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Favorite Coaster Element?

If the first three inversions of Batman combined doesn't count, then airtime hills. Or GCI bunny hops. Or pretty much anything with airtime.
Tough to pick a single favorite element.. It's about as difficult as being asked to pick a favorite song. I have to really press to come up with coaster elements that I dislike.

But, gun to my head, I'd say zero-G rolls. Airtime + an inversion all rolled into one... tough to beat that.
^ You see, for me, it's easier to pick inversions I don't like rather than I do like. Like the Inline/Corkscrew on Cheetah Hunt <//3
Lofty said:
^ You see, for me, it's easier to pick inversions I don't like rather than I do like. Like the Inline/Corkscrew on Cheetah Hunt <//3

I was speaking in a more general sense (i.e. "I don't like loops, at all"), but even when talking about specific elements, I still struggle to come up with any that I really dislike. Sure, the entrance to Arrow corkscrews are often a bit awkward, and sure, Storm Runner & Maverick give a bit of neck-chopping on their snappier inversions, but I enjoy those elements as a whole.
-Ejector air hills/drops
-Stengel dives
-Launches (It's an element, shut up)
-The dive loop on Mystery Mine
-Hydra's first roll out of the station
Airtime Hills and Sea Serpents. Of course we pretty mcuh all love airtime, and I like Sea Serpents because they have positive g's at the beginning and they all just realease and before you know it you're upside down with a little bit of floaty airtime. Then you think you're in a Cobra Roll and then twist upside down right in another direction and just dive right into the next element.
The buckle/carousel-elements that Intamin Airtimemachines often have. Egf, Goliath, Piraten (three of them on the last one)...
Immelmann's it's something about that sudden flip to negative G that just gets me everytime. Anyone else know what I mean?
I still have to stick to pretzel loops (although I have only been on Tatsu's, I imagine it's the best). Sitting in the back row, I got a real surprise of heavy Gs. I really haven't felt anything like that with any other element.
Zero-G-rolls. Specially the fastest ones like on dragon khan and some B&M inverts.
After my recent trip to Orlando, Montu and Dragon Challenge/Dueling Dragons reminded how amazing corkscrews are on B&M inverts. Just the exaggerated motion around the element, and the fact that it isn't pure g-force because I feel a slight freedom and sensation of being pushed out of your seat instead of into it like in a sit-down. Hands down, corkscrews on B&M inverts.
My favorites are winged drops, pretzel loops, and 90 degree drops, or close to 90. i dont like B&M drops to the side, or inclined. they annoy me.