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Energylandia | Hyperion | Intamin Hyper coaster

Just for mentioning sake.. you guys do know this decision was made years ago right? Before any of these polls. Before any videos. Before any rumors. They knew this exact layout from Intamin would be put in their park before an obscure park from the middle of nowhere Poland was even heard about by the general public and the enthusiast community in general.

It would be fun.. and hilarious.. to think they would be swayed by enthusiasts in any way.. but it's just not logistically or even intelligent to think that was possible.

If the decision was made years ago why would Vekoma allow Energylandia to use a POV of a ride that they’d tendered for and already lost? I think you’ve massively overestimated the time it takes for rides to come to fruition, I understand some plans are years in the making but this ride is on a empty flat plot with no interaction with anything else.

It’s not really about them being swayed, they have 2 rides pitched with similar layouts, the same price, the same spacial constraints and the same capacity, they can’t make a decision as to which one is best for the park (on paper the rides are very similar) why not see which layout the guests would prefer and go from that?
And even if the poll would have any sort of influence on their decision, I think it was still geared more at the local visitors rather than international enthusiast. And I'm pretty sure most of those locals have never even heard of what Coaster Studios is...
Whilst the poll may not have been *the* deciding factor it probably was a factor when they were making their final decision. Sometimes it can come down to pretty small details when deciding between 2 suppliers.
And even if the poll would have any sort of influence on their decision, I think it was still geared more at the local visitors rather than international enthusiast. And I'm pretty sure most of those locals have never even heard of what Coaster Studios is...
Agreed, but the poll wasn’t restricted to local visitors, literally anyone with a Facebook account could vote.
I get that, but does this seem like a park that fits the general narrative? Considering it didn’t even exist a few years ago. The social media poll posted both rides that the manufacturers probably pitched to the park with the same constraints (budget, space, capacity etc) and let the public decide. I know it seems illogical but I bet you lot with logical approach wouldn’t have this park getting the biggest RMC, an Intamin hyper and a crazy launched Vekoma all within 6 years?

Just feel the the merry men on their high horses of knowledge were quick to jump to the conclusion that a park would never do such a thing as run a poll to see what ride the public prefer and decide to build the ride that the public prefer.

Care to elaborate on the last bit?
Lofty put it better than I could phrase it in all honesty.
Also, as far as I can see from above not one person says that they wouldn’t run a public poll, that was not the point in question. They ran a poll, that was a fact and nobody could debate that. The likelihood of said poll making any difference to the actual ride is another debate entirely.

I agree with the above that it was part of the marketing strategy, really clever to ‘include’ people in the decision making of the park when in reality, it probably didn’t mean anything as the contracts were more than likely already signed and they could’ve EASILY manipulated the final outcome.
The last bit was just that this is the first time you've posted something that really doesn't make sense, and the weed bit was a joke, have a belated smiley ;)
The last bit was just that this is the first time you've posted something that really doesn't make sense, and the weed bit was a joke, have a belated smiley ;)

I thought it was going to be about me rating Bandit! Was going to go on the defensive!
If the decision was made years ago why would Vekoma allow Energylandia to use a POV of a ride that they’d tendered for and already lost? I think you’ve massively overestimated the time it takes for rides to come to fruition, I understand some plans are years in the making but this ride is on a empty flat plot with no interaction with anything else.

It’s not really about them being swayed, they have 2 rides pitched with similar layouts, the same price, the same spacial constraints and the same capacity, they can’t make a decision as to which one is best for the park (on paper the rides are very similar) why not see which layout the guests would prefer and go from that?

It's already been mentioned but Marketing is such a thing, for both the park AND Vekoma/Intamin. They know this ride will/has captured enthusiasts minds across the world. While enthusiast pull in final decisions is so small it's not even able to be registered, their(our) ability to sell to the populous in mass is something worth taking into account when trying to sell to other parks.

And I think your MASSIVELY underestimating the decision making it takes to decide on a project like this. If you REALLY think a park is going to let a small group of people who are a very small segment of their annual attendance, you have no idea how a business actually works to be honest.

I'm with you Chris, I understand how you can see the correlation between events as I see them too.. but this isn't a conspiracy theory about the earth being flat or who shot JFK.. this is a $25 million Euro investment. I've been part of major companies with insight into their thought processes for making large monetary decisions. There is no way on earth they 1. did not decide this at least a year before they announced it and 2. Let polls on the internet decide for them.

It's a nice thought to think they care about enthusiasts and their feelings, but they don't. They went to two companies, said design me a ride, went with Intamin due to their history (as Vekoma doesn't really have any in this ride type), and played marketing as such to allow it to spread. And boy has their marketing worked well. Not only that, Vekoma (the loser) have benefited as more parks have seen their designs who may not have before or have been able to afford an Intamin but will be willing to spend a smidge extra to get a Vekoma instead of a mid-range coaster they were thinking about.

All in all, I get what you mean, but from a business standpoint, youre not going to allow the minority to decide for you. You're going to see what works elsewhere, go with someone you trust, and market as such. If they happened to throw out Vekoma.. that may have been something Vekoma requested due to the visibility it's gardnered and they happily obliged due to the stir it would cause with two designs as this thread has indicated.
It's not out of the question that a 2016 poll would at least partially decide what sort of hyper Energylandia was to build in 2018... Mako only entered the planning stages in 2015 and opened just 1 year later. Also, Energylandia build what the public wants, so they would ask them what they want prior to building it.
It's not out of the question that a 2016 poll would at least partially decide what sort of hyper Energylandia was to build in 2018... Mako only entered the planning stages in 2015 and opened just 1 year later. Also, Energylandia build what the public wants, so they would ask them what they want prior to building it.
You can't possibly plan, build and open a ride of that scale in a year. It isn't practical.
While it isn't on the same scale, Mine Blower was designed and purchased at IAAPA in November and was open in June of the next year.
So there's me, Chris Brown and Matt N who think it was the poll, versus Snoo, Ben, Lofty, Hixee, Tilen, Delly P et al, who all think it was some sort of "business" decision. Pffft.

Stand firm lads. We got this.
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It's not out of the question that a 2016 poll would at least partially decide what sort of hyper Energylandia was to build in 2018... Mako only entered the planning stages in 2015 and opened just 1 year later. Also, Energylandia build what the public wants, so they would ask them what they want prior to building it.

It's not out of the question, yes, to simply gauge what people would like, both from the general population and enthusiasts alike. However, they will and do weigh their options and decide accordingly without a poll being the final factor. Say that poll got 1,000 votes and you get 1,000,000 visitors a year. You're going to let 0.1% decide what everyone else wants? Just using logic, that doesn't even come close to making sense.

And you use Mako as an example, but you forget what the "planning" actually entails. These parks have spending planned out YEARS in advance. I've talked to both park staff as well as ride manufacturers in the past. They described both their park plan (for 3-4 years in advance.. all of which came true) as well as what their building (vague of course but most of which came true). I put money that SW put out what they want to manufactures in 2013-14.. got their bids in 2014.. and finalized what they were doing before 2015 even started. Then they began ground work and marketing. Planning includes EVERYTHING.. not just prep work for the ride to be built. Background details are literally 95% of the details most seem to forget and are the hard part of the whole ordeal. Clearing and building are the fun easy parts.

Remember not to oversimplify this process folks. This isn't you going to the store and buying a t-shirt. This is an enormous investment which takes time and effort to be sure you don't **** up because if you do, you end up like Hard Rock Park.. who didn't do what they needed and ended up folding.
It's not out of the question, yes, to simply gauge what people would like, both from the general population and enthusiasts alike. However, they will and do weigh their options and decide accordingly without a poll being the final factor. Say that poll got 1,000 votes and you get 1,000,000 visitors a year. You're going to let 0.1% decide what everyone else wants? Just using logic, that doesn't even come close to making sense.

And you use Mako as an example, but you forget what the "planning" actually entails. These parks have spending planned out YEARS in advance. I've talked to both park staff as well as ride manufacturers in the past. They described both their park plan (for 3-4 years in advance.. all of which came true) as well as what their building (vague of course but most of which came true). I put money that SW put out what they want to manufactures in 2013-14.. got their bids in 2014.. and finalized what they were doing before 2015 even started. Then they began ground work and marketing. Planning includes EVERYTHING.. not just prep work for the ride to be built. Background details are literally 95% of the details most seem to forget and are the hard part of the whole ordeal. Clearing and building are the fun easy parts.

Remember not to oversimplify this process folks. This isn't you going to the store and buying a t-shirt. This is an enormous investment which takes time and effort to be sure you don't :emoji_zipper_mouth: up because if you do, you end up like Hard Rock Park.. who didn't do what they needed and ended up folding.
You can't possibly plan, build and open a ride of that scale in a year. It isn't practical.
I suppose I'm not really sure what the 2015 statistic classes as "planning stages", in all fairness. But my question is; why would they even do a poll if they already knew what ride they were getting? Isn't it a bit pointless?

I suppose we're going to have to agree to disagree here.
I suppose I'm not really sure what the 2015 statistic classes as "planning stages", in all fairness. But my question is; why would they even do a poll if they already knew what ride they were getting? Isn't it a bit pointless?

I suppose we're going to have to agree to disagree here.

Marketing. Fire up the populous into thinking "what could it be!!!" and let the momentum build. Its actually very easy to complete (simply posting a video as it were) and a very easy way to get the ball rolling on a marketing campaign. Once you stop trying to connect the dots to a conspiracy and look at this objectively with business logic behind it, you can see it yourself as well. If you look at the actual timeline of events, there is no coincidence, there is no secret agenda, there is no letting enthusiasts decide in a poll.

I'm sorry ladies and gents, but as someone with a business background and knowledge on the ins and outs of the industry, I'm not agreeing to disagree. You really are just grasping at straws to be honest. I'm all for discussion if both sides make sense or are fun opinions but ya'll are holding on for dear life at this conspiracy for the sake of either blind ignorance or trolling at this point and I'll call you out on both if that is the case.