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Ride Stats

Coaster Type:
Double Launch coaster
Launching System: Linear Synchronous Motor (LSM)
Number of Launches: 2
First Launch: From 0 to 42 mph in 2.5 seconds
Second Launch: From 35 mph to 50 mph in 2 seconds
Track Length: 3,255 feet
Number of Inversions: 5
Duration: 2 minutes, 24 seconds
Height Requirement: 52"
Trains: 3
Riders per Train: 16
Amount of Steel Used: 530 tons
Ride Manufacturer: MACK Rides GmbH & Co KG, Waldkirch, Germany

Website link:- https://www.carowinds.com/play/rides/copperhead-strike
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It's so diddy and compact! I like it but there's so many weird things.

Since when did vertical loops come back into fashion, even though they're shaped weird. Some of the super tight elements look kinda awkward due to the low speed, and that hangtime tophat?!

Whats with these bizzare coasters for 2019. I'm happy people are pushing the boat out in terms of a more free style design, but they look odd.
Love how low to the ground and zippy it looks, and that second launch through the airtime hill is so innovative!
Knock knock. ;)

@ATI, try not to embed the videos multiple times, it makes the forums hard to follow. @davidm posted them on the previous page.
I'm going for like, Icon Senior. Looks to be a little more intense, but still keeps a lot of the feel of Icon.

I actually think it looks pretty great, to be honest. Probably the best coaster we've seen announced in the last few days.
I'mg glad you said it first. I want to say this looks like what Icon could have been, but that's not knocking Icon at all.
Icon 2.0 :emoji_heavy_check_mark:
It's Icon with the only real restriction being that it can't crash in to itself. Rather than not crash in to like, 8 other rides.
Knock knock. ;)

@ATI, try not to embed the videos multiple times, it makes the forums hard to follow. @davidm posted them on the previous page.
Mack also used that on Pulsar before. Though this is the first time this isn't used on a compact shuttle coaster, so you could argue it's indeed sort of a novelty.
Omg, this looks like great fun. Could Carowinds possibly become not a giant piece of **** ? Hahaha, nah, but they'll have 3 or 4 great coasters at least.
I never saw them, simply because I hadn't refreshed the page after he edited his post.
Not to worry, I've tidied it up a bit. Your stats summary is useful.
Those zero cars don't look as good as Icon or Helix IMO. The ride looks better than Icon for sure, and probably Time Traveler. It looks to fix the issues I have with Icon (lack of inversions and boring ending).
Yeah this is the best ride of the year announced thus far. Definitely going to ride it next year.
Great. Now this means another year of people talking about Icon like its the second coming because that's what this will be compared to.
WOW! The buildings and the theming for them look INSANE! The ride looks pretty good too! Now I wish I hadn't gone to Carowinds and Kings Dominion this year.