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Canada's Wonderland |"Leviathan"| B&M HyperGiga

^Except Diamondback's are better - they have proper 3D eyes! :p

Second best trains we've seen this year...The Swarm ones were too badass to compete with this. But they've done a good job none the less.
I like these much more than Diamondback's mostly because it looks more menacing to me (the teeth were cool, but almost seemed cheesy to me). Plus I like the color scheme much more than on Diamondback.
I fear the tunnel is going to have no theming :/ The park opens in a week for the media day and early entrance and they still haven't started on it.
Reports over at TPR are saying its smooth as glass, built for speed, has floater air, and the speed hill has a combination of ejector/floater. Someone said it's better than Miillennium Force. Seems like B&M and CW have a real winner with Leviathan.
Seeing as everyone moaned, including myself, about how pointless this coaster is, I really hope it turns out amazing! Just to spite us...

Some short reviews from people that rode it last night.

"The waiting is over, more photos from the media event!

Jason and I braved the cold Canadian spring (it honestly snowed a bit this morning…) to check out the parks 16th and new for 2012 coaster at Canada's Wonderland. LEVIATHAN!

The ride is a great addition to the park and really does stand out compared to Behemoth. They may look similar but Leviathan focuses on the speed and turns, and boy does it do it well. It does feel like Millennium Force but a million times better. Right from the start the speed never lets up as you move right along the front section of the park and over the main entrance. There are also a lot of airtime points ranging from floater, to even ejector air on the smaller hills!"

"I agree with the review above. I was so happy that the first rider auction turned into a mini ERT! I got to ride Levi 7 times and got to experiment in different rows. I can't decide which row I like better, the front or the back. In the back, you fly over that first hill literally free falling!!! In the front you hang there looking straight down...it looks like the track curves and disappears beneath you. Amazing airtime in the front and back, especially on the little bunny hill after the first turn around. It is a great combination of height and speed, with low to the ground thrills. Millenium Force has been outdone for sure."


Taken by "rollin_n_coastin" at TPRThe sign that breathes mist and fog, and the eyes light up at night
What are the humming and clicking noises from the POV vid?

The clicks seemed like the train going over each track segment, but I've never heard that before on a B&M
The humming is the running of the train on the track. It's basically the same noise you hear when you watch the train go past, it just sounds funny because the camera is attached to the train.

The clicking is wind-noise, jostling, vibrations that are affecting the camera. Look at any raw footage of GoPro/head cameras or anything like that (even just a moving camcorder) and they all pick up these noise artifacts.

It's not the sound of the train going over the joints in the rails.