of the day lurking on the forum and then start drawing crazy pictures!
when you take a brush pole put it across yout seat and wheel around the room.
Ben said:
When you start playing word games with peopel's usernames in your head.
When you agree with this, because in a boring recent German lesson you have not only compiled an a-z of people's real names and user names, but now know a lot of truly useless information about them, for example that Aidan is actually Nadia backwards... *worries* :roll:

^ and I wish I hadn't broken my wheely chair :(