^I think some guys at Walibi Belgium would object to that. Perhaps the technical team at Arrow as well. Or even old Kinzel, who spent millions building world's most power- and maintenance-requiring ride for the sake of nagging a record or two. At least, Leviathan is bound to rake it in on the financial side. While enthusiasts say "Meh, two coasters that are exactly alike", the public say "OMG! Two giant rides at the same park! It's cool because I can ride two big-ass rides while paying only one ticket! This makes Canada's Wonderland a better holiday option than [park] because [park] only has/hasn't one superbig coaster!"
(I will keep on repeating this until somebody objects to it, 'cause every time I bring the marketing perspective up, people change topic. But if you want to quote it and reply to it, do so in the Leviathan construction topic)
On topic, though: This looks promising for Nemesis, at least. It looks like its position is cemented for a few more years, with this tie-in attraction and all. We can put all the "looks like Nemesis will only last a season or two more"-talk aside for a few more years. Alton won't invest millions in a new ride, only to ditch the coaster it's based on the year after.