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Earthquake in Japan

nealbie said:
Magikarps and drowned Jigglypuffs! </3 :(

Jigglypuff float and Magikarp suck so they're fine.

What I find most bizarre is the videos of the offices. They're all like "Meh" for most of it and then it starts getting worse and then they're like ****!
Hixee. Those photos are actually amazing in their own right. The one of the wave hitting the airport is just mind blowing. It really looks like something off of a natural disaster film. It's unbelievable.
^ I'm pretty sure that Kamine Park is high enough in the mountains to not worry about the water, Pleasure Garden is probably the one that is most affected on your list, since Hasunuma Kaihin Park is sheltered a bit from the main wave by a peninsula which should have dampened the Tsunami a bit.
But I have a feeling that many of the theme parks in the Tohoku region are closed today to check-ups on the rides for structural damage.

Several train companies had shut down a lot of services yesterday, some have fully reopened, other are running at reduced capacity while others are still closed. Some train company ran all through the night just so that people could get home safely. Where as others were forced to walk home, (one guy trekked for 12 hours to get home...).
Want to fuel your hate for inbreds a bit more?

Type in "Pearl Harbour" or "Hurricane Katrina" into Facebook posts by everyone, or Twitter, and look at the swarms of morons saying such beauties like "Japan deserves this for Pearl Harbour", or "They didn't help us with Hurricane Katrina".

It makes me sad that this is the general thinking amongst many, many Americans. So stupid. Makes me laugh too because Karma is a faith in contradistinction to the faith of Christianity, and yet these dumbasses talk about it as if it is God's wrath? Stupid ****s.
I laughed at their appalling lack of historical knowledge, and also at the idea that no Japanese people helped America after Hurricane Katrina.

Bloody idiots.
nadroJ said:
It makes me sad that this is the general thinking amongst many, many Americans. So stupid. Makes me laugh too because Karma is a faith in contradistinction to the faith of Christianity, and yet these dumbasses talk about it as if it is God's wrath? Stupid <img>.

I agree, Many Americans only see it from their point of view, thinking of japan as a third world country (I even knew a few who dont know where japan is on a map) They dont take into consideration how much it really effects them.

I hate America....I hate people.
Hahaha, those retarded yanks are the British equivalent of thick, tower block chavs.
marc said:
I had not seen the wave until just now and I really thought it was not real, it looked like a scene from a film really shocking.

Are there any videos online showing the waves? I'd be interested in seeing them. All I can see on Youtube is just news reports, and lots of them.
^Look at jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjustin's post on the first page, it's got pretty good aerial shots of the waves just rolling in.

It's quite incredible.
Oh wow! :shock:

That's such an effective way of showing the destruction. It's been completely bulldozed. It'd be interesting to see one of those for the whole of Japan, to really see how much of the country it's ruined.

Good find David, thanks for sharing!