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Infusion Vs Nemesis

Which do you prefer?

  • Infusion

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nemesis

    Votes: 2 100.0%

  • Total voters


Hyper Poster
In light of Snoo's 'Most hated' topic, I thought why not? Could be interesting?

I actually think that Infusion is much better than when it was Traumatizer. I love the new colour scheme, the water fountains, the station, and there are very few flaws with the coaster, visually. I actually think it's one of the nicest coasters to look at I've ever seen.

However, even though it's much smoother than what it used to be, in contrast to Nemesis I believe it's nothing. The intwining of Nemesis is great, the themeing is incredibly overated, but nice, and the coaster itself if very fun!

Also the fact that Infusion is one of the worlds most common track style, it kinda takes away something from the ride. So I've gone for Nemesis, but not by such a large gap as I would've originally expected.

Your view?
Nemesis for me.

Can't see many going for Infusion, apart from the BPB Fanboys, although it does look better in its new surroundings and colour.
Nemesis without a shadow of a doubt easily. Though Infusion is just what Blackpool needed in that space between Big Dipper and Big One.
No comparison.

One of the best rollercoasters in the world VS a standard Vekoma SLC.

It may have had a lick of paint and some fountains added, that doesn't mean it can come anywhere near Nemmie.
Nemesis will win easy. I like Infusions colours and the fountains ect.. But it just looks **** compared to the one and only, nemy.

I will find out what infusion's like to ride in 53 days.
Until I ride Infusion (maybe later this year), I can't really see it beating Nemesis in my point of view, so Nemesis I shall vote in this poll.
bezzzzzer said:
. So I've gone for Nemesis, but not by such a large gap as I would've originally expected.

Your view?

Jesus Bezzzzer ! What have you been smoking?

Infusion is not a patch on Nemesis. The only thing that makes Infusion bearable is its colour scheme and the fact that its fun riding an SLC in a tightly fitted area.
Let me say one thing, Nemesis sucks.

But, Infusion has to be even worse then Nemesis. I hear it's rough, the appearance of the ride is awful, it looks skank and the gimmick of the ride (water) is so pointless.
As a neutral party in this... Nemesis easily. SLC's... suck.. no matter how smooth they can be, what they look like, or how they are themed. Nemesis is a very unique ride and 'maybe' the best in the world.

We'll see if that title holds up... or if its just 'Millennium Force' Fanboyism striking again.. haha
Nemesis. By far. The ride is awesome, It is well paced apart from when it travels through the loop, It's surprising how smooth the ride is after 13 years of service, It has great themeing and I just love it.

Infusion, Or Infush!t as I call it, Is an awful painful pile of **** by Vekoma, Which PBB claim pulls 33g's! The ride isn't very well paced at all, The second inversion is just pain, And nothing else, The rest of the ride hurts as well, I felt very claustrophobic in the bulky restraints, Which means that you can only see ahead of you. If the restraints were changed to the type Jubilee Odyssey has, Then it would be a poor ride, But not painful.
I think that infusion has a nice theme to it and works well with the fountains and water, but nemesis will and has one by miles.

I can only say this because Nemesis Inferno is a great ride to do and if that is, then so is nemesis and that's like nemesis Inferno's big brother.
And i like that, also nemesis has good themeing and works well with all the rest of the rides and the park.
I love the new colour scheme

Ugh, the colour scheme on Infusion is disgusting! I'm sorry to any Infusion fans but I absoloutely can't stand the colour scheme, and that blue is just, blah.

I've been on an SLC and though it wasn't too horrible, it still wasn't a great ride, by any means. I'm pretty sure almost every B&M Inverted coaster would beat out a Vekoma one, anyday.

So, Nemesis, not to mention Nemesis is one of the Inverted coasters I most want to ride.
This seems like a very n00bish poll to me.

But, c'mon? A common coaster that can be found all over the world, or a unique coaster ranked 3rd best in the world?
^It was started because me and Rach had an argument over these two coasters, Because she said that Infusion is better than Nemesis over MSN, And I posted it in Snoo's poll whch caused an argument.
Well I have been on Nemesis and have not been on Infusion. I really like Nemesis but the fanboys of it really piss me off when they keep saying it's one of the best coasters in the world. It's to short and the stall turn and the turn after the loop are so boring and forceless.

Well I think Infusion looks ****. The restraints look horrible and I heard it was rough.

So Nemesis by miles.
Tony- you might not like it, but Nemesis IS one of the best coasters in the world. I'm not a Nemesis fanboy, I was back in 94 when I was 14, but since then I went on it so much that I got tired of it. However after riding this and last season (then for the first time in 2 years) Nemesis is now my 3rd fav. Nemesis is amazing, it's one of the only coasters that when I come off (and you gotta be on the front seat) I am just blown away by the design and visual intensity.

I think in the case of UK natives, the fanboys and familiarity breeds contempt against Nemesis. While it ain't as forcefull as BTR, it's 10 times the ride. I know you like BTR better, but if you got to ride both for the first time this year I bet it would be Nemesis that blew you away.
BTW- I think Nemesis and BTR are both 10, just that Nemesis is in another league.

Erm... anyway back on topic- rode Infusion on weds this week, will post a trip report soon, and it was ****. The OTSR's worse than Odyssey's because they run right up close to your ears, and your ears get a nice bashing durring the ride. It's the bog standard SLC and it rides like that- borring and some annoying spine jolting in the second half.
Infusion is a 5.
I'm with jakemac, I actually think that SLC's are great rides, they just beat you up a bit much. I suspect that Minor_Furie (Traumatizer never gave him a clobbering) would tell you that Infusion is better than Nemesis, as he found Nemesis very pedestrian and dull. Actually, maybe he did take a massive blow to the head after riding Traumatizer.

Anyway, apart from the pain, I think that SLC's are great rides, but, as with everyone else, they just aren't in the same league as Nemesis (which still makes me feel wowed the first time I ride it in a while).
Nemesis beats Infusion.

Kumali beats Nemesis.

Jubilee Odyssey beats Kumali.

Basically Nemesis is a lot, LOT better than Infusion. This reflects on how bad Infusion really is because I dislike Nemesis as well :p