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Ghosterforce 7 Trip Reports

I was at the park on the same day (would've come but a family outing was arranged years ago!) And it looked like you all were having a fantastic time. I was actually in the Vampire station as you were being sent off and it looked absolutely epic.

Especially jealous of the Vampire trackwalk! Can't wait to see more pictures.

I dread to think how much was spent on glowsticks! Haha. :)
Nice trip reports guys. Brings back all the good memorys that GhosterForce always brings.

A Thank-you to everybody who put the event together as I appreciate the effort that this would of taken. Was a pleasant suprise to see Taylor. Didn't know you were comming over here.

Thanks for the Win of the Comp. I was actually quite suprised with it, with the other costumes done so well.

Like I said I would in one of the queues...


I'll start editing the video next week.
Right, time for part 2?

I’ll start where I left off – in a Travelodge with Mushroom and Matt. I had a very nice shower which made me feel a lot better as I was VERY ill. I also, erm, had a number 2, which I was left very impressed by as it stunk out the Travelodge most of the night :p Sorry guys :p

We went to bed around 11ish, and Mushy once again fell asleep within 60 seconds, causing me and Matt to laugh considerably for a while at the noises. We decided we’d stay up and talk until it would hopefully calm down, and in the end, we talked for about 2 and a half hours about sex, relationships and everything else under the sun.

We did, actually, get some sleep *shock*, albeit, only a few hours. So, we woke up very early at 6.30am, checked out of the room around 7:15 and headed off to Chessington World of Adventures.

Tuesday – CWoA

We arrived about 7:45 and joined the small group waiting outside the entrance for the Vampire track walk so kindly offered by Chessington. Soon enough, most of the group was there, and we were taken to the entrance to pay – I used Matt’s AP to get in (cheers Matt), saving myself a few quid.

We were then taken around to Vampire where the tour begun :) Martin was our guide, as he was responsible by that area of ride operation, and he took us through the braking section, station and around to the second lift hill for the talks. He told us loads of interesting facts about the ride, answered our questions and was generally very helpful and entertaining. He also had a keen interest in his line of work, particularly with coasters, so he did give his opinions on a few rides as well (To remind you, they were HIS opinions, and not those of Chessington WoA or of Merlin Entertainments ;) )









We were also taken into the tunnel, where we were told of the top speed Vampire has ever reached (45mph), but were informed it generally reaches around 43/44mph. After being told we could hand from the track, but not take pictures, I decided I would grab myself some nice sexy Arrow track... greasy coaster track ftw.




We then had a look around before our tour came to an end. I would like to extend my thanks to Martin and the team for giving up their time to show us around what is quite simply the best family coaster in the UK.

It had started raining, and would not stop for almost all of the day :/ However, we had around half an hour before meet up, so a few of us went off to the Flying Jumbo’s for some action, before hitting up Tomb Blaster and Rattlesnake.

We joined up with the rest of the group, and general fun was had, including a Mark vs Richard all out war with the hammers.




This is where my memory fades, so forgive me if I get things in the wrong order/miss things out...

When the group was ready, we headed for Runaway Train and then Rattlesnake once again, fun times occurred on both.

We then tried to get on Rachel Adedaji: The Ride (aka Ramses Revenge), however, it was broken, is instead we went on Tomb Blaster. Long queue times occurred, as always, but these passed swiftly with light conversation, antics, sweets and rain.


I believe we split up for lunch here? I dunno. If we did, lots of us went off for Pizza/Pasta buffet, and joined the queue in the rain to get in. We got in, stuffed ourselves silly, then our group hit the arcades, before meeting back up outside Dragon falls for Faffle times. I didn’t win (again), but it was still great to see a whole load of coaster and non-coaster related stuff being given out as usual.

Dragon Falls times occurred, with our fast track passes which were not required as it was almost walk on. I hardly got wet at all, but because of the rain, it was at this point my coast decided it lo longer wanted to be waterproof, and soaked all the way through ¬¬

I think we headed off to Wild Asia next – this was my first time in Wild Asia since it opened, and oh my it looks epic. Kudos to Chessie for it all, it’s perfect with high levels of detail. Banyan is simply amazing, and a great touch – kids will remember that for years and I hope it remains for however long the area is there, and not just done for one season and no longer interacts.

We went on Kobra first, and by this time, I was really cold, grubby and not in the best of moods, but CF lifted me up. Kobra was very fun, my first Disk-O with a hill, and as usual, my restraint was very loose so I had plenty of freedom. The hill gives nice floater airtime at full speed which was very nice.


I have no idea what we did next, but I shall fast forward to Carousel times, where I sat on a bench on the ride and took pictures of a few CFers:



CF annual glow stick times the occurred as night was falling. My hands were so cold; I actually couldn’t put any on myself, so gave up and kept some in my pockets. We then did annual Buccaneer times, and I went on twice due to silly need for one adult per row on the previous boat, so I offered to go on twice. Bad idea – very sickening.

COASTER....FORCE... times occurred, as well as IAN...BELL... times. Very fun as always, and my voice then went.

We then did Bubbleworks, and following on from our boast last year where we decided to tip the boat and join the boat behind in an ORP, we did the same once again. This time, however, we made a chain of 4 boats! Yay! I think we shall make it an annual tradition now, as we never get told off for doing so.



We then did glow stick photos, and met back up with Martin as he had arranged some ERT on Vampire. We therefore took over a train on the ride while the GP waited, and switched over each time it came back in the station. In the end, I got on 3 times, which was great. It was running superb – the best ever in my opinion – and I was happy.

We then did the walk through, which was ok, though very short, and then queued up for Vampire as a group, getting on one of the final trains.

It was time for goodbyes, and these seemed shorter than normal, but oh well. I said goodbye to Taylor, giving her hugs, and I had got her a present which was a Sex Bell which you ring when you’re horny – hopefully she and Brad will enjoy that this week :) ;)

So, all in all, an exhausting, ill, but fun filled Ghosterforce. I’d like to thank Ian, Mark, Chessington staff and everyone who came for making it so enjoyable. I’d like to thank Raybould for giving me lifts and providing accommodation, and I’d like to thank all bearers of sweets, Ryan for the hugs ever 30 mins at Thorpe, Tom for stalking me both days and not leaving me alone, Frasier for the hugs, Erol for being a babe, Neal for pushing me at Thorpe and causing large business on my upper chest, Taylor for being much more awesome than I could have veer been, Brad for being so sexy and myself for tolerating you lot ;)

Roll on next year!

All these pictures and more can be found on my Facebook - feel free to tag yourselves/others :)

Ian said:
"LESBIANS, RRRREADY?! GAYS, RRRRREADY?! Lesbians, you will go on my first whistle. Gays, you will go on my second whistle. 3, 2, 1..."

PMSL! Totally forgot about that! lol!
Normally when I miss out on a live and read the reports I feel so much jealousy I wasn't there... I don't this time, but in a good way!!

Theres usually a lot of in-jokes which happen on the day and random words pop up on the message boards for about a month which I don't understand and hate, but all the good craic seems to have been captured on camera and video this time! Really enjoyed reading the reports and viewing the pictures, and especially the video of the gingerbread man on Samurai, awesome.

Glad you all had a good time, and as I've just wrote on her wall, the only thing I am a bit disappointed about is missing the chance to meet Taylor, because I always want to meet the people on the other side of the screen, so they're a face I've met and not just a quote-busting post or dumb question post on the internet :(
Not everybody could make the 8am track walk time, so we met everybody else in Market Square as usual.

During this time I dished out the plastic safari hats that you may have seen in the photos. They seemed to fit everybody, apart from those with large heads or furie_hair. I think they went down well; credit to Vadge as it was her idea.

It was threatening to rain so I bought a poncho and noticed the inflatable hammers were on offer, so I grabbed a couple because everybody loves inflatable hammers, well certain people do. MC Hammer times included Vadge and Mark doing pugle sticks Gladiators style, complete with Jon Anderson “Lesbians, ready? 3, 2, 1…” quotes. Sam and Stone Cold tried to out thump one another and several sexual actions happened. Passed the time as we waited for the stragglers!

First ride of the day was Runaway Mine Train. Gavin excitedly told me that it was a new cred for him. I offered him use of my iPhone so he could instantly update his count. He refused. Only two hats were lost on the ride!

Apologies for the lack of photos from here on in, the rain put me off. (That’s also why I didn’t tweet.)

We piled on Rattlesnake next. I think we all rode it for a change. I queued right at the back with Vadge, talking goon occasionally. “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Goon.” The broms (brakes) on the ride were as vicious as usual. Raybould bought a ride photo of himself wearing an Ian mask. I guess I should be flattered, but I didn’t really understand what was funny about it.

Next stop was Rameses Revenge. I opted for a bit of food instead (chicken burger from the shop near the ride, I thoroughly recommend!). The ride was down, but down long enough for me to wait in the horrendous chicken burger shop queue…om nom nom.

Tomb Blaster was the next on the agenda. Usually I do Tomb Blaster – only to fire the laser in people’s eyes - but I was still eating and I wanted a coffee and smoke. Mark and Marc joined me. We headed to Café Nero in Toy Town. The queue there was also long. One thing I’ve noticed about Chessington is that the food and drink places appear to be understaffed. During school holidays at a family theme park, I’d expect the staff to double. 20mins for a coffee, it’s lucky that I didn’t die of thirst (not starvation though because I just ate a delicious chicken burger).

We killed the rest of the time by banging the world to rights, which made me laugh inside because usually if I bring up a political topic with Marc and Mark, they roll their eyes. They started this one though! In case you’re wondering what my political views are at the moment, I’m sucking and see. There are problems but it’s too early to judge or worry.

Anyway, going back to the topic, lunch was called after Tomb Blaster. I followed Vadge to the pizza & pasta place….as did half the group! The queue for a table was out the door. Again, under-staffing appeared to the problem, as there were empty tables that needed clearing. Eventually we got through (thanks to AJ’s new best friend!) and started to eat. I really rate the pizza and salad. The pasta was a tad boring; perhaps a few more variations could be good? The ham and pineapple pizza was out of this world. I had 9 slices of pizza, three garlic bread things and a plate of salad because “I’m on holiday.” I do remember a few knives falling to the floor, the skippy, poofy child and Mr Hygienic.

We met up outside Dragon Falls as usual and the faffle took place. I always enjoy doing the faffle because it’s great to give things away and clear out some space in my cupboard! I did hear a few people say was rattling through them quite quickly, but I was being rained on! I hope everybody who won loves his or her prize (especially Marc who won a signed ORP of me, Gavin, Mark and Vadge!), please let me know what you spend your voucher on if you won one!

Chessington were also kind enough to give us Fastrax for Dragon Falls. I specifically asked for Dragon Falls as the queue is often long…but it was dead on that day! We used them anyway! If we’re lucky enough to get the same next year, then I’ll ask for Tomb Blaster!

Wild Asia followed. Mark decided to let the group do what they wanted. Great idea, because Wild Asia is like a funfair, so some of the group opted for Kobra, some for the dodgems. We all spoke to the tree and had our group photo there. Stone Cold on the dodgems was classic. His face was a picture of sheer delight – dodgems and an inflatable hammer is obviously a happy combination in Rah! World. Will was wearing my hat, which made him look like a Nazi…did I? I really LOVED the Halloween themeing in Wild Asia – those big voodoo dolls looked both cute and scary! Awesome!

Vadge disappeared so when the group went to Dragon’s Fury, I went to find her. Eventually we met up and sat on the bench outside the queue like an old couple. Chessington have placed a few witches and whatnot around the place…one of them was sat on the bench we were on. A few kids said, “look at that witch”…and obvious jokes occurred!

The queue was long, the rain was pouring, but Raybould brightened the day when he returned from Café Nero with two chocolate “fangs” either side of his nose. Naturally, me, Vadge and Peep didn’t tell him. It was a source of amusement for about 30mins until Karen spoilt it! I think Marc managed to grab a photo!

For the first time in years, we did the Toad Hall car ride. Was pretty rubbish tbh, but it’s not aimed at thrill seekers, so it can be excused. Afterwards, plenty of sweets were being dished out so sugar levels increased! We tried Rameses again, but that was still down, so the some of the groups enthusiastically rode the Gay Elephants instead.

While the Carousel was tackled, Vadge and I went to the lockers to get the glow sticks. Luckily, we saw Karen & co and Mr Nash +1 on the way so we could say our goodbyes.

As if we don’t spoil you enough with park perks, cheap plastic hats, sweets, costume prizes and faffle stuff, I handed out 997 glow sticks! I think the huge bundle I put in everybody’s hands genuinely surprises people! There were some left over, obviously we were running out of ways to connect them! It’s at this point that Mysterious Sue was spotted wearing an awesome Kobra mask! I’ve seen Tim’s handy work before with the coaster train a few years ago, but the Kobra mask was simply amazing. It suited Sue down to the ground, it added to her mysterious ways! Brilliant!

We attempted a glow stick photo but it wasn’t dark enough…although the crappy iPhone camera did do it some justice imo.

The Bubbleworks was our next ride. That was superb. The staff noticed us all glow sticked up and dimmed the lights in the station. The ride op said to me how great we looked. The ride passed by quite quickly. Our fat boat plan to sink the boat in front by the power of the lift hill wave didn’t work, but at least we tried!

The Pile o’ Ship was next up. Yes, I sat out as usual. It’s the one time of year that I stand there feeling proud as a ship full of glowing CFers shout out COASTER-FORCE. The IAN-BELL shout made my day. It was nearly as funny as Stone Cold shoving a camera in my face and saying “OMG, it’s Ian from CoasterForce!” throughout the day. I appreciated the shout out immensely, even if it was to take the piss. In fact, I hope it was to take the piss!

At 7pm, we met Martin (the Vampire engineer) and he guided us through the exit and onto the ride for some ERT! That was awesome. The enthusiastic operator was shouting out CoasterForce and making me laugh. It was a frantic 15mins or so as they held back the station gates so we could move around for another go. I managed four rides. Highlights during that ERT included AJ’s “I say slosh, you say pocket” shout out, the Bon Jovi music and Stone Cold’s advice when we stopped on the second lift hill. “Everybody check that the wheel is in the groove, in case the laser didn’t count properly.” Obviously he was paying attention in the morning! I laughed all the way round.

After our ERT session, Martin thanked us outside; we thanked him and moved on towards the spooky walkthrough, Black Forest Gateaux.

The walkthrough was very short and I wasn’t over impressed with it, but again, it’s aimed at youngsters. If I want really spooky walkthroughs, then I’ll do the ones at Thorpe.

Conveniently the walkthrough exit is by Vampire, which we queued 10mins for! The queue tends to be longer so the glow stick, music and general banter is usually a highlight. This time we were on, then straight off!

We ended our day outside Hocus Pocus Hall, where the usual speeches were made, and then we parted!

I had an excellent time from the moment I got to the Travelodge on Sunday, right up until I left Will in the Lodge after sorting out my car (cheers again for that, Willy!). It was, as always, the best Live of the year. Both parks were very efficient (except for CWoA’s food places), the staff were fantastic – especially the Galleon lady – it was a superb park experience, enhanced by you lovely lot.

Cheers again to Mark for the organisation, Martin, Tom and Maria at CWoA, and everybody who made me laugh throughout the two days!

More reports and photos, please!
Let’s start with Thorpe, just a few photos of the day, first time I have dressed up, strange the way people stare, and memories of GP shouting out “Mario”, and who are you meant to be, the photos we had to pose for as well especially in Rush queue. Let’s face it CF do brighten Thorpe Park up, we even do better than the paid actors!!

Link for Facebook where you can see all Thorpe ones. (Sorting others out will post them in separate posts).

http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=3 ... 711d4d82a2

http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=3 ... 49987976eb













Hello everyone!!

I haven't posted anything here since I have felt like **** since I arrived back home this Wednesday afternoon, but I'm feeling a lot better today so that I will start to look through the few photos I took and more importantly the Accelerometer data I have accumulated during the trip.

But before I post anymore I would like to thank everyone for giving me a great reception and making me feel part of the group, even though I went into "reserved" mode a lot more than I hoped :( , but in the end I had a great time that I will remember for some time!!

A special thanks goes to the people that arranged this event since it was awesome, the Chessington staff that gave us a great experience with track-walk and semi-ERT and the other Peter for the transport and sleeping space between the parks.

I will in the coming days post my views of the days along with loads of graphs etc...

But before then, I will leave you with a little snippet of a part of a ride that have caused a lot of debate...
^ It was really nice to meet you as well! And I'm liking that graph, but a bit intrigued by the -2.2g's....which ride it?
^ Same here :)
To give you a hint, this is lateral (aka sideways) forces :p
Looks like Rattlesnake at first, but then its too all over the place for the straights.

Something is shouting Fury to me! :)

Vamps would surely disperse the laterals in its swing?
^ Wrong park, and this occurs at the bottom of the first drop :p
Ahh Thats Colossus then in a back-of-car/wheel seat seat at a guess, at the point where the bolts keep shearing off.
I am so glad I got to GF this year after missing out last year :). Sorry I was not much for riding at Thorpe but I was knackered! Monday was very chilled for a Thorpe GF but still great fun, especially Beans and myslef explaining about piles!

Chessington i was more me.....................MARS BARS! Feeding the birds was great! Haven't done that since Florida in 2002.
Missed out on the glowstick fun again but hey ho can't be helped. Glad we went early as is took over 3hrs to get home!

Bring on the next one :)
Yeah, if that's laterals, and it's at the bottom of a drop, that's got to be Saw. Its gotta be the jolt where the joint in the track is? Surely?