In times like this, we must refer to the Bible for answers...
And Jesus said to his disciples, who were all cred whoring away at Heide Park, "Come my whore disciples, let us experience the great Colossos, and then we shall tick it off on Coaster-Count." But one whore did not have faith in Jesus' teachings, and his name was Judas. "Tell me Jesus, I have experienced the Colossos once before, and yet I believe it to be a new ride. May I still count it as a new cred?" Jesus looked at Judas calmly. "No Judas, for the soul of the great Colossos remains the same." Judas frowned, and asked "And what about Desert Race, does that still count if I've already ridden the great Rita of Alton Towers?" Jesus again responded calmly, "Let's not go into that now, and anyway don't bother with Desert Race, Colossos ****s all over it." Judas hung his head in shame. "Sorry Jesus", he said. "That's okay Judas", responded Jesus, "Just make sure you never betray me again."
Corinthians 5.15