- OTSR on a model that runs just fine without them (and the other 2 in the SW/Busch family also have them)I really don't know why lap bars on an inverting coaster is a surprise in 2018. Did anyone really expect anything else? Hell the other S&S in the US for 2019 inverts with lapbars as well.
Yeah I guess Premier is a bit of an outlier, but there is a reason for this. Apparently FT's seatbelts are a pain operation wise and they're trying out the comfort collars to see if they would be more efficient.OTSR on a ride in a park with another coaster from the same manufacture without them...
Maybe not the best coaster for me, but certainly the most impressive. I mean, it's a hypercoaster with nine inversions. At 67 meters, it's approximately as tall and fast as Superman at SFNE, but it goes upside down a lot too. Sure, it's likely that Copperhead Strike will be the more finely crafted ride, possibly a better ride experience, but the sheer scale of Steel Curtain surpasses everything built in the US since Fury 325 or so. It brings back pleasant memories from back when certain chains seemed to be building 50-meter multi-loopers in every park every year. It is a rare instance of a park daring to build a big coaster again without making it a classic hypercoaster.^OK now that is awesome. Definitely best new US coaster of 2019.
I don't appreciate how slow this thing is going up compared to other coasters:-
That was Gerstlauer though. Their track doesn't fit together when it arrives on site.Yeah like don't you remember the Smiler's construction when there was snow? Work stopped for literally a matter of weeks I seem to recall; at least progress is being made here!
That looks cool in the dark.It's slowly growing:-
Photo by Coaster Fans & News.