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Accident at Alton Towers

*screaming internally* Obviously the Smiler is the only roller coaster which has had technical issues. All other roller coasters have a 100% uptime. WHY THE **** ARE THEY STILL REPORTING THIS.
Urgh, when I saw AT trending on Twitter, I had that awful feeling something terrible had happened. Then I saw it was a e-stop and got angry. Some sections of the media really have it in for rollercoasters.

The good thing is that people actually seem to realise that all this "coasters are dangerous" stuff is just BS. Just look at the comments on the link on Facebook - most of them just pointing out that the ride is safe. And these are just the average person who doesn't know anything about coaster safety.
Lord Joe has called for The Smiler to be closed down permanently! The public are now awaiting on Queen Vicky's opinion on today's breakdown.

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To be honest, I'd be more than happy to see it go. It's more trouble than it's worth and I've got the cred so they can put something else there instead.
They can't close it down because then the hyperbolic media win! Several media outlets called me up today asking for a few words, and every time I questioned why they consider this to be a story as things (not just coasters) break down/e-stop regularly. Every time they responded, "because it's The Smiler". As much as I think the coaster is pretty damn awful to ride, it's still a cred and I worry that it will never shake off the 2015 incident.
But we would win as well. The dreadful Smiler would be no more and valuable Alton real estate would be free. I never though the day would come, but I would rather they have a spinning wild mouse to ride than the Smiler.
But The Smiler is probably the most popular coaster on-site now. It's only really the tabloids and rag readers that see it as a risk.
What are the queues like on the Smiler these days? I haven't been to AT since before the accident (not because of the accident, more because I cba with Merlin anymore). But if the coaster still gets big queues, all this media coverage probably works to their advantage, the coaster is infamous now.
No surprise really, look at the hysteria caused online from thicko's who think the thing is a deathtrap and it's obviously a quick and easy cash cow for them to run a story on.