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Fantastic old coaster footage/pics

Fantastic picture.
1976, a swarm of ladybirds hit the north west coast, and I rode the Cyclone as they came in...the train crawled back into the station because of all the crushed insects under the wheels.
It cleared the park of humans within a couple of hours.
Some things stick in your mind for decades.
Scary stuff.
Edit...That would be ladybugs for our friends over the water.
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Came across this on Discord today. Looks kinda ... mental.
How would the train have made it back to the station without valleying? Gotta love Rudolf Barth (pictured) for even considering these changes. Best showman ever?!
How would the train have made it back to the station without valleying? Gotta love Rudolf Barth (pictured) for even considering these changes. Best showman ever?!

There's an extra lift before the immelmann, cobra roll, and then the zero-g exits back onto the original lift to do the normal layout like nothing happened :p

How insane would a 9-inversion travelling coaster have been? :D
And how many trains would this monster have added to the already 5? In fact, do we think a Schwarzkopf train would have been able to navigate a zeroG (smoothly)?
And how many trains would this monster have added to the already 5?

I reckon they would have experimented with splitting the big lift into two blocks to get 2 extra trains, instead of just 1 if it was one big lift.

In fact, do we think a Schwarzkopf train would have been able to navigate a zeroG (smoothly)?

I couldn't see why not, they're no twistier than anything else the trains traverse!
A lot of the transitions on Schwarzkopfs are already pretty snappy, so the smooth roll of a zero-g might even be easier :p
Kings Island released a nice long reel video of the original Bat - has a splicing of both the POV and a nice rider view; really helps you appreciate how much swing the OG had on the train design!

This footage is extremely rare as it shows what was a short-lived amusement park on one of the hills surrounding Barcelona: Casino de l'Arrabassada. It coexisted with Tibidabo until Casino was deemed unprofitable and closed down. In that video you can see two iconic rides: a shoot-the-chutes and a massive side-friction roller coaster.

Just watched this footage - breathtaking on the quality of the restoration! That Side-friction really clips along, I especially enjoyed the rider who was sticking their hand out, and tapping every crossbeam support as they rode along. ?
Received a notification that @Hyde posted in this topic. Must be more old Cedar Point photos. Oh, wait a minute...
To add to the Wildcat at Idora Park anthology - @Snoo and I's famously fated hometown roller coaster growing up in the Youngstown area (Closed in 1984 due to a park fire), Al Hofer has dropped a new set of brilliantly restored film negatives. Gives a few new vantages and views of the coaster at it's peak in 1983. You can see the full album on the Defunct Wooden Coaster Archives Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.472635670371726&type=3



Wow, what a monster thread of coaster history!

I just went through all 28 pages of it, so cool.

As an american coaster nerd, I have a fairly decent working knowledge (though by no means encyclopedic) of coaster history on this side of the pond, but in typical navel-gazing yank fashion, europe and elsewhere are a pretty big blind spot for me, so this thread was an extra special treat. A big giant thanks to all of the contributors!

Bringing it back to my hometown of chicago, being born in '76, I never got to experience the magic of chicago's legendary Riverview Park which closed in '67, but I've heard all of the stories from my parents, grandparents and other relatives. In fact, my maternal grandparents both grew up within spitting distance of riverview in roscoe village and went there all the time as children back in the 20s/30s. What a damn shame that we lost it forever.

From the 50s through its closing in '67, Riverview was home to 7 roller coasters, which many publications that I've come across claim was the highest number of rollercoasters at any park in the world at the time. Obviously, that's not a terribly large number by today's standards, but 7 roller coasters in one park was a pretty big deal back in that era.

Does anyone know if there's any veracity to the claim that Riverview had the most roller coasters at the time? How would one even go about trying to prove if it was true or not?
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Does anyone know if there's any veracity to the claim that Riverview had the most roller coasters at the time? How would one even go about trying to prove if it was true or not?
That would be pretty difficult to do easily. Personally, I'd look at one of the sites that has date information - RCDB would be my first stop - and then go to the usual suspects. I'd look at opening and closing dates for coasters in those parks and just see if anything jumped out.

I'd say that seven coasters in one park, prior to the new steel revolution in the mid-70's to early-80's, though is an impressive number. Just a quick check and Blackpool had 6 coasters operating in 1967. So close, but no banana for Blackpool :)
Something a bit weird.
But here's some footage of the old Funabashi Health Center that ran in Tokyo from 1955 until 1977. This video however is rather excellent as its a bollywood music video. Chock full of health and safety horror moments that would never happen today. There's some good coaster footage in there too.

Perhaps most importantly is the sight of what may well be the missing 5th Hershell Mite Mouse.

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