Search results

  1. divvie_dave

    Greatest films of all time

    I wouldn't say there is anything there that I'm surprised to see. Most, if not all of those films are considered classics and are pretty much household names. Its really nice to see that Monty Python has made it to the top of an American poll though. A few that I'm surprised aren't in the...
  2. divvie_dave

    Favourite/Worst Enclosed Coasters

    The biggest surprise for me was the Scooby Doo ride at WB Australia. A short but very sweet, very well themed medievil start, with a nice drop under swinging axes. Crazy elevator lift up. Backwards drop, change of direction, then a pretty standard wild mouse with crazy laser show, a pretty cool...
  3. divvie_dave

    Rollercoaster Factorys

    ^ Thats one MASSIVE ejaculation.... Even I don;t like coasters THAT much
  4. divvie_dave

    Extreme Makeover: CF Edition

    I SO did not read that as ginger Nothing like casual racism on CF :/
  5. divvie_dave

    Rides with pre-shows/films

    Don't forget about the not cheesey whatsoever pre-show for the Haunting at Drayton!
  6. divvie_dave

    Rides you miss

    Back to the Future :-(, admittedly it has been replaced with an amazing ride, but.... Back to the Future :-( To be fair, I don't think i've been an enthusiast for long enough (10 years) to have seen many of my favorite rides go. But I guess it won;t be long till some of my real favorites are...
  7. divvie_dave

    Peppa Pig World for Paultons 2011

    I can definitely sleep easy now
  8. divvie_dave

    "Now Showing"

    In terms of build up, and being let down, Despicable Me was a massssssive let down
  9. divvie_dave

    4D vs. 5D

    Using Six Flags logic, any coaster that had anything added to it to enhance its experience would therefore be a 4D coaster, which means they told porkies claiming first 4D coaster with the original X :P
  10. divvie_dave

    Notable Deaths 2011

    ^This is why you went to Brighton Uni...
  11. divvie_dave

    Fav flat ride in uk

    Jumping Bean by far... Was expecting nothing, and was incredibly fun... re-rode for a good 30mins, loved it! But if you want to get all "grown up", probably Apocalypse or Samurai (even more so before the move to Thorpe)
  12. divvie_dave

    Gaming in the days before Roller Coaster Tycoon

    Theme Park was amazing. When it originally came out I had it on PC, but I was rubbish at it. Back then I had no idea about money management, what the handshake/biscuit thing was about, or even that you could run out of stock!!! I re-visited it again a few years ago when I built an "old" PC...
  13. divvie_dave

    Cheetah Hunt- Intamin for Busch Gardens Tampa

    Any chance this support was designed with the possibility that the track may have needed to be "tweaked"... Its a rather far fetched idea... But I agree that this support is a waste of money in terms of just having it for themeing. They could have just whipped something up out of fiberglass or...
  14. divvie_dave

    "Now Showing"

    Tangled - Was really good, definately Disney's best "in house" CGI animation, and apart from the fact its not hand drawn, better than The Princess and the Frog imo, there are at least two memorable songs in there too. Shows that Disney need to stick to what they do best, fairy tales... 7.5/10...
  15. divvie_dave

    Fantastic Park Websites.

    ^^ Snigger........
  16. divvie_dave

    "Spastic" Transformer

    I completely get it, but I don't get it.... The word Spastic is a normal word that was used for a long time to describe someone with a condition such as cerebral palsy... But then if someone was being stupid, they got called a spastic... fair enough... thats life. So now... Cause people...
  17. divvie_dave

    Ferrari Park in Abu Dhabi

    60% of the time, Furie is right every time
  18. divvie_dave

    Ferrari Park in Abu Dhabi

    UC is wrong
  19. divvie_dave

    Fairground Erections

    Lol, Fairground Erections
  20. divvie_dave

    Do you have a favourite TV ad?

    Its new, but epic