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Derren Brown

ciallkennett said:
^ the topic is called 'Derren Brown', and not just 'Derren Brown - The Events'.

We're just discussing him :)

Well most of his tricks are like that.

He's obviously doing one thing (usually camera tricks, actors, and the like), but then comes in with another explanation to make it sound more "clever" by going on about hypnotism and stuff.,

A lot like cris angel in many ways (only less annoying)
SchumacherFerrari said:
I dislike negativity :lol:

Im being postitive.. I'm positive that it was a camera trick.

The shakey camera was the ultimate give-away.

In a proper tv broadcast no professional tv company would allow "shakey cam" footage to go out. It just wouldnt happen with a professional camera man.

So it was obviously added for a reason - and that reason is to make you think that they couldn't have just replaced the left of the image.
Also another reason why it's a camera trick. There was no live audience in the studio place they were. All the other things he does they always have members of the public there or taking part.
^But I thought that was for security reasons. They couldn't risk something happening. I don't know how it would've worked, but you never know!
That's just probably an excuse. No one could win as they still wouldn't of know the numbers until after the draw. They would of just been able to see if anyone touch the balls at all.
Am i the only person who thinks this man is a massive BELL END i dont find him entertaining just annoying just like the other bell end davin blain get Paul daniels on now thats a legend lol. But no seriously he a BELL END
^Coin walk?

I enjoy his shows and I will be watching this evening. One thing that puzzles me is the star/snowflake thing he holds up in the new ad for this evening's show, what's that all about?
peep said:
One thing that puzzles me is the star/snowflake thing he holds up in the new ad for this evening's show, what's that all about?
It's probably just nothing, a little tounge-in-cheek joke from him to people who over-analyze everything he does and thinks it's part of some sort of mind trick. Like John Lennon did with "I Am The Walrus", just a load of gibberish as he thought it would be amusing to irritate hardcore Beatles obsessives. :p
mrclam said:
Im being postitive.. I'm positive that it was a camera trick.

The shakey camera was the ultimate give-away.

Or maybe he used a shakey camera to make you think it was a simple camera trick, when in reality it wasn't...
Watch very closely and you'll see how he did it..

Lain said:
Or maybe he used a shakey camera to make you think it was a simple camera trick, when in reality it wasn't...

Of course he'll have some sort of explanation based around hypnosis or some other thing to make out it's really really complex what he did.. When in reality - camera trick.

Thats what derren brown does.. he gives explanations to make out he did something really clever... when really he didnt.
I usually quite like Derren Brown.

The lottery thing was **** though. Just finished watching it, and Mr. Clam is blatantly right. When I watched it with my family on Wednesday, I said exactly the same thing about the split screen thing. Watch it on a big screen and you can even see that the left side takes a split second to catch up with the right side at times.

Obviously, it's all a trick. We know that. But explaining away a camera trick with a whole hour of bollocks is very disappointing.

If the point of the program was to hypnotise me into thinking I'd just watched 60 minutes of the most tedious television in recent memory, it worked!
I want to know if the coin trick math is possible. But I don't see how it helps the lottery trick. The wisdom of crowds (which makes sense in the bull weigh prediction) and the maths from the coin trick don't.... make the lottery trick work. I can't see how they do anyway. But I have such a terrible understanding of maths that I can't really judge.

REGARDLESS, I think we're probably ALL missing the point. Given the title of his next show, I think this was an experiment to see how gullible we all are. As in, we all tuned in to see how it was done, when really he snow-jobbed us all. Anyone see the snow flake in the ad for it? Yeah... All you people saying it was ****, you still watched it. You still wanted to.

Though Brown is a fan of red herrings, too (like Lain pointed out above), and this whole thing shows his extraordinary ability to make us think the opposite of the opposite what we think we should think. But only sometimes. My mum, for example, said she'd have picked the number 13 cup in the knife trick "just to be awkward". I said "I think he'd have known you would have. You're assuming the trick would have been set up the same for everyone..." That dude was picked because he was the type of person to fall for it. My mother, and I'm sure half the nation, were just concerned with "of course there wasn't a real knife, this is all obvious" and entirely missing the point.

I wonder how many of us Brown is laughing at for "missing the point". I wonder if I'm missing the point?

The show was a combo of real psychology, maths... and some bull****. It was awesome.
People can say he's ****, clearly he's not. He knows what hes doing and is so sinister about it you won't know where or what to think.

That split screen thing is a trick, and would be totally past the point. It was not used, the only people who think so are the ones fooling themselves.

I look forward to his next trick.
ciallkennett said:
Therefore, this was a trick, and can be easily proved.

No it wasn't a trick.
It's based on probability and they just happened to get it right.

Bollocks if I'm gonna believe that its a camera trick, Derren wouldnt cheapen his rep like that.
^ I'm not so sure.

This trick was unlike anything else he's done before. And I can't help but wonder if he's, almost, duping his biggest fans - the ones likely to believe any explanation he gives.

The snow flake is bothering me more and more. I think that was a clue to say that he wasn't going to give anything away. Note he told us how we could do it at home. Is there any reason to believe how he did it and how we could do it are the same thing? The first part of the show being a cover up, and the ending being how we could do it.

Also, there is no way he fixed the machine. Why would the BBC, had they ANY suspicion that was true, allow him to get away with it? It's likely to reduce faith in the lottery. I can't see many people honestly trying it out at home and it thus benefiting them. More importantly, this is ridiculously illegal. And I simply do not believe it would be possible to fix the tightest secured lottery in the world.

I looked up the coin trick. That was the most interesting part of the snow for me. It's called Penney's Game. I cannot find an explanation of how the maths behind it works, however. And I fail to see how it aids the lottery prediction.

I don't like probability. I can't get my head around why it works, because something as simple as a coin toss obviously wouldn't come out how probability predicts. If I toss a coin 100 times, apparently I'd get 50 heads and 50 tails. I highly doubt it. The world just isn't that perfect.

So for Derren to expect me to believe that he could use the history of a lottery game (in which, the machine and set of balls gets changed each week at random, right? Just to confuse matters further...) and probability to predict 6 numbers which could be one of a possible 49... Isn't... convincing, in the slightest.

I sort of see that the past balls are important because of probabilities retarded nonsense, but I don't see how it would work in the REAL world.

I wanna know what Stone thinks. :C

EDIT: I just heard from a mathmatician that his explination for predicting the lottery doesnt hold up. The coin game and the wisdom in crowds are both legitimate, but not when predicting the lottery. Red herring.