CF Legend
The hop into the brakes looks like it may carry some airtime! Although that cutback doesn't look very tall.
I mean I thought it would be taller in proportion to it's width.Was the cutback meant to be tall..?
Interestingly, rcdb is now calling the first inversion a "Drachen Fire Dive Drop":
But oddly, Steel Curtain is the only coaster with this element. Drachen Fire doesn't have it:
Couldn't find a backwards pov on youtube, is it still around?Drachen Fire's drop didn't have to be called "Drachen Fire Dive Drop" because it was already on said ride.
God knows why they want to pay tribute to Drachen Fire on this coaster, that ride was the definition of infamous. I never got to ride it but just a reverse POV showed how horrible alot of the elements rode. I know times have moved on, but S&S still doesn't have a decent record with track shaping, maybe they seek inspiration from other sources.
That name comes from ECG's interview with Joe:
Not exactly Drachen Fire-style, but the inspiration is obvious.
(Also a big thanks for this interview, it was great to finally put a name to a face!)
Leave it to Kennywood to build this. Each of their roller coasters has something, even just a bit, different than your typical finding.The low elements seem to be oddly shaped, but surely they'll ride fine. The uniqueness of this ride is going to give it quite a bit of charm.
Looks like two supports was removed