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It's just a goofy term for exactly what you describe.

I'd say:
1G > x ≥ 0G : Floater
0G > x > -1G : Flojector
-1G ≥ x : Ejector
(where x is the G-force experienced)

@furie, do your thing. ;)
Surely its more to do with the rate-of-change of the G-force than the magnitude of the G-force itself? ;)
Surely its more to do with the rate-of-change of the G-force than the magnitude of the G-force itself? ;)
Urgh. Go away. :p

Yes, you're probably right, but how the hell am I supposed to categorise that? :D
Urgh. Go away. :p

Yes, you're probably right, but how the hell am I supposed to categorise that? :D

You would have to quantify it in terms of meters per second cubed. Change of Gs per second. If only loefet was still around, he had quite a lot of G force measurements from that accelerometer of his. Maybe his brother, @lond, is able to help?
Urgh. Go away. :p

Yes, you're probably right, but how the hell am I supposed to categorise that? :D
You would have to quantify it in terms of meters per second cubed. Change of Gs per second. If only loefet was still around, he had quite a lot of G force measurements from that accelerometer of his. Maybe his brother, @lond, is able to help?
Measuring, or calculating, jerk (yes, for real: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerk_(physics) ), isn't rocket science. Working out what's floater, flojector or ejector on the other hand... crikey. Not a clue.

Fine, @DelPiero I'll do a bit of research and see what I can find. :rolleyes:

I still think that a -2G hill is ejector, regardless of whether or not it's a punch or gradual increase.
Measuring, or calculating, jerk (yes, for real: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerk_(physics) ), isn't rocket science. Working out what's floater, flojector or ejector on the other hand... crikey. Not a clue.

Fine, @DelPiero I'll do a bit of research and see what I can find. :rolleyes:

I still think that a -2G hill is ejector, regardless of whether or not it's a punch or gradual increase.
Mate you have the opportunity, and responsibility to categorize this for future goons. You could be a legend...

Maybe not a legend.
Well, this was stupid. All pulled out of thin air, with no real science behind it, but feels kinda right?


Note: Time is the time for the change in G-Force to occur - not the time it's sustained for.
Measuring, or calculating, jerk (yes, for real: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerk_(physics) ), isn't rocket science. Working out what's floater, flojector or ejector on the other hand... crikey. Not a clue.

Hence why I suggested contacting our friends from Gothenburg. They would have the measurements for dozens of coasters where we know for certain that floater, flojector and ejector can be experienced. You would just have to compare the ride experiences to the numbers and plug them straight into a chart.
And you didn't need me :p
Well, this was stupid. All pulled out of thin air, with no real science behind it, but feels kinda right?


Note: Time is the time for the change in G-Force to occur - not the time it's sustained for.

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Surely its more to do with the rate-of-change of the G-force than the magnitude of the G-force itself? ;)
The jerk of airtime has more to do with how sustained it is, instead of how powerful it is. For example, a large hill like first hill on Hyperion (if it does have ejector) will have less jerk but the airtime will be more sustained, however for smaller hills such as those found on Wicked Cyclone (for the sake of the example I will say they have the same level of Negative Gs as Hyperion’s first hill), they will provide more jerk (which creates a more out of control feeling for the riders) but sacrifice the duration of airtime. So therefore, while 2 different types of hills, while they provide different sensations, still have the same amount of negative Gs (assuming they are both less than or equal to 1Gs) meaning that they are both ejector hills.
The jerk of airtime has more to do with how sustained it is, instead of how powerful it is.
Sort of. Jerk is the rate-of-change of acceleration. If you go from accelerating rapidly in one direction to rapidly accelerating in another in a short amount of time, you have a high jerk. Not really how long the airtime is sustained in the middle. You could have a -2G hill last for 8 seconds (imagine!) and the jerk would be zero.

You are right about jerk also contributing to the 'out of control' feeling, though.
Sort of. Jerk is the rate-of-change of acceleration. If you go from accelerating rapidly in one direction to rapidly accelerating in another in a short amount of time, you have a high jerk. Not really how long the airtime is sustained in the middle. You could have a -2G hill last for 8 seconds (imagine!) and the jerk would be zero.

You are right about jerk also contributing to the 'out of control' feeling, though.
I agree that what I said was generalised, but generally for there to be greater levels of jerk, the hills have to be smaller, and traversed faster, however I agree there can still be higher jerk and still have sustained airtime as I guess the quarry dive on IRat exists.
First Ziz and now jerk, there've been some pretty interesting topics recently in the construction thread.
This thread has a habit of getting very off topic

This may be the best kind of off topic though. And it's still ON topic in a way, describing the airtime of Hyperion with the best term in the history of CF. :p

Also given that airtime has wild variations from person to person, quantifying it has always been hard short of.. well that chart. Saved that for later use.
Yeah hold on a moment, since when was discussing the types of airtime on Intamin and B&M coasters off topic for a thread about a new Intamin hyper?

I have made a minor revision to the chart to make it fit slightly more nicely with @furie's original.

Yeah hold on a moment, since when was discussing the types of airtime on Intamin and B&M coasters off topic for a thread about a new Intamin hyper?

I have made a minor revision to the chart to make it fit slightly more nicely with @furie's original.

Diagram on a spreadsheet, something you excel in there!.....

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