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Alton Towers | Wicker Man | GCI Wood

Here's my review: http://coasterforce.com/review-wicker-man-at-alton-towers/

Yes, it is rather gushing but that's because I was genuinely impressed with it. If you take it for what it is and don't keep comparing it to other stuff, it really is a good all-round, fun coaster. When I visit AT, I ensure to ride Nemesis and Oblivion. Wicker Man is now on that list.
The app's saying the queue's currently 180 mins.. it's 10:25. I know it's probably exaggerated but still, bloody hell. Looks like I'll be postponing my possible visit this weekend to a week day.
Getting about 200pph at the moment. It's been down for a combined 45 minutes of the last hour. Stopping & starting every 5 minutes.
Runs 3 trains then e-stops, what an absolute joke this is.
What do you mean? Does it send 3 trains round, then just stop for an extended period of time? Oh well, it's just a bit of new ride syndrome.

Out of interest, are they running all 3 trains on the circuit?
What do you mean? Does it send 3 trains round, then just stop for an extended period of time? Oh well, it's just a bit of new ride syndrome.

Out of interest, are they running all 3 trains on the circuit?

They manage to send 3 trains round and then it goes down for about 10 minutes. It’s just gone completely down with staff advising guests to leave the queue.
That unbanked turn really does look like something from a coaster game, where you're stubborn and want the track to go into a particular place, and you'll do anything to make it happen.
An unbanked turn on a wooden coaster can be a nice moment to get your bearings back, or turn to your mate and exchange a comment, or build a little anticipation again before the next drop. I don't think it's a bad thing.