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Your Least Common Opinion?

SFNE is my homepark so that's one of the reasons I dont like S:TR that much. I hate the restraints and honestly the airtime is okay. Wicked Cyclone is much better and in the same park so I'd much rather go ride that instead.
I do think of all Intamin Accelerators as coasters, but upon examining a wacky worm picture, I realized didn't even have upstop wheels. From what I can tell, some of them only have running wheels. This makes them more of a glorified trolley ride to me.
There is a difference between an opinion that is off the beaten path or a bit different then most and an opinion that goes against fact and I'm going to call it when that is the case. The Earth isn't flat and those rides are rollercoasters.

Opinions are fine to have and enjoy yourself for having said opinions but I'm still gonna call you on it. You can like it or not but that is just too ludicrous not to make my feelings known quite frankly.

FYI: Welcome to Coasterforce. :)

Fair enough and thank you.
I get ridiculed a lot for saying I love Raging Bull in the very back seat.
The same for loving Valravn because it gives ya a great drop sensation every time.
Had to think about Steel Vengeance instead of loving it immediately. It has made me theorize that perpendicular airtime gives a better sensation than at an angle. Great headchoppers and relentless pacing, though.
Banshee, Diamondback, Voyage, and Nitro are very underwhelming...and I think Mystic Timbers belongs in that category, too.
Legend is un-ridable at this point.
I love Winged Riders AND the new restraints. i guess that means I have to go tear up my ACE card now.
The new Lego Rollercoaster (not Legoland, the one you can actually buy) sucks donkey-ass and is 15 years behind of what fans can do with already existing parts.

Not the most fitting one, but coasters are coasters :D
I really like the anticipation that builds up on a Boomerang and for that reason Raik really disappointed me as it didn't pull up the 2nd spike before going backwards, missing out on that 2nd anticipation-moment. For the same reason, Speed of Sound is an absolutely fantastic coaster, as the music works extremely well with that whole anticipation-buildup.
After my most recent trip taking in Cedar Point, Kennywood, Hershey, SFNE, Dorney and SFGA I have a few

  • Steel Vengeance isn't in the top 5 at Cedar Point
  • The 2 RMC's I have ridden ( SV and Wicked Cyclone) are overrated
  • Thunderbolt is the best coaster at Kennywood
  • Top Thrill Dragster is a god amongst rollercoasters
  • 4D Free fly coasters are awesome rides
  • Batman the ride (SFGA) is better than Nemesis
  • Steel Vengeance isn't in the top 5 at Cedar Point
Spoiler-ed for Language
  1. TTD
  2. Millenium
  3. Valravyn
  4. Maverick
  5. Gatekeeper
*takes deep breath*
Gotta give it to you, that is a truly uncommon view. I mean MForce hey I could see it, Maverick sure. TTD kinda weird but OK. Gatekeeper > SV? Valravyn > SV ???
What were your issues with SV? I know some others have commented that while a great ride it can almost be toooo much, but unless I misread you seem almost underwhelmed by it?
Seeing an above post reminded me:

I sincerely liked Legend better than Raven.
I liked both, but while Raven had the sweet ass ejector hill in the middle, before that was a tad underwhelming imo and after it was so rough I mostly felt that.
Legend was very rough, but I found it more intense/forceful than Raven thus I liked it more. Less air maybe but there were a few pops.

Oh and not sure I posted this one:
I really didn't like Ravine Flyer II.
Least when I went last year it was so rough I needed to go get an advil and wait for some time, I found it had little air and was dragging in the last third. For my CP/KW trip later Im not gunna bother going to Waldameer. That one sucks as I was preparing for a top 10 ride.

Not sure how uncommon the restraint issue with Superman at SFNE is. Ive heard lots of people gripe about them. They were indeed awful, and really sapped the air, there was far less than I expected.
But.. why tho?

TTD- Short but like nothing else I have ridden in terms of sheer joy to ride

Millenium-A bit overrated but fast and a lot smoother ride

Valravyn- Love dive coasters, super smooth, some great twists and turns and a nice airtime hill near the end

Maverick- A lot nearer the uncomfortable/ Intense line than SV

Gatekeeper- Not as enjoyable as on my first visit but still enjoyed it more than SV as its nice and smooth with some good near miss elements

*takes deep breath*
Gotta give it to you, that is a truly uncommon view. I mean MForce hey I could see it, Maverick sure. TTD kinda weird but OK. Gatekeeper > SV? Valravyn > SV ???
What were your issues with SV? I know some others have commented that while a great ride it can almost be toooo much, but unless I misread you seem almost underwhelmed by it?

The only way I was underwhelmed was in the sense I expected to love it, I couldn't wait to get on a RMC like that ( travelled over 3500 miles for the second time in a year to get on it). It was so intense almost to a fault. I like rides like Maverick and El Toro which are somewhere around the intensity to discomfort level but this was well past that.

A lot is on the restraints for me as they put constant pressure on my shins and quads even after multiple rides and trying to make slight adjustments in my position but to no avail. I can see why some people rave about it, if you like things a bit rough in life I'm sure you will love it but for me I don't go to theme parks to be uncomfortable and to essentially get beaten up by rides, I go to enjoy myself and though there are bits of joy to take from the ride especially the first drop its just not enough to balance out the rest for it to get near the top of my list.