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Monster, Rel. B&M Invert (Walygator Park)

From Ameworld discussion board .

Hmm... Walygator's site says it's expected to open on April 10th, but I can't see it reaching that deadline at all.
Off the top of my head, I can't think of any, but I could swear I remember one or two that have.
Firehawk showed up at KI in it's X-Flight green and indigo.

I would believe most relocated coasters are painted during or after construction if they are trying to have the ride open quickly.

Goliath at SFFT though was painted before construction at the park, mostly because they had the time too.
My bet is its quicker to paint a coaster after it's erect, because you don't have to paint the ends of each bit of track, also you can open a ride even when the painting hasn't been finished, and it is also common to repaint coasters with a different colour, and that usually happenes pretty quickly, so must be easy.
Yeah I'd guess it wont open full re-painted, if they re-paint it at all that is.

They could just do a Drayton and spend 4 years re-painting it :p
It is great that they begin to build the coaster, but they have a problem. With the bad weather report of this winter, they were not able to put all the foundations.

For the painting, they can paint it a few days before the opening as the Park Astérix for Goudurix in 2009.
Surely It would be more efficient to paint the bits of track that haven't gone up yet? That way, they can get most of the track painted and worry about the supports once it's open.
A French reader has kindly submitted some photos (merci!) but is unable to post images at the moment and considers his English to be a a tad ropey (although I think it's better than some UK members!). The following text is from him, I'm only acting as a copy & pasting agent.


Good evening everyone, I'm new to the forum! I am able to send you information on this coaster (opening files, ...) I'm French and I speak a little English! so please excuse me if you do not understand me! but it inportante photos!

Here is some pictures of the March 18, 2010:






Here is some pictures of the March 20, 2010:





Here is some pictures of the March 26, 2010:



Here is some pictures of the March 27, 2010:









These are the pictures that you miss! coming soon!

Exclusive: the local newspaper announces Lorraine coaster opening in late May!
plus you can see the last picture that trains are in the storage area
:p :p :--D :--D
Thank you Ian, for posting the photos below!

Photos will be soon, at least I hope! :wink:

As you can see the foundations are as and as well as rail supports and the rails in question?
The workers will no doubt begin to build the descent and the loop!

if you want to see the pictures from the beginning!

go to my blog (in French) is from page 6 cool)