Matt N
CF Legend
According to RCDB, it opened on 2nd April.Turns out I might be going here in a couple of weeks. WTF is going on with the water coaster? Anyone have a clue?
According to RCDB, it opened on 2nd April.Turns out I might be going here in a couple of weeks. WTF is going on with the water coaster? Anyone have a clue?
Does this park have a high visitor attendance, to pay back the money spent on all these additions?
£25 a day ticket, £82 a season pass. Ish.So how come Legendia isn't getting all this money but Energylandia is? And 1M visitors isn't that many for a theme park of its size, but like you said I'd expect it to grow. How is the park in terms of prices?
Parks don't just get 'handed' the cash. You have to go through loads of rigmarole of applications and viability checks etc., my guess is that due to this being a brand new venture, it was more applicable for funding than an existing venue that is simply amending their line up, adding a few rides and rebranding.So how come Legendia isn't getting all this money but Energylandia is? And 1M visitors isn't that many for a theme park of its size, but like you said I'd expect it to grow. How is the park in terms of prices?
a. Length of the track - not less than 1200 meters;
b. Construction height - not less than 16.5 meters, and not higher than 20 meters
c. Top speed - no more than 55 km / h;
d. Number of lifts - no less than 3;
e. Number of trains - no less than 2, including 5 carriages for passengers + 1 wagon of a locomotive type (in total 6 for one train).
f. Number of passengers on the train - no less than 26 people, and no more than 30 people;
g. A set of standard rollers (wheels) and a second set of rollers (wheels) with an anti-vibration system as in the Inquiry and subject-related order specifications
h. Wheels of the train placed on the outside of the track.
i. Limiting the growth - from 100 cm
j. Locking system - individual safety catch.
k. Closing system - hydraulic closing mechanism.
l. Total driving time, excluding embarkation / disembarkation - no less than 186 seconds.
m. Pick-up time - between 45-50 seconds
n. Drop-off time - between 70-80 seconds
o. Bandwidth assumed per hour - no less than 810 passengers
p. Main drive system - chain
q. The main braking system - magnetic.
r. Side track - Required for the price (for 2 trains).
a. Długość toru – nie mniej jak 1200 metrów;
b. Wysokość konstrukcji – nie mniejsza niż 16,5 metrów, i nie wyższa niż 20 metrów
c. Prędkość maksymalna – nie więcej jak 55 km/h;
d. Ilość wyciągów – nie mniej jak 3;
e. Liczba pociągów – nie mniej jak 2 w tym 5 wagoniki dla pasażerów + 1 wagonik typu lokomotywa (łącznie 6 na jeden pociąg).
f. Liczba pasażerów w pociągu – nie mniej jak 26 osób, i nie więcej jak 30 osób;
g. Komplet rolek (kół) standardowych oraz drugi komplet rolek (kół) z system antywibracyjnym jak w Zapytaniu Ofertowym i przedmiotowej specyfikacji zamówienia
h. Koła pociągu umieszczone po zewnętrznej stronie toru jazdy.
i. Ograniczenie wzrostu – od 100 cm
j. System blokujący - indywidualny uchwyt zabezpieczający.
k. System zamykający - hydrauliczny mechanizm zamykający.
l. Całkowity czas jazdy z wyłączeniem wsiadania/wysiadania – nie mniej jak 186 sekund.
m. Czas wsiadania– pomiędzy 45-50 sekund
n. Czas wysiadania – pomiędzy 70-80 sekund
o. Zakładana przepustowość na godzinę – nie mniej jak 810 pasażerów
p. Główny system napędowy – łańcuchowy
q. Główny system hamulcowy – magnetyczny.
r. Tor boczny – Wymagamy w cenie (dla 2 pociągów).
It passed 1 million visitors last week, at least they announced it last week. From experience we know that they usually pass that number a little bit earlier than they announce it.Does this park have a high visitor attendance, to pay back the money spent on all these additions?
Legendia problem is that they only have Lech Rollercoaster and Bazyliszek that are new attractions. Rest is old stuff that often has technical problems and their capacity is not to big. They simply need more new stuff that will attract people to visit.So how come Legendia isn't getting all this money but Energylandia is? And 1M visitors isn't that many for a theme park of its size, but like you said I'd expect it to grow. How is the park in terms of prices?