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Diamondback - B&M Hyper for Kings Island

It has no more 'twisty' elements than Behemoth (though the helixes look better than Behemoth's), the same amount of hills and an extra water splash, and as I said, Behemoth is the highest rated of the B&M Megas. This will be good, for the type. If the type is to your taste is debatable, however.
Ben said:
If the type is to your taste is debatable, however.
UC just made a post without a single comment directed at you, but you have to reply with a swipe at him. We all know that these 'types' are not to his taste, so it's not debatable. If you were directing the comment to everyone, then you sould have left off 'is debatable, however'. You're a Team member, so why can't you act like one and post your opinion without trying to stir the pot?!
Jerry, you have completely mis-read my post, and assumed I'm saying something I'm clearly not. It was the exact OPPOSITE of stirring - it was keeping peace! I was saying it will probably be good for a B&M hyper, BUT if they aren't to your tastes, you won't like it! The debatable part comes in when questioning whether or not B&M hypers are to a particular person's taste (not even bloody MENTIONING UC at all. If I'd wanted to direct a post at him, I'd have mentioned him, quoted him, something, so no-one but who I intend to aim the post at interprets it as being aimed at them). This was a comment to ANYONE. If you like B&M hypers, chances are, this will be a good one, and you'll really like it. SO, all the pointless "IT HAS FIVE HILLS!" was... pointless, and I was attempting to wrap it up before the topic got bogged down by saying it shares a lot of similarities with 'the best one'!

If I'd left off the 'is debatable, however' the sentence wouldn't have made sense... It would just have read 'If the type is to your taste'... Yeah, what IF the type is to your taste...? I'd have left the sentence unresolved, as it were. And if I'd intended it to be read with the sentence before it, I'd have shown that in the punctuation, and would have used a comma. So no, I was not 'stirring the pot' I was making sense!

Trust me, if I WAS making a swipe, I'd make it a GOOD one!

Jeeessuuss... you can't post ANYTHING on here anymore can you... Even doing the bloody right thing you get called out, picked at...
^ That is what I wanted to see, whether or not Raging Bull or Diamondback is better, seeing as Raging Bull is the only B&M hyper that I have been on.
Yeah, fine, whatever, number of hills = goodness of coaster. Lets ignore all other factors. Like what actually happens on those hills...

And Jerry, I do apologise that my exact choice of grammatical structure has upset you so. How thoughtless of me. I didn't think people would start going through it like it was nit infested hair...

**** sake, what is wrong with people on here lately, so tetchy and picky...
The second helix is almost done and it looks nice and tight[/that's what she said].






All photos taken from the main gallery.

What a photogenic ride. The curves over the midways look so nice. I can't wait until the leaves are on the trees to bring out some color and see a train traveling over those hills.

On the webcam, you can see that there are only three or four more pieces to install. Any bets on when testing will begin?
rollerdude said:
Any bets on when testing will begin?
It'll still be a while, as a train pull-through is still in order and that trains still have yet to arrive.

There is still a good deal of work left before any testing takes place.

A clear autumn day, late season, first ride in the morning. Being the first one to get to the station, that day, you are almost alone on the platform. You chat with the ride ops a bit, waiting for others to arrive. However, few guests have turned up so far, due to the (completely wrong) forecast of rain and wind, so no one arrives. Finally, after five minutes, the ride ops let you ride alone. You choose the front seat, and the train dispatches and engages the lift. Even though it's sunny and blue sky, it's quite cold, you can see your breath when going up the lift. Apart from that, nothing but sky and red track is in sight. Finally, you get to the top, looking over what must look like the entire world. The only sound you hear is the sound of chain dog after chaindog disengaging the lift, your own breath, and a distant bird cry. As the sound of the wheels to the track rises, you raise your arms...

This picture alone predicts many "best memory" moments even before the coaster is open.
Lovely piece of prose there Pokey! I can just imagine it already. Can't wait for my experience...
^"OUR" experience, because we will be next to each other.. ;)

Dave said:
That red is so sexy, is it scarlet?

I'd say its more Maroon then anything. Scarlet is brighter.

As for the photogenicness of the ride, I totally agree.. I LOVE how it just disappears into the trees from that one shot. Delicious.
pokemaniac said:
A clear autumn day, late season, first ride in the morning. Being the first one to get to the station, that day, you are almost alone on the platform. You chat with the ride ops a bit, waiting for others to arrive. However, few guests have turned up so far, due to the (completely wrong) forecast of rain and wind, so no one arrives. Finally, after five minutes, the ride ops let you ride alone. You choose the front seat, and the train dispatches and engages the lift. Even though it's sunny and blue sky, it's quite cold, you can see your breath when going up the lift. Apart from that, nothing but sky and red track is in sight. Finally, you get to the top, looking over what must look like the entire world. The only sound you hear is the sound of chain dog after chaindog disengaging the lift, your own breath, and a distant bird cry. As the sound of the wheels to the track rises, you raise your arms...

Though that does sound picturesque, a more realistic view will take hold full of hot, blistering summer days, hoards of people rushing to queue for Diamondback, and 3+ hour waits. :razz:

Regardless, it'll be a great experience.
^ Those are sensors, that indicates when a train passes, it's speed, etc. As a part of the blocking system.
Another "photogenic" spot that hasn't been shown yet is the sheer fact that the first drop sits right on top of the pathway.

This will surely be able to create another "oooo" and "awww" moment. :razz:

I've said it from the start, this coaster is a real beaut.