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Greatest films of all time


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Tonight ABC aired Best In Film: The Greatest Movies of Our Time. ABC & People magazine had Hollywood's top actors, directors & producers suggest the following 10 categories with hundreds of choices & all were put online. Here's the results of over a half million voters.

Best Film:
1. Gone With the Wind
2. The Wizard of Oz
3. The Godfather
4. Casablanca
5. E.T.

Best Comedy:
1. Airplane
2. Monty Python & the Holy Grail
3. Some Like It Hot
4. Young Frankenstein
5. Tootsie

Best Science Fiction:
1. Star Wars
2. E.T.
3. Avatar
4. The Matrix
5. Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Best Musical:
1. The Sound of Music
2. Grease
3. The Wizard of Oz
4. Singin' in the Rain
5. West Side Story

Best Action:
1. Raiders of the Lost Ark
2. The Dark Knight
3. Lord of the Rings - Return of the King
4. Die Hard
5. Gladiator

Best Suspense:
1. Silence of the Lambs
2. Jaws
3. Psycho
4. The Shining
5. Pulp Fiction

Best Animation:
1. The Lion King
2. Toy Story
3. Beauty & the Beast
4. Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs
5. Fantasia

Best Character:
1. Forrest Gump
2. James Bond
3. Scarlett O"Hara
4. Dr. Hannibal Lecter
5. Indiana Jones

Best Line:
1. Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. (Gone With the Wind)
2. Go ahead, make my day. (Sudden Impact)
3. I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse. (The Godfather)
4. I'll have what she's having. (When Harry Met Sally)
5. Here's looking at you kid. (Casablanca)

Best Kiss:
1. Gone With the Wind (Gable-Leigh)
2. From Here To Eternity (Lancaster-Kerr)
3. Lady & the Tramp (Tramp-Lady)
4. An Officer & a Gentleman (Gere-Winger)
5. Casablanca (Bogart-Bergman)

So did America get it right? It would be great if BBC would do something similar to see the differences.
E.T. and the Wizard of Oz in the top 5?!
Now, I'm no film expert, but I've seen enough to know that these 2 definitely don't make the top 5! :?
Soo, I've bolded the ones I have seen and put "agree or disagree" beside it. Yay.

Best Film:
1. Gone With the Wind
2. The Wizard of Oz- Agree, it's tied for my first favourite movie of all time, and it truly is timeless
3. The Godfather
4. Casablanca
5. E.T.- NO. It's a good movie, but it should fall under the "scary" category

Best Comedy:
1. Airplane- Haha yah, maybe not number one but it's fab
2. Monty Python & the Holy Grail
3. Some Like It Hot
4. Young Frankenstein- S'alright, can't remember much of it so it couldn't have been that memorable
5. Tootsie

Best Science Fiction:
1. Star Wars- Boring, but I'm not into Sci-Fi in general
2. E.T.- Again, it should fall under the category of scary, but if you're not scared ****less of E.T. like I am, yah I suppose it could qualify
3. Avatar
4. The Matrix- I feel asleep
5. Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Best Musical:
1. The Sound of Music
2. Grease- Not #2, but should be in there somewhere
3. The Wizard of Oz- Yay <3 Once again, a personal favourite
4. Singin' in the Rain
5. West Side Story

Best Action:
1. Raiders of the Lost Ark
2. The Dark Knight- My butt hurt as I was waiting for it to be done. It was good, but I'm not into it. Though I suppose if you're into action, it could be good.
3. Lord of the Rings - Return of the King- Generally considered a good series but I find them overrated
4. Die Hard
5. Gladiator

Best Suspense:
1. Silence of the Lambs- Overrated, should NOT be #1, but it good.
2. Jaws- I haven't seen it in a while, but it was a bit silly/tacky, though good fun
3. Psycho- Yeah, definitely one of the scarier movies
4. The Shining- LOVE it, definitely deserves a spot. So suspenseful, different, and the atmosphere is amazing.
5. Pulp Fiction

Best Animation:
1. The Lion King- Yes, I love it!
2. Toy Story- Again, yep, one of the better animated films I've seen!
3. Beauty & the Beast- I haven't seen it in ages actually, but I might watch it later to remind myself. It was never my personal favourite princess movie as a kid, but it was good.
4. Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs- Win!
5. Fantasia- NO. I was bored last time I watched it.

Best Character:
1. Forrest Gump
2. James Bond
3. Scarlett O"Hara
4. Dr. Hannibal Lecter- Definitely a notorious villain, so probably deserves a spot!
5. Indiana Jones- Not a fan of the Indiana Jones movies (actually I've only ever seen the new one but I don't like action in general) but I can see why he is on here

Best Line:
1. Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. (Gone With the Wind)
2. Go ahead, make my day. (Sudden Impact)
3. I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse. (The Godfather)
4. I'll have what she's having. (When Harry Met Sally)- LOVE the movie (my favourite romance) but I wouldn't say it's the best line of all time, or even close to it
5. Here's looking at you kid. (Casablanca)

Best Kiss:
1. Gone With the Wind (Gable-Leigh)
2. From Here To Eternity (Lancaster-Kerr)
3. Lady & the Tramp (Tramp-Lady)- Uh no, I'm not into dog passion
4. An Officer & a Gentleman (Gere-Winger)
5. Casablanca (Bogart-Bergman)

I guess for the most part they got it right, but I think they left out some good musicals and some good animated films (Monster's Inc comes to mind).
I wouldn't say there is anything there that I'm surprised to see. Most, if not all of those films are considered classics and are pretty much household names. Its really nice to see that Monty Python has made it to the top of an American poll though.

A few that I'm surprised aren't in the list:

-Jurassic Park
-Seeing as Dark Knight is in the list, the reason the film is so good is how the Joker is pulled off, so I'm surprised the Joker isn't in the memorable characters list
-Shawshank Redemption

Actually there are loads that didn't make the top 5.

It would be great if BBC would do something similar to see the differences.


Your favourite movies!

Post categories: favourite movies

Producer Chris | 22:00 UK time, Thursday, 10 March 2011


We've finally reached the climax of BBC Radio 1 & 1Xtra's Favourite Movies. In January you suggested your choices, in February an expert panel met to decide a shortlist of 20, then all last week you voted in your tens of thousands to decide the order of the Top 20 - thank you!

Now, it's results time. All this week, James King has been counting down and celebrating the Top 20 films in 4 special programmes between 9 and 10pm on Radio 1. Listen to Part 1. Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4 to find out the stories behind each of the films as well as the thoughts of people who love them and some brilliant music from their soundtracks.

And here's the final countdown (including the winning film) in full!

20. Scarface
19. This Is England
18. Clueless
17. The Silence Of The Lambs
16. City of God
15. E.T.
14. Slumdog Millionaire
13. The Big Lebowski
12. Die Hard
11. Fight Club
10. The Godfather
9. Inception
8. The Dark Knight
7. Anchorman
6. Forrest Gump
5. Pulp Fiction
4. Back To The Future
3. Toy Story
2. Shaun Of The Dead
1. The Shawshank Redemption

Its not quite the same I know, but this was completed last month I think, maybe February.
Avatar under the best Sci-Fi?! Don't make me laugh, I wasted 3 hours of my time watching that piece of crap.
As mark has just proved it's all about personal taste. I suppose most of the films can be considered as classics on there for some reason or another, except Gladiator. Which is ****.
Gladiator was stunning on the big screen, but it's pants on the small screen.

Avatar is contentious here, because it IS good sci-fi. It's not a great film (IMO), but I can see the qualities that make people vote for it.

Pulp Fiction in suspense? WTF??? Again in that category, Silence of the Lambs on the big screen was really awesome and a ground breaking piece of cinema at the time.

ET one of the best films? Not since the government agents lost their guns ;)

Wizard of Oz is a superb film. It's a great children's story and the film is absolutely spot on. It couldn't have been made better today; it's really timeless. It may not be to a grown man's taste (or Mike's :p), but that doesn't stop it from being superb.

Other than that, just The Dark Knight as a blemish :p
Best Film:
1. Gone With the Wind
2. The Wizard of Oz
3. The Godfather
4. Casablanca
5. E.T.
I've never seen GWTW or Casablanca, they don't appeal to me. The Wizard of Oz was ok when i was a child, but I'd probably find it crap nowadays, same applies to E.T. The Godfather is awesome, but I do have a hardon for mafia related stuff.

Best Comedy:
1. Airplane
2. Monty Python & the Holy Grail
3. Some Like It Hot
4. Young Frankenstein
5. Tootsie
Airplane is awesome. Any film that I can watch a thousand times over and still laugh is a brilliant film imo. Airplane is what, 30 years old?, and nowadsys people quote it and laugh. I don't think a month goes by without me hearing "...and don't call me Shirley."

I can't stand Monty Python. Some Like it Hot was piss-biscuit, it failed to make me laugh. Never seen the other two.

Best Science Fiction:
1. Star Wars
2. E.T.
3. Avatar
4. The Matrix
5. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
I can understand why Star Wars is number 1. It is a good, wholesome family film. I'm not a big lover of sci-fi, but I have seen Star Wars countless times.

Avatar was a big screen jobbie. The Matrix was entertaining and a brilliant concept, but ultimately boring.

Best Musical:
1. The Sound of Music
2. Grease
3. The Wizard of Oz
4. Singin' in the Rain
5. West Side Story
Hahah, Grease. My brother and I watched that films many times when we were young. We used to recreate the Greased Lightning scene with the car, it was amazing.

I don't like musicals, songs ruin films. The only exception in my book is Mary Poppins which is a guilty pleasure.

Best Action:
1. Raiders of the Lost Ark
2. The Dark Knight
3. Lord of the Rings - Return of the King
4. Die Hard
5. Gladiator
Out of all of them, Die Hard is my favourite. The rest can suck my balls, especially The Dark Knight, which I walked out half way through when I saw it at the cinema. Turd.

Best Suspense:
1. Silence of the Lambs
2. Jaws
3. Psycho
4. The Shining
5. Pulp Fiction
The Shining is excellent, the part where the toddler is riding his trike through the hotel is brilliant. SOTL is also great. The films in the top 5 certainly deserve their place, but I personally think there are other films that should be in there.

Best Animation:
1. The Lion King
2. Toy Story
3. Beauty & the Beast
4. Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs
5. Fantasia
Another "meh" genre for me. I loved Shrek and the South Park Movie. I'm not keen on this Disney tripe.

Best Character:
1. Forrest Gump
2. James Bond
3. Scarlett O"Hara
4. Dr. Hannibal Lecter
5. Indiana Jones
Yes, a good selection here, but Bond deserves to be top imo.

Best Line:
1. Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. (Gone With the Wind)
2. Go ahead, make my day. (Sudden Impact)
3. I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse. (The Godfather)
4. I'll have what she's having. (When Harry Met Sally)
5. Here's looking at you kid. (Casablanca)
Meh, nothing from Airplane. I really don't like these sort of pretentious quotes. When watching a "classic" film, I hate waiting for the "money shot" line delivery.

Best Kiss:
1. Gone With the Wind (Gable-Leigh)
2. From Here To Eternity (Lancaster-Kerr)
3. Lady & the Tramp (Tramp-Lady)
4. An Officer & a Gentleman (Gere-Winger)
5. Casablanca (Bogart-Bergman)
Can't say that I really pay attention to snogging in films.

In conclusion, there is nothing unexpected there. I'm sure that if Britain did a similar thing, the results wouldn't vary too much. When people are asked these questions, people rarely think and plump for the most unimaginative, standard answer.
Ian, I avoided watching both Casablanca and Maltese Falcon for years, thinking "they're just not my kind of thing". I was completely wrong. Everythnig you see about them seems to be Bogart being this kind of hard-ass sex symbol winning the girl in a twisted romance kind of thing.

In reality, they're actually really solid "bloke" films and Casablanca went from being a "not my thing will never watch and won't believe the hype" to "bollocks, probably one fo the best films I've ever seen". I was very disappointed in myself ;)

GWTW was tedious tosh though.

Young Frankenstein is good, but I much prefer Blazing Saddles from the Mel Brooks camp. Although YF has some fantastic parts played, but in terms of LOL moments, Blazing Saddles has it.

Tootsie I saw when I was about 14 and loved it. I couldn't really tell you much more about it now though. Some like it hot I really enjoyed, but it was very subtle; one of those films you just enjoy being carried along with, rather than the guffaw a minute you get from Airplane.

Monty Python I love, but I think Life of Brian is a much stronger comedy than Holy Grail. My biggest issue is the constant quoting of both films (but particularly Holy Grail) by students. I mean completely constant too - stupid students.
Most of them I would agree with tbh.

I am a bit shocked First Blood is not listed as a top action film as it is fantastic.

Best Character:
1. Forrest Gump

I could think of hundreds before his name would come to mind lol
It's generally wrong, a very Americanised skew there I feel (obviously, as the poll was done in America), but you get what I mean.

The categories annoy me too, because some of the films don't fit into their category. ET is not a sci-fi film, Pulp Fiction is not a 'suspense' film, whatever the hell that is.

I agree with Gump as top character though <3
nadroJ said:
Pulp Fiction is not a 'suspense' film, whatever the hell that is.
Jaws, Psycho and to a certain extent Silence of the Lambs (just because it's ****ing awesome) are pretty much perfect examples. I really liked the Shining as well, but Pulp Fiction doesn't belong in that company. No.
I'm too lazy to go through commenting on the rest of the lists, as aside from the action list there's not a lot else to agree with, and Avatar is of course made of why. I think Ian's hit the nail on the head when he says that those polled just went with the most obvious answer, and resulted in another fairly uninteresting set of results...
Best Film:
1. Gone With the Wind - Good, but not THAT good. Might be more of an American thing. Scarlett is FAB though <3
2. The Wizard of Oz - Yes, fabulous. Not the second best film ever, but, worthy.
3. The Godfather - Very dull film.
4. Casablanca
5. E.T. - Bit dull, bit gooy, bit gay.

Best Comedy:
1. Airplane - Yes.
2. Monty Python & the Holy Grail - YES.
3. Some Like It Hot
4. Young Frankenstein - Yeahhh.
5. Tootsie

Best Science Fiction:
1. Star Wars - I guess. Not "best", but, HUGE impact.
2. E.T. - No.
3. Avatar - Don't insult me.
4. The Matrix - Yes.
5. Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Best Musical:
1. The Sound of Music - Hell yeah.
2. Grease - Nah. It's good, but, not that good. I suppose it is a proper classic though.
3. The Wizard of Oz - Yep.
4. Singin' in the Rain - Ugh, I watched this about four times this weekend for an essay. It's still FAB though <3
5. West Side Story - Really, really dull. And full of Mexicans.

Best Action:
1. Raiders of the Lost Ark - Yeah I can go for that.
2. The Dark Knight - Yeahh.
3. Lord of the Rings - Return of the King - Yep.
4. Die Hard - Yep.
5. Gladiator - No.

Best Suspense:
1. Silence of the Lambs - Yes, it's awesome.
2. Jaws - Yes, fantastic.
3. Psycho - Yes, a classic.
4. The Shining - Read the book, the film is dire.
5. Pulp Fiction - Um, AMAZING film, one of the best... suspense...?

Best Animation:
1. The Lion King - Yes.
2. Toy Story - No.
3. Beauty & the Beast - Yes.
4. Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs - Yes, proper classic.
5. Fantasia - Yeah.

Best Character:
1. Forrest Gump - He is fab.
2. James Bond - Yay for England.
3. Scarlett O"Hara - Yeah, she's FAB <3
4. Dr. Hannibal Lecter - Yeah.
5. Indiana Jones - Yeah

Would be most of my comments. They got it pretty damn right IMO.
Ben said:
5. West Side Story - Really, really dull. And full of Mexicans.

Puerto Rico btw....

Forest Gump as the no.1 character? Don't make me laugh!

Plus I don't believe ET to be one of the best films ever, maybe Shawshank could of fitted in there at no.5.
furie said:
Wizard of Oz is a superb film. It's a great children's story and the film is absolutely spot on. It couldn't have been made better today; it's really timeless. It may not be to a grown man's taste (or Mike's :p), but that doesn't stop it from being superb.

I'm not saying that it is a bad film, as it's quite good, but top 5 of all time stuff? :?