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  1. Slash

    The Games we play...

    Been playing Left 4 Dead recently on the pc. Must say it's a great co op game that actually works. The tension is great and the need for a team is always there. The best bit about it is versus mode where you can play as special infected and as the hunter jump from a building and rip the nipples...
  2. Slash

    Coaster of the Decade

    Gonna go on a wim here and say Air. It was the first coaster of its kind and although they havent made more than a handful of them, it has become a marketing success. Air made the parks realise that coasters could be more than just forces and intense themeing they could be a journey and not...
  3. Slash

    Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche or Aston Martin

    Sure, if he gets his finger out of his arse and buys it. Health insurance is required and of course a helmet isn't provided.
  4. Slash

    Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

    Hardly the point. I mean seriously if I saw a topic with 100 odd pages i'd go straight to the 100th for latest info on bits we're going to find out easily i don't expect someone to outright spoil it for me. Its like going into the Saw topic and telling everyone what goes on for the indoor...
  5. Slash

    Is Saw the best ride in the UK?

    Rubbish! As your more dehydrated because you haven't drank much, this makes you more susceptible to headaches and as a first ride of the day NORMALLY you havent drank much and have been on the road and you dont want to drink before going on a ride, so get your head out of your arse.
  6. Slash

    Is Saw the best ride in the UK?

    Well I don't know then, I found both rows smooth. Then again I found Corkscrew fairly smooth so that probably makes me a retard.
  7. Slash

    Is Saw the best ride in the UK?

    ^ No it was more that if they hadn't drank much they'd get headaches a lot easier.... Nice fail there.
  8. Slash

    Willy Wonka vs. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

    Willy Wonka all the way. The reason? Firstly Gene Wilder played a more convincing Wonka, he didn't seem to be pushing the role or over acting like Depp did. Secondly, the sub plot in the second film detracted from the film, it was just plain boring. Thirdly, it did seem more realistic in the...
  9. Slash

    Is Saw the best ride in the UK?

    Guys who say they got headaches. I know this may sound silly but was it your first ride of the day and had you drank much?
  10. Slash

    Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche or Aston Martin

    My Dad is thinking of buying one. I'm thinking of investing in helmets ;)
  11. Slash

    SAW: The Ride - Download on page 20

    I thought it was extremely smooth, maybe short people get ear bashing?
  12. Slash

    SAW: The Ride - Download on page 20

    Was looking at your overbank, it looks almost TOO overbanked, take off some degrees me thinks :D Otherwise looking absolutely brilliant Ollie. Hope its smooth an all.
  13. Slash

    Stupid things the GP have said

    I was thinking that.
  14. Slash

    Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

    I think we may have got my ideas for "Biggest Idiot Award" and "Most Cringeworthy Post" a first nominee.
  15. Slash

    Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

    Could have put bloody spoilers. I DIDN'T WANT IT COMPLETELY RUINED FOR ME. Can you please next time put spoilers around the thing.
  16. Slash

    Is Saw the best ride in the UK?

    No. Welcome to CF, your now in the selection of people that whenever they post, people get into the facepalm position ready for it. Saw is all right, its not great, could have been themed better but generally a good ride. Not one of the best.
  17. Slash

    Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche or Aston Martin

    Who would I rather be? A fictional character that in a book was awesome but in real life is non existent (no matter how many women he shags and men he puts bullets into) or a successful racing driver worth many millions? in short.... Bond. I think in this situation its up to personal...
  18. Slash

    This vs That

    Although I haven't ridden either, I'll try my best. Maverick is a more unique coaster, the layout isn't even similar to any other coaster, Blue Fire is also fairly unique but still it is similar to other coasters. Couple this with the reviews each of them have got and Blue Fire and Maverick are...
  19. Slash

    Stupid things the GP have said

    When a coaster breaks down and someone says "Imagine if it stopped on the loop!" (It's either on the brakes or the lift). It happened on Colossus and the guy in front of me kept saying it to me and I told him it couldn't do that and he said "Yes it can, if the power goes out the train will stop...
  20. Slash

    Rate the Sig and Avatar - II

    I BLOODY LOVE IT 10/10