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Alton Towers | The Smiler | Gerstlauer Infinity

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Re: Alton Towers | SW7 | Unknown Gerstlauer World's 1st

deathfearsnone said:
The Inversions create a Smiley face.

Welcome to six months ago. Though to be fair, you're the first person to actually type it in. I always thought that was obvious?

I love the sheep thing and the subtle advertising. I hope Ben is wrong, but I suspect he's right though :lol: It would be wonderful as a marketer to produce this brilliantly invasive theme that gets into people's heads, then hit them with the reveal and EVERYONE CARES!

Sadly, it just isn't going to happen, it's a little too off the wall and disturbing. People will catch onto it if it's "fun". Remember "You just got Tango'd" ans "Wassssssuuuuuuuup!" Idiotic, purile and the public lap it up. THis is just a smidge too clever, but the sheep are brilliant.
Re: Alton Towers | SW7 | Unknown Gerstlauer World's 1st

I think it's great. The more and more this weird logo keeps popping up, then the more curious people will get.

And I proper LOL'd at bunnygate! :lol:
Re: Alton Towers | SW7 | Unknown Gerstlauer World's 1st

This part of the marketing is literally just getting the logo out to the masses for the later phases of connecting the dots in the most obvious way (since the public need as much help as possible)...

I like it... It's daft and probably the best bit of 'stupid' unlinked PR Merlin have ever done...
Re: Alton Towers | SW7 | Unknown Gerstlauer World's 1st

This latest marketing has baffled me but I think it has been good. Getting the logo around the whole country is brilliant.

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Re: Alton Towers | SW7 | Unknown Gerstlauer World's 1st

I don't think the inversion makes a smiley face at all. I can see aspects of it that looks like the logo. But it is not a smiley face.

They probably designed the logo off the inversion. But it doesn't mean that the inversion looks like a smiley face.

It's like designing a vase based off a tree stump. You might be able to draw some parallels, but the tree stump it self might not even look like a vase.

I see nothing wrong with putting viral images in places where people cba looking. It's part of the subliminal subtheme of the 'story' of the MoJ and XSector. Oblivion was quite subtle as well, in till the blast of adverts. Besides if any of you have watched Derren Brown's programmes, you'll know that the brain notices things on a subconscious level even when the surface brain is busy. I do think it's a shame they didn't bring Derren Brown in on the promotion.

-The tone of the 'affected' farmers don't seem to be that of anger or distress which means we can be assured they "they were in on it". It's just the wording of the article implied it was vandalism/supernatural. I think we can all believe that Alton Towers asked permission and/or paid the farmers to do this.

I think it's ingenious, because sheep normally have things painted on their coat anyway (numbers).
Re: Alton Towers | SW7 | Unknown Gerstlauer World's 1st

Haha, I feel this marketing needs it's own topic because it's brilliant. That and if this week is anything to go on it's only going to get better.

I think the thing I loved most about the Daily Mail piece is that most of the photos are taking on mobile phones etc giving them more of a realistic/non-marketing touch.

I just hope they reveal what the logo is for in a decent way to really pull it all off and make it worthwhile.
Re: Alton Towers | SW7 | Unknown Gerstlauer World's 1st

The one thing that strikes me about the logo is it's easily recognisable and one you'd remember if it was shown to you again. So it's a clever piece of marketing especially with the sheep, as if it was randomly sprayed or stuck to buildings it could easily be dismissed as vandalism or graffiti.
Re: Alton Towers | SW7 | Unknown Gerstlauer World's 1st

They've projected the image on to the side of a building outside Waterloo Station this evening. Been tweeted a fair bit and it was probably seen by a huge amount of commuters (well, the ones that stayed till dark).

Re: Alton Towers | SW7 | Unknown Gerstlauer World's 1st

Alton's marketing department really can't be praised enough tbh.
Re: Alton Towers | SW7 | Unknown Gerstlauer World's 1st

If only other parks put this much effort into their marketing.
Re: Alton Towers | SW7 | Unknown Gerstlauer World's 1st

It's suitable marketing as well. I mean Swarm's people in skin-suits as 'shadows' was a little lame and almost pretentious. This marketing fits the story of the ride. It's crazy and subversive. I guess the marketing directors had great fun inventing what they could do.
Re: Alton Towers | SW7 | Unknown Gerstlauer World's 1st

I like the projection, was it moving like it was moving like the one on the side of the towers, do you know?
Re: Alton Towers | SW7 | Unknown Gerstlauer World's 1st

^ According to that comment under the picture it says its eyes were spinning so it must be the same projection that was on the towers at scarefest.

I LOVE this marketing. It reminds me of the Oblivion marketing where the iconic Oblivion logo was put everywhere to get as much exposure as possible. This type of marketing however does rely on people investigating further to find out what on earth that smiley face was that they saw, however if someone does investigate further it becomes a far more effective type of marketing as it is drawing people to your website or making people tweet about it etc.
Re: Alton Towers | SW7 | Unknown Gerstlauer World's 1st

Can't fault any of the marketing so far, no matter how irrelevant it may seem to some people because it's getting people talking about it, and that's the whole point.
Re: Alton Towers | SW7 | Unknown Gerstlauer World's 1st

Absolutely fantastic marketing by Towers! These subtle ways of adding the logo so as to get it ingrained into people's head is spot on. As many people here and on other forums have said, it is similar to Oblivions marketing. Well done AT Marketing department for doing this right after the disaster of Thirteen.

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Re: Alton Towers | SW7 | Unknown Gerstlauer World's 1st

Not sure if somebody mentioned this before, but the website now flashes up with the logo...


Like everyone's been saying, marketing so far looks fab. It would be cool if at the end of a usual Alton TV ad, the face would flash end (or something like that). Although I guess soon the actual adverts for the coaster will spring up so it would perhaps be a waste of time and money.
Re: Alton Towers | SW7 | Unknown Gerstlauer World's 1st

^Would be good. Shame that my laptop showed the main website a couple of seconds before the logo though.
Re: Alton Towers | SW7 | Unknown Gerstlauer World's 1st

According to a summery post on TT (who has borrowed and credited images from various websites), there's substantial subtle advertisement in various MERLIN owned attractions including the aquariums.
It's starting to shape up pretty sweetly.

On a side note, today when walking I drew a few Smilers in the snow for lols.
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