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Monster, Rel. B&M Invert (Walygator Park)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Anonymous
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Is there only one train?

Yeah there's only one! I always found it strange. Esspecially as the ride has the MCBR from Raptor. But still, this ride would be capable of having 3 trains I hope this isn't a busy park, as the queue will suffer.

I think they will build a maintenance shed though! I can imagine it's hard to take the wheels off in the station/brake run. The shed usually have a special rail to allow for this.

...click on the image for original size!
SnooSnoo said:
Wow.. never seen a park put the train on before the circuit is complete. :)

Said it two pages ago. :P

It is coming along nicely though.. but still have a significant amount to go.
^^ Nice!!

That picture also answered the train issue as well, you can clearly see 2 trains on there, one with yellow wheel covers and one with red.
I guess that they might have a third train for the ride, but since Expoland ran it without any MCBR then I would guess that they didn't run it with more than 2 trains on it...
UC said:
Is there only one train?

If so, the park might not bother installing a transfer shed...it's rare on B&Ms that there isn't one, but I suppose it's not absolutely necessary...

So where do you plan to do maintenance?
Actually, there's three trains. The third one has pink wheel covers and can be seen behind the yellow one, behind the tree.
I guess that they might have a third train for the ride, but since Expoland ran it without any MCBR then I would guess that they didn't run it with more than 2 trains on it...

Did they actually fully remove the brakes? Or did I complete dream that up! I swear i read somewhere they did.

I can't find any pictures with no brakes.
^ (previous page) I'm fairly sure that's just track. The pink bits through the trees are not in line with the yellow train, they're higher.

EDIT: Wow... I must have been slow with this reply, well off target.
sorry, I is not had time to translate what I wrote on the forum (the photos below are mine!)

voici les photos tant attendu d'hier !!

photos prises du train a 12 h !

Photos prise depuis le walycoaster a 12 h 30 !!

photos prise depuis la future entrée du coaster a 13 h !!

- vus du chantier en général :

- vus des 3 trains:

- vus des rails prêts a être fixés et vus rapprocher du chantier ave apparition d'ouvriers:

Photos prises depuis la grande roue a 13 h 30 :

Photos prises de nouveau devant la futur entrée du coaster à 14 h, on peut voir les ouvriers travaillaient UN SAMEDI :D

Photos prises de nouveau au walycoaster a 14 h 30 !

Photos prises de nouveau a la grande roue a 15 h 30 :

Photos prises de nouveau a la future entrée du coaster a 15h40 :

Photos prises depuis l'aquachute a 16 h, on peut voir que les supports se changent :

ET pour terminer voici les photos prises du train a 18 h :

Beaucoup de photos mais de bonne qualité et interressante ! je retournerais au walygator, peut etre une fois cette semaine ou la dernière semaine des vacances ! :D

[ Les photos sont mises en lien car d'une cela prenait trop de place et de deux toutes les photos ne s'affchaient pas ! ]
Looks like they have 3 trains on the track...
Yellow, Red/green and Green/red.

Wonder if they would rebuild the brakes on the MCBR so that they are able to run 3 trains on it or, just leave it with an extra train...
Surely it would of been easier to paint it on the ground?

The only downside would be track getting chipped or scratched... but whatever.
To be honest, the MCBR probably won't even be necessary. Even on busy days, I rarely see Raptor with a train on the course (even the latter half) and a train going up the lift.. and that's at Cedar Point.

Shouldn't be a problem at all, hence why they were removed in the first place.
^^^ Maybe because when I rode it in September 2007 it had no brakes on the MCBR, the picture above and the picture I posted on the first page of this thread from when I visited the park:

Maybe the inspection of Expoland after the Fujin Raijin death in early 2007 discovered that the MCBR on Orochi was badly maintained, and Expoland removed them so that they could open the ride as soon as possible after...
Let's stop talking about the coaster brake, but think again! Here are the pictures all fresh:



^ I was thinking that, and I dont think it would. One train would probably be more than enough, but you never know.

They're probably doing the same as what Thorpe did with Stealth, 3 good trains mean they can hopefully always have 2 operation (though that did go straight out the window at Thorpe :P)