I've had a read of the BNP's policies (at least they have some, even if they don't have a manifesto).
Here's a representative sample. None of these are costed in any way by the party.
This is their big topic.
• "At least twenty percent of the currently resident population were either born overseas or are descendants of foreign-born parents." [So? My sister was born abroad, so what?]
• An immediate halt to all immigration.
• Deport all the two million plus who are here illegally. [It's not clear how they define "illegal".]
• Deport all those who commit crimes and whose original nationality was not British. [Actually the Lib Dems advocate this too, with caveats.]
• Reject all asylum seekers who passed safe countries on their way to Britain. [So all accept the Irish or the French then. What do you mean, we don't have any Irish or French asylum seekers?]
• "The current open-door policy and unrestricted, uncontrolled immigration is leading to higher crime rates." [It's not an "open door", and the other parties are going to control it - it's Labour that have screwed it up recently.]
• Exclusion of foreign-made goods from British markets, and the reduction of foreign imports. [I don't think it needs pointing out how idiotic a policy this is - I loves my British bananas...and forget about that cheap European wine.]
• Ensure that our manufactured goods are, wherever possible, produced in British factories, employing British workers.
• Restore our economy and land to British ownership. ["Can we have our land back please? Pleeeeease?"]
• Ending the £9 billion foreign aid budget. [That's not very Christian, for a party that advocates the "old" Christian ways.]
• Ending the £4.5 billion a year wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. [A sensible policy at last?]
• Ending the billions pumped into the EU swindle. [Of course, we won't need Europe any more if we ONLY have British! Sorted!]
• Withdrawing from the illegal and immoral wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
• The prosecution for war crimes of all Westminster officials who deliberately tricked this nation into those conflicts.
• Retain a genuinely independent nuclear deterrent and produce all our weaponry in Britain. [This looked sensible until the "weaponry" bit. Gotta have British!]
• Only commit British forces when British national interests are at stake.
• Re-introduce corporal punishment for petty criminals and vandals. [Stoning? Chopping-off hands? A spanking?]
• Restore capital punishment for paedophiles, terrorists and murderers in cases where their guilt is proven beyond dispute. [Sweet - we all know The Law is of course infallible.]
I'm sure all the students will love these:-
• "Exams have been dumbed down and while more students are obtaining meaningless bits of paper, employers are complaining that graduates cannot spell."
• The restoration of discipline – including corporal punishment – uniforms, traditional teaching methods and stricter exams (e.g. ‘0′ levels).
• The reintroduction of competitive sports and daily Christian assemblies.
• The teaching of old-fashioned literacy skills (as opposed to clearly failed “modern” teaching methods). [Their comments, not mine!]
• The abolition of fees and the restoration of full grants to university students studying proper subjects (as opposed to fake “social sciences”). [Their comments again.]
• The ending of the scandalous and racist neglect that has left working class white boys at the bottom of the table for academic achievement. [Oh THAT'S the problem - white-boy racism! D'oh!]
If this is genuinely the Britain that you want to live in, one which actually used to exist a century ago, then you'll find me at the (now open) airport - but please don't bother.