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Earthquake in Japan

^ It's still no way near what happened at Chernobyl, more like what happened at Three Mile Island...
kimahri said:
loefet said:
A very interesting article that is pretty easy to understand about what have happened in the Fukushima nuclear plants. It's more based on facts than anything the media have written about it. Sure it's bad that it have happened, but it's not as bad as some papers/tv channels tells us like this is worse than Chernobyl...

Fukushima Nuclear Accident – a simple and accurate explanation

But it's radiation! RADIATION!


I was quite shocked when I heard the news. It's scary how the world can launch something like that at you with no warning.

Thanks for the link Leofet, although looking at the comments section, it may be that not all of the facts are right.
That article was posted on the 12:th and things have happened since then, so there is bound to be some errors compared what the situation is today, still most of it is valid and it gives you a way better view of the situation than any other article posted in the news media.

Go to their homepage and there is a lot more than just this article about these events.

This is the current status of the plants as this evening (Japanese time):

Source: [url=http://theenergycollective.com/]http://theenergycollective.com/[/url]

As long as the "Containment Integrety" is green there isn't that much to worry about. So we just have to wait and see...
Thanks for posting that article, it was really interesting.

Whether you believe his reassurances or not, at least I now know how a nuclear reactor works. Hurrah.
Huge, monumental amount of credit has to go out to the way the Japanese citizens have dealt with this. No rioting, no looting like we've seen in other incidents, they've been entirely calm and resilient throughout a disaster way above the wildest expectations.
Today I was watching the news coverage of the nuclear 'meltdown', and Sky News every 10 minutes were pulling all these 'experts' onto the show on live feeds, surely unhappy because none of them said it was going to be 'like Chernobyl' or 'devastating'. Was amusing to watch despite the subject matter.
You can only truly appreciate how mind numbingly repetitive Sky News is when it's the ONLY channel you can recieve abroad. Every ten minutes it's the same thing.
Well, it's looking more & more like it's going to be a Chernobyl type indecent as all workers have been ordered to stop all work to prevent a meltdown as flames erupted in yet another reactor. Radiation levels around the plant have gotten so high that it's impossible to keep workers in the vicinity, even those trying to stop the crisis.
With three ruptured containment walls, it looks like they have no choice but to seal off the nuclear fuel rods before a total meltdown but those steps will have to be taken quickly & it might already be too late due to the logistics involved.
This is just going from very bad to worse with no end in site.
^ I saw someone adding those two dates and ended up with 12/21 2012 :) until you noticed that he had the wrong date on the quake...

Another update on the situation from "theenergycollective.com". My only source that I use to get information of this accident, since it don't have all the hysteria the general media have...

Fukushima Nuclear Accident – 16 March update
CoasterWild said:
First there was 9/11 in New York & ten years later, 3/11 in Tokyo!

I don't get it???

11th September has nothing to do with March 2011, other than the an 11 at either end... OOOH, 11 in binary is 3 so that's two lots of three and 3x3 = 9.

So we have the 9's and 11's matched... What about the 2001 issue? well, 2011 - 2001 = 10 and 10 in binary is 2. 3-2 is 1 and that's 1 in binary add that to the 9 and you have 10. Subtract that from the 10 left from 2011-2001 and you have zero and it all cancels out meaning you're left solely with 9/11. 9+11 = 20 and 20 - 11 = 9, plus the 3 that keeps cropping up and you have 2012.

I think you'll agree, it is completely clear and precise mathematical proof that the world will end in 2012!

Loefet, I'm keeping up with that site too, it's a good place for information and isn't over the top. However, it is a little "behind" I think in terms of breaking news.

It is worth noting though that the reactor is handling things well above specification. The earthquake and tsunami are both many times higher in magnitude than could be predicted and the plant was built to deal with. As has been said, this will be a controlled reactor seal if it's needed, rather than an emergency one like Chernobyl.

Has anyone mentioned that they think Japan has moved 8 feet due to the quake??? That's actually really incredible.
I read that the other day Furie that planes are having to alter their normal course.

I actually have to say I am so impressed the way the whole thing is being taken care of in Japan. They are just getting on trying to find people and get things sorted as much as they can.

I know they planned for it but it is different when it actually happens and they have just pulled together and there seems to be little panic, there probably is but we are not seeing it.

It just seems like one problem after another though and now that have snow which is slowing them down even more.
furie said:
CoasterWild said:
First there was 9/11 in New York & ten years later, 3/11 in Tokyo!

I don't get it???

11th September has nothing to do with March 2011, other than the an 11 at either end... OOOH, 11 in binary is 3 so that's two lots of three and 3x3 = 9.

So we have the 9's and 11's matched... What about the 2001 issue? well, 2011 - 2001 = 10 and 10 in binary is 2. 3-2 is 1 and that's 1 in binary add that to the 9 and you have 10. Subtract that from the 10 left from 2011-2001 and you have zero and it all cancels out meaning you're left solely with 9/11. 9+11 = 20 and 20 - 11 = 9, plus the 3 that keeps cropping up and you have 2012.

I think you'll agree, it is completely clear and precise mathematical proof that the world will end in 2012!

Loefet, I'm keeping up with that site too, it's a good place for information and isn't over the top. However, it is a little "behind" I think in terms of breaking news.

It is worth noting though that the reactor is handling things well above specification. The earthquake and tsunami are both many times higher in magnitude than could be predicted and the plant was built to deal with. As has been said, this will be a controlled reactor seal if it's needed, rather than an emergency one like Chernobyl.

Has anyone mentioned that they think Japan has moved 8 feet due to the quake??? That's actually really incredible.

And what does that spell?!


[\Nostalgia critic]
The Japanese way of explaining what is happening in Fukushima :)
I would guess the reason why it's made is to make children understand what have happened...
Seems like the whole Fukushima situation is stabilizing: Read more at theenergycollective.com
In the end of that article there is some great points to think about. Which makes you think on how you should see this disaster and how people are more scared than necessary about radiation...

Also, they have done some great progress to reconstruct the damage that occurred during the earthquake:

First image shortly after the quake 16:30 on the 11:th and the second one a few days later 15:th at 13:00. So that road should probably be opened by now...
^That is absolutely crazy, it would take MONTHS for that to be corrected in the UK.

A gentleman sitting next to me on the train last night was from Japan and because I was reading about it in the paper he decided to randomly talk to me (I think he just needed to talk to someone). His Wife and Daughter still live on the South side of Tokyo but he said that the quake still affected the area. He was telling me how his daughter was on the 33rd floor of a building during the big quake and she had to go down the stairs as they swayed from side to side to get to safety. Sounds terrifying but he said it's so normal, hence why everyone is so calm. He was also telling me how the aftershocks are still happening on a regular basis.

It was interesting to talk to someone that has relatives out there but at least he knew they were both safe (talks to them via phone on a regular basis).
They open new sections of railways that have been inspected/repaired on a daily basis now, and many stretches will probably be cleared in a few weeks. Some segments are on the other hand are in a lot worse state so they will take longer, but I guess that most of the important rail lines will be up and running as normal within 2-3 months.
The most important bit at the moment is to get power, and the sooner the nuclear/other power plants have been cleared get on-line the better.

That's a really nice story you have from the other night, and you probably gained a friend in the process... :)
(You can more or less walk up to any Japanese person and ask if he/she would be your friend, and they would accept :p )
Loefet, you might know actually...

That road picture is the second I've seen where it has split almost perfectly down the white line... is there a reason for that? Are they built to do that or something? Seems a bit too coincidental.