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Canada's Wonderland | Yukon Striker | B&M Dive Coaster

That's good to hear, does the drop in your opinion still feel the same as the other dive coasters dispute those restraints?

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Yep it felt the exact same as Griffon to me.
Yep! I do think Valravn has the weakest of the big 3 though as Sheikra still has the best first drop and is the best overall.

Valravn is my favorite dive machine, but I've only done Griffon and Krake so far. I'll hopefully be getting on Sheikra in August, but I think I'll still prefer Val.
Valravn is my favorite dive machine, but I've only done Griffon and Krake so far. I'll hopefully be getting on Sheikra in August, but I think I'll still prefer Val.

Weird. I was never a fan of Valravn. It just never hits on all the cords that I get with Griffon or Sheikra. Griffon is a bit more intense but not by much and Sheikra just felt sheer sexy for the whole course.

Long day mate, didn't even notice it, my bad

No worries bud. <3
I actually do think the vest restraints make the drop feel different on Griffon and Sheikra. Rode Griffon in May and then rode Valravn at the live 2 weeks later and the lack of pop on the drop was noticeable riding them so close together.

Was at the park today and the photo's while great really don't do justice to see what the footers pattern and tunnel size look like in person. I wish i could've gotten some photo's but there really wasn't a great spot to get them and most of my view was going up lift hills and on rides. Its really made me excited for the ride, even if it will likely be a fairly standard large dive coaster but i'm still hoping it has something different to set it apart.
(Going back to earlier topic)
Amusement Insiders would certainly be amazed at all the publicity (good and bad) that they're getting on this forum...
I found Val to have more variety of elements and I adore the 270 roll.
It's just dwarfed by CP's other coasters for us enthusiasts.
(Going back to earlier topic)
Amusement Insiders would certainly be amazed at all the publicity (good and bad) that they're getting on this forum...

It's just dwarfed by CP's other coasters for us enthusiasts.

Well considering AI was called hacks, not sure how much they would really enjoy it. Of course, knowing some YouTubers.. I know their reaction to CF anyway.. :p

Height isn't really a thing when you're comparing the rides tbh. They're all different, especially over 200ft. All are unique and interesting in their own right and have no other comparison to each other short of height.
I hope the supports are a better color. I've never been a fan of what I'm now calling Valravn Orange.. lol
That just.. no. No. I know color scheme isn't important but that brown with dark green? No.
I actually... don't hate that? I'll reserve full judgement until it goes vertical with actual supports, but I don't hate what I see (yet).