Indiana Beach is now open for the season, lots of updates coming out of the GOD BLESS AMERICA Triple Loop.
For starters, work is nearly done on the station. They're still doing some pavement work, but the building is pretty much completed minus electrical and fencing, with possibly a new control panel to boot;

Mindbender's trains did indeed arrive from Edmonton and are in storage behind Cornball Express.
However, Gene Staples did confirm that they won't be directly used on Triple Loop. Perhaps they'll eventually get used for parts, or maybe management will put them on display. This was very much a
lets get them so we have them scenario and nothing more.

In terms of the actual trains, however, they've finally emerged into the spotlight and will soon be placed on the track. as per maintenance staff, they've been almost completely built from scratch using the original Schwarzkopf blueprints. Expect a pair of 5 car trains to be put in service;
In some unrelated and somewhat random news, they've got a carnival pirate ship on site for no reason in particular. Indiana Beach, Niagara, and Clementon all have perfectly good swinging ships already so I suspect this is yet another
lets get it so we have it scenario. Why the hell not. Just an excuse for coaster background photos in the thread.

Overall though these are really exciting times indeed. All photos (
except the train reveal) were taken by my friends OneClickGang and Thrillseekersandhellraisers on Instagram.