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Energylandia | Hyperion | Intamin Hyper coaster

You don’t remember when Energylandia had everyone vote on which two coaster people wanted? Yeah. They put up a poll to see if people wanted to see the Vekoma or Intamin one. Plus even then Vekoma would’ve been better because it probably would’ve been longer and cost less.

You miss the last page? That was the entire page of discussion around that poll and it's validity.

It was a joke. Apparently you’re too simple minded to understand what a joke is. I was saying that because if you’ve seen his content you will know that most of his viewers try to look at things the way he does. And he does not like Vekoma so his followers probably want to be like him and also not like Vekoma. I was implying it as a joke. I know that Energylandia would not make such a big decision based off a college student’s opinion. I do know that they put up a poll somewhere and the Intamin version won. And I wouldn’t be shocked if it actually won because people hate Vekoma or are Intamin fanboys. If you look at the comment section for this coaster’s animation video, you will actually find comments by people who are unaware of how good Vekoma is now and you will also find a few comments by some enthusiasts on how they’re happy that the Intamin layout won because “Vekomas suck”. I said it as a joke. Call your tits everyone. Plus if you’re going to ask what your guests want then you might as well go forward with it. That’s why most parks add what they add today. Energylandia gave what the people voted for and wanted. I wish they went with the Vekoma layout but it’s too late for that lol. If they put up the poll and went with the Vekoma layout even after the Intamin one won, then that wouldn’t be good lol. That’s like saying: “Thanks for voting. We’re just go against what the majority wanted and piss everyone off”.

You jump to insults pretty quick. Usually those petty and simple minded folks are the ones who jump to those insults.. unless.. YOU'RE TAYLOR!! CHEM TRAILS ARE REAL AND THE EARTH IS FLAT!!!!

You miss the last page? That was the entire page of discussion around that poll and it's validity.

You jump to insults pretty quick. Usually those petty and simple minded folks are the ones who jump to those insults.. unless.. YOU'RE TAYLOR!! CHEM TRAILS ARE REAL AND THE EARTH IS FLAT!!!!

The reason why I didn’t see the last page was because after I wrote this, I just realized that there was more after that. Plus why are you attacking me? Whenever I have something to say on this site, you always have a problem with it or get snotty. Hence why I hate the living **** out of you. Plus I wasn’t able to read it all because I had to do a college visit this morning and afternoon then I had a long drive home. And as I said before, I said that as a joke. I also stated that I wouldn’t be surprised if it was true considering how many enthusiasts try to base their views off of his and a lot of enthusiasts are in fact Intamin fanboys. And I jumped to that insult because I felt like I was being attacked as you all were trying to make me look like a worthless idiot who’s opinions don’t matter. I don’t attack you whenever you post something. The only time I ever talk to you is when you reply to my messages. Because based off of the looks of things, whenever you see one of my messages, you try to pick out the faults in what I said and try to make me look like a fool. You seem to find this odd satisfaction in seeing me fail
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The reason why I didn’t see the last page was because after I wrote this, I just realized that there was more after that. Plus why are you attacking me? Whenever I have something to say on this site, you always have a problem with it or get snotty. Hence why I hate the living :emoji_poop: out of you. Plus I wasn’t able to read it all because I had to do a college visit this morning and afternoon then I had a long drive home. And as I said before, I said that as a joke. I also stated that I wouldn’t be surprised if it was true considering how many enthusiasts try to base their views off of his and a lot of enthusiasts are in fact Intamin fanboys

Hey man.. you attacked Lofty in a thread I've been active in lately.. and I figured a laugh was needed which given the likes I got in 15 seconds, achieved. Also, Lofty did nothing but have a snarky response back at you (snarky used VERY loosely), nothing dirty meant by it. However, you go full blown crazy insult on him for.. what reason? Also.. I've interacted with you twice ever on these forums, both times calling you out when you went off the deep end insulting. It may get snippy around here but you clearly go past that and this is seemingly not the first time. I'd recommend.. what they call.. a chill pill?

Hey man.. you attacked Lofty in a thread I've been active in lately.. and I figured a laugh was needed which given the likes I got in 15 seconds, achieved. Also, Lofty did nothing but have a snarky response back at you (snarky used VERY loosely), nothing dirty meant by it. However, you go full blown crazy insult on him for.. what reason? Also.. I've interacted with you twice ever on these forums, both times calling you out when you went off the deep end insulting. It may get snippy around here but you clearly go past that and this is seemingly not the first time. I'd recommend.. what they call.. a chill pill?

So since he’s above me because he’s a staff member, I’m not allowed to be snarky back? That seems fair. And I’m pretty chill rn. You’re trying to push my buttons and get a reaction out of me. Because based off of what you’re saying, I’m basically not allowed to say anything back? Because when I did say something snarky back, all of a sudden you have a problem and I get why. It’s because I’m new and you’re a senior member. So you think that you can treat the newer members like crap and everything will be fine just because you’re a senior member and nothing bad will happen to you. I also find it hilarious how when the others tried to insult me, you have no problem with it. But when I throw an insult at Lofty because he had a snarky attitude with me, you have a problem with it. Plus I also find it funny when Lofty said to someone “you’re a special kind of idiot” in one of the forums, nobody said anything. A bunch of people liked his reply but when I say something to him, all of a sudden it’s this big problem.
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So since he’s above me because he’s a staff member, I’m not allowed to be snarky back? That seems fair. And I’m pretty chill rn. You’re trying to push my buttons and get a reaction out of me
Nah, not because he's a staff member, but because he is making logical posts and using facts and data to support his argument, while you turn to insults.

Not everyone will agree on everything, but to just attack to pump your chest is uncalled for. We can have playful banter and poking of fun, but stop with the hate.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Nah, not because he's a staff member, but because he is making logical posts and using facts and data to support his argument, while you turn to insults.

Not everyone will agree on everything, but to just attack to pump your chest is uncalled for. We can have playful banter and poking of fun, but stop with the hate.

Just dont be a dumb flat earther this argument.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
So now you’re calling me dumb? And read what I last edited into my last message. Because I’ve seen messages where people have called other idiots and nothing happened to them. I bet you all saw that I’m 17 so you automatically assume because I’m younger than you, I’m stupid and can’t think. So what you’re also saying is because I got snarky back at him, that’s hate? Funny. And if you knew that people joke around on this site, why didn’t you even think once that I was probably joking about the whole reason why Intamin won? You just saw this as an opportunity to make me look like an idiot and turn me into the laughing stalk of the site. But I guess that’s what happen when you give your staff members special treatment. And I also find it funny how when others got snarky with me, you were fine with it. Hell you even liked their message. But when I do it, you have a problem with it
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"Hence why I hate the living :emoji_poop: out of you."

I mean, you literally posted that three posts up. There's a difference between calling someone an idiot and moving on, and just being disrespectful because he's countering your argument.

And who cares about your age? Like it makes no difference if you are 13 or 50. You cant expect people to sit back and just take it if you talk **** to them.

That said, both of you take it to PM if you wanna discuss any further.

This topic is back to how a coaster design was decided by a youtuber and his minions ;)

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
"Hence why I hate the living :emoji_poop: out of you."

I mean, you literally posted that three posts up. There's a difference between calling someone an idiot and moving on, and just being disrespectful because he's countering your argument.

And who cares about your age? Like it makes no difference if you are 13 or 50. You cant expect people to sit back and just take it if you talk :emoji_poop: to them.

That said, both of you take it to PM if you wanna discuss any further.

This topic is back to how a coaster design was decided by a youtuber and his minions ;)

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
I guarantee you that if he called me simple minded, you wouldn’t have a problem with it. And I hate the living **** out of him because he always tries to look for the faults in my messages and tries to make me look like an idiot. Hence I really don’t like you either after this. All I did was state my opinion and what went down. I also said multiple times that what I said was a joke but I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s how things went down.
What did you say to Lofty right before that? That is the issue. Stop.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
I didn’t say anything to Lofty before he got snarky. All I posted was that joke on why it won. Everything I’ve said to Lofty was after he’s gotten snarky with me or had a **** attitude with me. Why am I suddenly at fault when I reply back and get snarky back? I’ve been trying my best to try and fit in this site ever since I joined. I’ve never replied to anyone or started getting snarky for no reason unless they got snarky with me first. I don’t try to start ****. But when I have the feeling that I’m being attacked or being made out as a fool, am I supposed to just sit back and let everyone laugh at how dumb I look and let them think I’m the idiot of this site so my opinions don’t matter?
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Take this to PMs please. Everyone has their opinions on everyone else, but don't make it so it derails a topic. Thanks.

Anyway, the poll was cool and all, but I think it was just some marketing. Nothing more.

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You forget one thing: The detail design stage.

In the construction industry, there's a really long way to go from an architect's drawing to the start of construction. The in-between is engineering, and there is a lot of it. Every single part of the building has to be drawn out in detail, and calculations performed to ensure that everything complies to standards.

What Vekoma and Intamin both submitted was a working proposal. An architect's drawing, if you like. Just their suggested layout. No way they would bother to spend the time and manpower to do all the engineering before the contract was won. The winner would then get paid to finalize the design. Calculating the loads and stresses on every single beam and track piece connection point, plan out the number and location of welds, calculating the exact placements of footers and the loads they would be subject to, determining what size of bolts to use in every bolt hole, programming the sensor package and ride hardware, setting up a maintenance plan, and putting all of it and more through third-party controls. Those processes are time-consuming and expensive, and the manufacturer would not undergo that expense unless they got a customer to pay for it. When delivering a tender to a park, they would only do the rough layout and look of the coaster, without all the time-consuming engineering. That way, they don't sink too much money into the contest without being sure they'd get anything in return.

I bet that Energylandia's consolation price for the loser would be to promote the design anyway. You say Vekoma would not advertise a contract they had lost, but I disagree - it still is an item to put in their portfolio, a runner-up in a design contest. Energylandia's bit of PR advertised their new park, and also put the word out that Vekoma was designing Hyper Coasters. Besides, the ride drawings and video they made for the tender could be re-used by Vekoma to promote their new product. Those videos are expensive to make too, but the Energylandia tender left them with a perfectly usable media package to showcase their concept to other potential buyers. No need to make another video of a custom layout when you can re-use the one you already spent money to create.

@Pokemaniac i know you have kindly explained the construction process to me and have very nicely explained how buildings are built and designed and the process’ that go into them. However, this is literally my job. For perspective I do the exact same job as @Hixee an engineering consultant that deals with all elements of engineering, be that structural civil or just architecture. When submitting Tenders you are theoretically working to construction stage 3, the tender you submit still has to work, you just haven’t produced the calcs to prove it yet.
This whole discussion is pointless. Energylandia has very good business relationship with Vekoma and upcoming 4-5 new RC will be made by them. ( Mine Coaster, new Tilt Coaster, Motorbike Coaster, Water double-Launch Coaster ( or whatever that will be ) and RMC wooden coaster )

Hyperion was part of a bigger deal between Energylandia and Intamin. All those water rides, Speed Water Coaster and Hyperion were part of one deal.
@Pokemaniac i know you have kindly explained the construction process to me and have very nicely explained how buildings are built and designed and the process’ that go into them. However, this is literally my job. For perspective I do the exact same job as @Hixee an engineering consultant that deals with all elements of engineering, be that structural civil or just architecture. When submitting Tenders you are theoretically working to construction stage 3, the tender you submit still has to work, you just haven’t produced the calcs to prove it yet.

Yes, I'm not saying that the tender hasn't gone through a lot of planning by that stage, but there's a lot more work to be done and it will cost. When submitting their designs to the park, each company will also deliver their cost estimates for the detail design work, as well as a lot of estimates for the construction, operation and maintenance of the coaster (to be worked out in detail later). It's extremely unlikely that the tenders of the two competitors end up so similar that the park can't pick a preferred candidate to proceed with. The tenders wouldn't possibly be identical enough that the park management would leave it to Facebook to decide which one to go for. I mean, the criteria by which the participants would be judged should be determined before the contest even began. And I doubt the clause regarding a possible tie would involve a public poll on Facebook to determine the outcome.

It would also be unprofessional to do it like that. Would you tell one of the companies "Yes, we found your design cheaper to build, easier to maintain, your portfolio of references is impressive, and you offer a better service plan for replacement parts, but Facebook decided that we should pick the other instead"? Unless the manufacturers were clear that the winner would be determined by Facebook poll from the outset, that would be grounds for a lawsuit (you'll know from the building industry how common it is for bidders to sue if they believe that contracts are awarded on faulty premises). And if that were the pre-determined criteria, the whole venture would be too risky for anybody to want to participate in it anyway. Why bother to create a professional bid if the park says they'll leave the decision to the public in general? The potential manufacturers might as well deliver a very vague or ludicrously high cost estimate in that case, and put all their money in video production instead. Or pay a click farm in Bangladesh to give their design thousands of votes, since a contract worth millions would be at stake and the only metric that mattered would be relatively easy to manipulate anonymously.