I have a full CD quality copy of
Pendulum - Immersion (I know, cue "You are a pirate!" and such...My CD version has just been processed and paid for by Play, so it's not all that bad).
I'm so impatient, but listening to it twice, I can now say my feelings on it.
Ok, it's not amazing, neither is it poor. It is bog standard Pendulum. Unfortunately, it isn't back to Hold Your Colour - which I do <3 - but it's a lot more like it than In Silico was.
It has a few decent tracks on it which I've fallen in love with (Watercolour I've been in love with for weeks now and have amounted to 46 plays on my iTunes, and Witchcraft which is the second single that Pendulum are releasing - both great tracks) and most of the other tracks are ok, but will grow on me.
One track I have to admit I detest is Self vs Self. I only hate it as it's full of skreamo-ish vocals which I simply find awful. Skreamo is not music. Without the screaming, it would be an ok track, but the screaming just ruins it. But not problems with any other track.
Overall, a nice
7/10 so on similar grounds that I felt after getting my In Silico album. I suspect it - like In Silico - will grow on me very fast though.
CD arrives Monday.
EDIT: Listened to it 5 times all the way through now. I'm starting to ignore the horrid screaming in Self vs Self, I feel that The Island Part I is very dancy, almost like something I'd hear in a club rather than at a D&B fest.
I'm liking Salt in the Wounds, Crash, Set Me on Fire and the vulture a lot more now, and my views on the album are going up