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Last Cred Review

I rode Operation Enterprise about 2 weeks ago in Moviepark Germany.
I had quiet a high expectation but i must say, It wasnt very smooth for a 'new' Mack ride....
It's definitely a backrow ride with the twisted spine being the best element of the ride.
For me it didn't exceed expectations, but for the park a good addition. I still really like it tho, it was just not as good as i thought it would be.
I rode Loch Ness Monster, which in a parallel universe would have been my 200th coaster. Really enjoyed the ride, such an epic placement within Busch Gardens for the double loops, and swooping in and out of crowd view. Also hadn't a clue about the indoor helix with sound effects - love that much hasn't changed on the ride over the last 40 years!
Hit Knotts today for a solo cred strike mission. Hadn't been in 20 years so it was like a new park for me.

  • Hangtime x1 in the 2nd to back row. Pretty cool but I get why Gerstlauers are somewhat polarizing. Wasn't rough but definitely rattled quite a bit. Fun ride nonetheless.
  • Xcelerator x1 in the front and x3 in the back. That launch is definitely punchy. Makes me want some KDK and TTD now. Like it a lot. Front row seems to be the call for me but the back really whips over the top hat. Good times.
  • Silver Bullet x3 in the front & 1x in the back. My first B&M invert other than Batman at SFFM. The layout is fun but definitely not as snappy and forceful as Batman. I really enjoyed it though.
  • Ghost Rider x1 in the back row. That thing is fun and in the back some of the drops throughout the layout caught me off guard. Definitely my favorite woodie for now.
Met some nice people in line too. Today was a great day.
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Universal Studios Singapore. I'd been a few years ago and got all of the open coasters but the Battlestar Galactica dueling coasters were down when I last went. They are a pair of dueling launched Vekoma coasters, one sit down with no inversions and an invert with multiple inversions.

Human (Sit down): more intense than expected, especially the final low helix. Not much airtime but some nice pops. Mostly smooth too, a few rattles and shakes. A solid 7/10. Too intense to be a family coaster which is probably what they were aiming for.

Cylon (Invert): A nice layout, pretty intense and smooth too. The in-line twist is lots of fun, as is the opening Cobra Roll. I would love to see an SLC with this track type. 7/10.

They weren't dueling when I was there on the first day, they were on the second day but with queues of 50 minutes I skipped them.

Amazingly they kept it running through a Singaporean rain storm. Vekoma have accidently created a water coaster! I've never experienced anything like it, like having bathtubs of water thrown at you when you turned any corners.
^Don't think they were aiming for a family coaster, they were aiming to make them duel, which made Human's layout somewhat comprimised. Surprised you liked it as much as Cylon. Rain ride sounds great.
^Don't think they were aiming for a family coaster, they were aiming to make them duel, which made Human's layout somewhat comprimised. Surprised you liked it as much as Cylon. Rain ride sounds great.

It's more than I prefer sitdown coasters over inverts. Inverts are intense but I like the visuals as much, if not more, than intensity. Looks to me like they duel when they are both on 2 train operation, if either or both are on single train operation they dispatch separately. I agree that they could have done more with the Human side, I'm itching to get on Lech coaster now after Human!
Last rode Beast at Kings Island a few weeks ago. Not a new cred obviously but still great. Rode it front row just past midnight. Just completely sexual as always. Not a great ride itself but man does that ride kick it at night. That helix is a wonder, especially after 30+ years.
If you want the last new cred I rode, then Revolution at Blackpool Pleasure Beach would be my contribution. And I must say; I liked Revolution more than I expected to! There were good forces during the loop, the backwards element of the ride was good, it was quite smooth with only minimal rattling and there was even a little bit of airtime! So all in all, I really enjoyed it; nothing earth-shattering, in my opinion, but a good, solid ride that I really enjoyed!
6/10 (3 stars)

But if you want the last cred I rode full stop, then Wicker Man at Alton Towers is my contribution! And what can I say; I absolutely love Wicker Man! I've ridden it 3 times since it first opened, and it's definitely my favourite wooden rollercoaster! I managed to get on the very front row of the train for my last ride, and I absolutely loved it despite comments that the ride was inferior in the front row! The pacing was brilliant as ever, the ride packed a good punch and felt really wild, it was very smooth for a wooden coaster (definitely the smoothest woodie I've ridden!) and I overall loved it! And that's just the coaster itself; add in the theming and it becomes something quite special, in my opinion! However, one factor of Wicker Man that I feel is a downside is its airtime; I'd say it only really has 2 or 3 mild pops of airtime. The pops of airtime it has are good fun, but I wouldn't say they're overly strong or sustained compared to other coasters I've ridden. Although that is just me being extremely picky, as airtime isn't Wicker Man's focus! Overall, I absolutely adore Wicker Man, and I hope that you can all experience it for yourselves if you haven't already!
9/10 (4.5 stars)
For me the most recent "new" ride was Eurosat Can Can Coaster.
The queue looks pretty cool, and the roller coaster itself is now pretty smooth, the airtime bumps are a new addition. But the new theming and the new soundtrack just suck, I found the new Eurosat just boring. The roller coaster got upgrade, but to me the experience of the whole ride was a huge downgrade. It was one of my favourite roller coasters, now it is just meh.
My last new credit was Valravn. I confess I was never much of a dive machine fan. I found SheiKra and Griffon to be solid rides, but lacking much of interest beyond the two drops. They just struck me as pretty bland rides. I know Valravn didn't quite add much to the formula, but even if it was just the zero-g roll that made the difference, it did enough to convince me that a well-built dive machine could be an excellent attraction. There's something to be said about the fact that in spite of both it and Steel Vengeance being new credits, Valravn was getting more enthusiasm in my assessment. I think Steel Vengeance was the better ride without question, but where it didn't quite reach my expectations, Valravn blew them clear out of the water.
Crazy Caterpillar - David Irvin

Rode this today at the Crystal Palace Halloween funfair.
It's a pretty ropey one, with weights in the back seat to make sure it doesn't stall.
Nice jolt halfway up the lift too :emoji_no_mouth:
The Voyage at Holiday World was the latest victim. Hit rode it some 10 times, including 8 straight for the last hour of the day as well as the very last train of the night. Still one of my favorites, including the BEST single coaster experience you can have, Voyage at night. 10 out of 10 with sex all over the place riding that puppy. :)
Back in July, I rode Valravn at Cedar Point and I thought it was just so bleh. The drop was eh, the ending wasnt as good as i expected but the 270 roll was pretty fun, but the rest was just forgettable. It is a fun ride though, and the views of it and of Cedar Point on it are AMAZING. Still cant fully redeem the ride, so Im gonna give it a 6/10.
Well well well, I’m a bit sad to say I’ve had kind of a disappointing experience on Railblazer at California’s Great America today. I’m used to finding shoulder straps a bit detracting, but they’re not always the end of the world (look at my number one!). These, however, I found quite uncomfortable, especially with the very strong airtime the ride has. It was disheartening that every time the coaster did something really impressive, it was tainted by the harshness of the straps. It’s an excellent coaster in most ways: the airtime, the pacing, the flow of elements and it’s perfectly smooth until just before the brakes. But very sadly, I can’t say it was particularly re-rideable or living up to it’s full potential. I’m sure the fact I’m incredibly skinny has something to do with the discomfort; if I had more padded or muscular shoulders it probably wouldn’t be much of a bother. Still, can’t help but be resentful it doesn’t just have a nice lap bar or something.

Tl;dr - Impressive coaster, uncomfortable restraints, least enjoyable RMC.

Don’t even get me started on the operations / throughput because I just can’t even... XD

Best thing might be that it’s so cool to watch it zip around that tiny twisty track.
The Voyage at Holiday World was the latest victim. Hit rode it some 10 times, including 8 straight for the last hour of the day as well as the very last train of the night. Still one of my favorites, including the BEST single coaster experience you can have, Voyage at night. 10 out of 10 with sex all over the place riding that puppy. :)
How did that ride track this year? I'm pretty resilient to roughness on wooden coasters, but the way it rode was one of several reasons why I found Legend to be the better Holiday World coaster on my visit last year.
How did that ride track this year? I'm pretty resilient to roughness on wooden coasters, but the way it rode was one of several reasons why I found Legend to be the better Holiday World coaster on my visit last year.

It's significantly improved. Last year, my limit was three laps in a row but we were able to ride much more this past weekend. The only spot that truly needs work now is the final few turns from the cross over the base of the lift to the brakes.
It's significantly improved. Last year, my limit was three laps in a row but we were able to ride much more this past weekend. The only spot that truly needs work now is the final few turns from the cross over the base of the lift to the brakes.
This. It was extremely noticeable where the retracking ended and the parts that were retracked were quite comfortable (well as comfortable as the forces voyage provides can be). Hope they're able to retrack the last part soon.
How did that ride track this year? I'm pretty resilient to roughness on wooden coasters, but the way it rode was one of several reasons why I found Legend to be the better Holiday World coaster on my visit last year.

What the above said (we did all go together). I did find that some seats were rougher (non-wheel compared to wheel) but a majority of the ride was pretty damn smooth until after the on-ride picture.