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Chinese learn a new way to eat fish...

Deleted some spam posts.

I haven't read through the topic, so I don't know if it needs to be locked or not. But if you're going to post, post something worthwhile.
Let's just say that I have video tape.. of him and I.. in his house.

Use thy imagination.

I saw it.. Seriously, I did!

UC, because I actually do have other things to do, I'm gonna sum up exactly everything I've been trying to say in just a quick post.

1. You're dwelling way too much on the "die terrible deaths" thing, when I clearly explained myself a million times for that and said that's not exactly what I meant.

2. I think doing this to animals is wrong, I WOULD PERSONALLY NEVER DO IT. I WOULD NEVER WATCH SOMEONE DO IT. I accept the fact that Chinese people want to eat dogs or whatever else they want to eat, but I don't accept the fact that people poked fun at the animal that was dying. And I know for a fact that poking a dying animal and laughing at it is NOT part of a culture.

3. I'd love to give up meat, but for reasons I don't feel the need to share on the boards, I can't, and if you don't wanna believe me then that's your own choice I guess.

4. I can say what I believe- an opinion is an opinion, and if you think mine isn't valid, that's fine, but it's as valid as anyone else's.

5. Because I believe something, it doesn't mean I'm gonna ruin my whole life to show I believe in it.

6. You can say I've never done anything for it, but I have.

7. My sweatshop thing and the tiger thing were both just examples to show that people continue living their lives normally even though they may think things are wrong (people may not LIKE sweatshops but they still buy stuff made in them, and people may not like the breeding of tigers but will still go to the zoo).

8. I won't apologize, beacuse I've already explained myself, and I actually don't feel sorry for offending you. You called me a spoiled brat, ignorant, etc, so why should I aplogize to you?

And lastly, Dave, Thanksgiving may not be called Thanksgiving in every country but a lot of countries have a same sort of holiday to celebrate the asme thing, just with a different name.
UC is on the nail there Taylor - I hope you haven't posted another long reply before reading this.

The issue with this video is two fold:

1. It essentially looks like people are torturing and animal for their own pleasure.
2. It brings home the truth about the fact we must hurt animals for our own pleasure (the food we eat, and we do eat because things taste good, not just to curb hunger).

We react in a very shocked and over the top manner because we don't want to make the subconscious link between what we ignore, and that we're not as far removed from the people in the video as we like. We're more shocked, because we are forced to confront the truth of the fact we are responsible for the deaths of animals.

I'm surely just as bad as the people in this video. I've eaten Venison, and made jokes about it being Bambi's mother. That's just as disrespectful to the poor little deer that died to make its way into my pate as those guys are to the fish. Okay, it's difficult to physically associate pate with a deer, but it is and getting a cheap laugh out of the death of an animal is just as bad as these guys, as I'm accepting an animal suffered for my pleasure, and I am then getting further pleasure from it.

I understand this is the way things are. Although I could never personally kill an animal (or eat one like this), I am not going to be all "shocked and horrified" - because I understand and accept that this is not really any different to what I do every day.

This is the issue Taylor that people have. You were massively shocked and outraged, but then refuse to accept that you really shouldn't feel that way. You're trying to make excuses for the outburst, rather than learning; accepting and moving on.

Just remember, an opinion isn't set in stone. When you learn more you are allowed to change your opinion without losing face ;)

Anyway, would I eat a fish like this? No.
Do I think the people laughing at it are in the right? Not really, but I'll bet they nice guys if you met them.
Does it make me feel a bit nauseous? Yes.

None of that makes any difference though to the point though - I am personally responsible for causing more suffering - ergo I will not get on a high horse and yell about how terrible it all is.

I'll leave you with a quote :)

JFK said:
Too often we... enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.
I'm not even going to btoher making yet another reply because guess what? I'm going to say the EXACT same thing, because my opinion hasn't changed one ounce since the start of this topic. And it won't.
So your opinion is that it's absolutely ****ing disgusting and that anyone who does this is an ignorant moron who should be flayed alive to see how it feels?

Way to go Taylor on listening to others and taking on board what people may have to say to help balance out an extremist stance ;)
^ Which is why I said I didn't mean saying everyone should die in bad ways :P .

Seriously, I don't think I'm a closed minded person. Like I said, I get that other cultures do things like this, but I don't want to associate myself with them because I've been brought up to know that hurting animals and other living things is bad. They do it, I get that, it doesn't mean I have to like it, and it doesn't mean I have to offend their culture, which I may have done here and yeah it was wrong but I also said I didn't mean it.
^ I said I didn't mean it, that's close enough to an apology. And I've been saying the things I said in that post pretty much the whole time anyway.

I didn't mean to offend anyone, but I'm not gonna be commanded to say sorry :P .
I know you don't want to hear it, or accept it, Taylor, but you were wrong here.

Pretty sure I admitted I was wrong. Hmm..

and it doesn't mean I have to offend their culture, which I may have done here and yeah it was wrong

I'm not denying I'm wrong. I just refuse to apologize to someone who called me a spoiled brat, ignorant countless times, and lots of other things throughout the time I have been on CoasterForce. Pretty sure you called me a slut once too. Think that didn't offend me? I don't remember getting an apology for that.

it demonstrates that you recognize an action took place that was in bad taste, regardless of your intent.

Which I SAID I WAS WRONG TO DO. I'M NOT GOING TO SIT HERE AND BE LIKE BOO HOO I'M SORRY FOR OFFENDING YOU. Yeah, I didn't mean to HURT anyone's feelings but Hell no am I gonna apologize to someone who has said hurtful things to me. And I really refuse to believe that you of all people are sensitive enough to get offended for me saying that, over a FORUM, heck, a girl you barely even know? Like, come on. No, obviously I don't want anyone to die in bad fashions unless they truly deserve it, like if they're Hitler or something :P .

(Okay, let's not get into an argument about how terrible I am for saying Hitler should die painfully, even though he's already long gone)

[quoet]And no, you haven't been saying those things in that post. You've been spewing nonsense about things you don't understand, and you haven't been listening to anything anyone has told you since this topic began, until you realized that a lot of people - not just me, but including moderators and site staff - felt the way I do, and you massively backed down.

Seriously, stop saying I'm ignorant and "don't understand things". It may not seem like it on here, and you can laugh all you want, but I'm a lot smarter than people give me credit for and I'm sick of being treated like I'm an idiot or a retard. And like I care if moderators disagree with me, they're not all high and mighty because they moderate a forum, enough to make me scared and to "back down". I backed down simply because I was tired of arguing the same points.

I was like you once, and was too proud to admit when I was wrong

Should I show you the quote again, WHERE I SAID I WAS WRONG? Holy hell stop saying I can't admit I'm wrong, when I can. Maybe not so easily in this case because for most of it except the one comment I made, I still stand by.

I do love how you act like you're all old and wise, and all knowing by saying "I was like you once".. You're what, four years older maybe? If that? Stop acting like you're all experienced in life and acting like I have absolutely no life experience at all.

[quoet]especially about a group of people she neither understands nor has lived with.[/quote]

I just have a question out of curiousity... How often do you see these Chinese family members? And how often do you live with them and see them participate in their cultural activities?
Okay, I think it's time for Taylor and UC to take it to PM's to sort out their personal issues with this - it's pretty much too far off the original topic now to keep it in here. This is about the fish thing, not Taylor's ignorance/lack of ignorance.
Dave said:
Last time I saw dodgy fish talked about this much was when I was the doctors a few years back :p

Really? For me it was the last time I saw Vadge.

(love you Vadge <3)

Because it is topical, and somewhat enjoyable. Or at least, some of it is.

Mm, stripper.