2012Jarrett said:The Giggler: Honestly, it sounds exactly like they're going to pump/blow laughing gas at the train to possibly make riders a tad loopy, but I honestly don't think they'd go that far as it seems a tad extreme.
Ya think?!
Anyone who's even remotely considering the possibility that Alton are going to be blasting children with a controlled substance has clearly been huffing too much of it themselves.
The track confuses me; I just can't work it out at all. It's looking amazing though.
Coastermaniac94 said:Don't know if this has been posted but its worth a watch , or listen... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nICLNMuw3-o
Me too! That's the only thing that lets the ride down slightly. The whole area round the toilet block just looks awkward.The Grape Wizard said:I hope they do something with the roof of the toilet