I mean I don't give a :emoji_zipper_mouth: about people's opinions about me loving the ride to death, I have no issues on listening to other people's opinions.
Anyway, while I'm here I may as well write my review:-
So starting off, I have to say this ride blew me away. I had set my expectations pretty low, since a lot of people were saying it wasnt' great. But riding it for the first time (on the front), I thought it was pretty damn incredible. In all, I had 4 rides on it; two in the front, one in row 9 and one in row 11. And damn, it seriously hauls ass on the back, especially going over the first couple of drops! All in all, it has managed to make my number 3 coaster, after Shambhala and The Swarm. I'll go on now to talk about the main ride itself in more detail.
So the first thing you see when you come up to the ride is the huge Wicker Statue, towering above the ride. It looks awesome, especially with the fire. In fact, the whole ride looks awesome, and much larger than I expected, after seeing photos and videos.
The queue line is nicely themed, lots of wicker statues and bunting which made the ride look fantastic. During the queue, you get some fantastic views of the ride, and also the lift hill mechanics. I'd just like to mention that although the ride was running 3 trains, the queue seems to move quite slow, especially since its reliability is pretty sure at the moment (however it only broke down twice today believe). The overall operations today we're pretty good, with full trains being dispatched before the other train hits the brakes. This when you enter the fork, where the fast pass, disabled entrance and main queue join, outside the baggage hold. This is the point where you go inside. Passing the baggage hold, you are all piled together at the end of the room, until the doors open, where you then enter the pre-show. No spoilers, but I thought it was great! However, it was pretty dark and scary, not very appropriate for younger children IMO. I like the theme, but I think the pre-show kind of draws the line. (By the way the station and pre-show smell like rotten sweetcorn).
The station is what awaits you next. After being directed to an air gate, the man with the Scottish voice will say "Visitors, we are now opening the pens. Take heed." At which point the airgates open, and you enter the awesome, comfy, seatbeltless Millennium flyers. I must mention the lighting and audio in the station is great, and plays as the train is dispatched. I should also mention 3 trains on this ride isn't really necessary, as your train will stack just before the station and also on the transfer.
Leaving the station, you turn to the right, and enter the a room filled with red lighting and mist, which then follows a high-lateral left turn, out of the building and up into the lift (which is done at surprising speed!) After the lift hill, you go through the first pair of drops and twists, which send you far out of your seat on the back row (if you aren't stapled by the ride ops). The interactions with the Wicker Man structure are really good, but you don't really notice the fire effects while you are on the ride.
Following more airtime moments, twists and turns, you then enter the "boring corner" which I actually didn't mind. Following more twists and turns, you slow down nicely into the brakes. The transfer track is very underwhelming, and definitely could be improved on, as not much happens except for a few blasts of mist and orange lights right at the end of the tunnel, before you return to the station. The Scottish guy then says something along the lines of "Thank you for taking part in this ritual. Please exit to your left, there is no escape to the right." You then head up some stairs, over the tunnel, down some stairs, and that is where you collect your bags, and head to the view photo area, which leads directly onto the shop, filled with quite a lot of Merch! Sanbrooke will be pleased.
All in all, Wicker Man is a great addition to Alton IMO, and is also very popular with the GP. I personally think it's worth the visit, but I know some of you will disagree. Anyway, I'll be riding Wodan on Saturday, so we'll see how that compares.